Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

I wish my son would apply to Xavier but alas, he has vetoed it thus far.

Happy birthday and good luck to your son!

My kiddo is applying to SLUā€¦. And we wonā€™t be able to visit beforehand. :rofl:. Sheā€™s at a middle of no-where boarding school now, so donā€™t think the remoteness would bother her.

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Any things we must do? Visiting on Thursday. Thanks!

I would look at Univ of Dayton too if you are traveling to see Xavier. Another great school for this group. My S really liked both schools.


Great school but he took it off his list. So many kids from his school go there and he wants a change. :woman_shrugging: We may just pass by it! Lol

I know several at the University of Northern Colorado, who are very happy there. I know they have a wonderful musical theater program.


This is good to hear! Itā€™s on our potential RD list!

I donā€™t post much on CC, but have been a stalker for a few years. We started our S23 school search with some schools I initially heard about on previous 3.0-3.4 threads. Heā€™s improved since freshman year and brought his GPA up, but these threads have been a lifeline full of parents of typical happy kids who have more than a 4.0 GPA going for them. Heā€™s applied to a handful of schools EA, half 100% safety and half likely/match. Today he got big envelopes from 2 of his safeties saying that he is not only accepted but got scholarships at each! As he read the letters, his eyes grew to about 3 times their normal size, and I swear he got 2 inches taller with pride. It is easy at a very competitive school (especially with a younger sister who is an academic rockstar) to feel like a failure if you arenā€™t taking all AP classes and getting straight As. He looked at me and said, "Itā€™s unbelievable!'.

Neither of these schools is his top pick by far, but if for some strange reason every other school rejects him, he has 2 options. Itā€™s so nice to feel wanted and validated and know that you are enough just as you are. He hasnā€™t stopped grinning all evening. I really think he worried that no school would want him.

THANK YOU to everyone who has ever posted on the 3.0-3.4 threads. CC tends to be full of kids who are 4.4 GPA 1550 SAT kiddos who cure cancer in their spare time. But thatā€™s not who most kids are. Our kids matter and will find success too. I swear I would hug every one of you if I could.

His 2 safeties that came today are from University of Mary Washington (in state) and University of Maine. Applied to each EA the last week of October. The merit scholarships were not a surprise to me since they both have a low GPA to qualify for merit (hence why they are 100% safeties), but we didnā€™t point that out to him so it was very much a happy surprise to him.


Glad he has acceptances!

My sonā€™s 2 acceptances thus far are not his top schools either. However, both could potentially be financially reachable and he would probably be happy enough at either. So it is good to have at least some options.


LOVE this update! Thanks for taking the time to share.


Congrats! Wonderful news.
My daughter is a Nursing student at the University of Maine. We are also OOS.
All-around, itā€™s a really great place. The location is pretty far north, but itā€™s coastal and not a difficult place to access, right off 1-95. Also itā€™s ~10 minutes from Bangor.
Check it out! Iā€™d be happy to answer any questions if you have any!
Although itā€™s generally considered a safety school, certain majors (like Nursing & Engineering) bust the admissions bell curve at places like UMaine.
I think that really adds lots of dimension to it.
There are lots of diverse programs and strong students from everywhere in the US, plus top notch athletics and facilities.


@AnonMomof2 I also went to a middle of nowhere boarding school in CT before SLU so I wasnā€™t as shocked with the remoteness of Canton as my kids were. :slight_smile:

S23 went to visit Eckerd for their open house this week. I wasnā€™t able to go because we have anew puppy at home but he and DH had a great time. I was very interested to see if it would stay at the top of his list once he visited in person and it did.

He loved the campus, it was very lush with lots of green space and trees, he liked that there were grills all over and of course there is water all around. He said the actual buildings are very dated on the outside but fine on the inside. Even though it is a small school (2,000) it is a large campus, he even said he was afraid heā€™d get lost it seemed so big.

I asked if he could see himself making friends there because I knew they have a reputation for being kind of hippy/quirky which he is not. He said the kids on the student panel seemed like that but the kids he saw wandering around campus after were more of a mix so he felt confident he could find his crowd.

He will hear before Christmas so if he gets in I will get to visit after that.


We live in Tampa and Eckerd is a great community. Have him scour them Eckerd Instagram pages for various groups and activities. We have a good friend whose daughter attends there and she is definately not the hippy type girl for sure.

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This thread has brought me so much peace in the college process for my DS23! Especially after coming of the heels of a super stressful application process for my high stats DD22. The irony in all of this is that there is a very good chance my son (3.2) will end up at a higher ranked college than my daughter (4.8) :laughing:. I believe they will both be happy with their choices so that is what is most important to me.


Grateful for this thread as well. It gave me a lot more hope for S23 and merit. S23 1260 SAT may end up with more money than S21 with a 4.7 1480 SAT.
Happiness goes way beyond ranking no matter what the stats.


Fun with homophones! :rofl:

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@pishicaca :joy: :joy: :joy: And to think, I thought of myself as a little ā€œhippie-ishā€ when I was younger. :joy:

@Pinkmama100 Thanks! They loved St. Pete so much. My husband grew up not he east coast of FL but had never been to St. Pete before.


Big difference between, ā€œPhi Mu? Thatā€™s the hippie sorority.ā€ vs. ā€œPhi Mu? Thatā€™s the hippy sorority.ā€

Thank you for this thread! It is so easy to get down about all of this and this is great to hear!
Also great to hear about Maine specifically - one of my kids applied last week of October so fingers crossed he hears soon.


Absolutely thrilled for your son. Mine has also applied to University of Maine.

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