Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

My son has applied to 18 schools. I hear you on the wide net.

Hope she finds her fit. (We have a family member heading to Kent State next year for fashion type major as well. She deferred a year.)

I have a DD who is a senior at Kent State majoring in Architecture. She has had a wonderful experience there and is getting sad about graduating. Their fashion program is incredible, and highly ranked. My 23 was also accepted for architecture, but not sure that is what he wants to major in.


D23 has her first acceptance and it came with $24k per year in merit money, which was thrilling. The package brings the cost below our state flagship. She is going to college somewhere for sure! And we all liked this college a lot. She still has a lot of apps out that she is waiting to hear back on but it was so great to have her first response be an acceptance. Once she has everything in hand I’ll do a post with acceptances/offers/rejections and school names. I feel like if I overshare now I might jinx things!
She’s a solid B student. 3.3 average, 1000 SAT/didn’t submit scores. 2 AP classes. I wasn’t sure if substantial merit offers would happen for her so this was really heartening!


Congrats to her and so awesome!!!


So thankful for this thread
 when I first came on here it gave me so much anxiety that I had to leave. It seemed like everyone’s kid but mine had a 1520 + 4.5 gpa. D23 is really smart but she just doesn’t take school too seriously (much to my dismay). On the upside, she is holding everything loosely and doesn’t have a “dream school” which is nice bc I know she won’t be crushed if she doesn’t get into a specific school

She goes to a small private school in Dallas. 3.3UW gpa with a few honors science classes and 2 AP’s, 1320 SAT with decent EC’s but nothing over the top. She applied to several schools, mostly targets + a few reaches, she wants to get out of Texas and away from life centered around football. We have heard back from 3 so far:

  1. Loyola Chicago - $21k/yr merit
  2. Lake Forest College - $34k/yr merit
  3. Trinity College Dublin - unconditional offer

Waiting to hear from Lewis & Clark, U of Oregon, U of Vermont, Mount Holyoke, Smith, University of St Andrews, University of Glasgow, DePaul & Bryn Mawr.

I feel so much better and like the pressure is off now, best of luck to everyone waiting to hear more the next couple of months!


That is quite a wide net in terms of location of schools. Some very cool options there. Has she visited them all, like the ones overseas? Asking purely out of curiosity. Congrats to her on the acceptances she’s received.

Yeah, we went to Scotland and Ireland over the Summer. My family lives in Washington and Oregon so those we have been to a lot and we drove down through New England in early October when she all of the sudden decided she wanted to look at women’s colleges. She’s a bit all over the place so I’m hoping she’ll have options in the end but I know all three of the women’s colleges are reaches
 never hurts to shoot your shot :slight_smile:


If she’s interested in women’s colleges she might also check out Agnes Scott and Hollins. Still in the South but not Texas and pretty open and accepting schools. Agnes Scott is particularly diverse.


I tried to get her to look there but it was a hard no. She wants out of the South entirely and prefers somewhere cold.

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Congratulations on acceptances. What course of study did she apply to at St. Andres and Trinity - Dublin?

What is her major? I am wondering because I live in Chicagoland and never thought about Lake Forest as an option. I applied to DePaul but haven’t heard back yet.

Joint honors Philosophy/Sociology

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I think it was just to the school of arts - undecided major. She applied to that one awhile ago and I don’t see a major listed on the acceptance letter.


That’s wonderful news, @1999 - Lake Forest College is such a nice place. I visited a friend there when I was in college, and my god-daughter almost attended but ended up at Macalester instead. Nice to hear that they are generous.

We are waiting to hear from more schools here. That first acceptance was so nice
and the rest are all EA so answers should come in soon. But the waiting is the worst!

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Son got an “application canceled” email. We think we know what the issue is but still was a little odd to see. At least it wasn’t a rejection (as he has applied at only academic targets and safeties).


D23 received second college acceptance the day before Thanksgiving. Another generous merit offer and a lovely note in the letter about her common app essay as well as a hand written comment from her specific admission officer about her supplemental essay at the bottom of the letter.

Hopefully she’ll receive a decision from her last application before Christmas and then can weigh her options.


I haven’t heard of this
what does that mean?

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The application cancelled was a fluke on the admit end where we had a free waiver code and for some reason it didnt go through.
Had to email the college and they were able to fix. Got the admit email the next day (Ball State).


This thread has been so helpful to me in thinking about college options for my daughter and in helping me frame choices for her since she was fearful of the process and unsure of what she wanted.

I’m posting to contribute to group knowledge since I learned a lot from other people’s posts.

My D23 was accepted to Rollins College ED, Presidential Scholarship
Undecided major

She is black (I am white) and adopted. She did not really talk about this in her application but it’s clear from the demographics section.

We also met her admissions counselor. So, we checked the demonstrated interest box.

3.7 UW, 4.02 W
Test optional
2 APs - APUSH and Art
other classes mostly honors, some regular math and science

ECs: volleyball and track, theater (dance captain), honors choir (section leader, outstanding student award), some standard community service activities

She has ADHD so the standardized tests were difficult for her. She’s definitely more into art/music than other subjects.

She fell in love with Rollins on the tour. I’m from Florida and I went to summer camp there (eons ago). We went to tour it when we were visiting family. We toured several other schools but this remained her first choice.

She liked the small school feel. She needs small classes and people who will know and support her. She’d get lost in a big lecture class. She also hates winter (we live in Mass.).

Rollins will be expensive but we are fortunate to be able to manage it. I want for her to be in a place she feels comfortable and can succeed in.

She was also accepted at Flagler with $6000 merit.
Applied to: University of Tampa, UNH, URI, Howard, Stetson

We probably won’t know if she would have been accepted to the others since we have to withdraw the applications.

Good luck to everyone working on applications or waiting for decisions.


Congrats and hope your Daughter has a great experience at Rollins!

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