Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

They don’t all get into first choices. My 3.9 unweighted- 36 ACT didn’t get into her first choice but at least 4 at her HS did. Will be scrambling over the next few weeks and hoping for better results with the rest of the list.
This is tough for lots of kids and parents!


Two more rolled in yesterday:

Drexel University and University of Rhode Island. Both with Merit

So out of the 13 schools she applied to- only one rejection, one deferred and one still waiting on. The deferred is a top 3 choice and they suggested sending 1sr semester grades.

She is torn because her top 4 choices are all different type/environment of schools. She has been in person to all her top 4.

She does when to see URI as she has loved Rhode Island visiting as a kid. I told her we can go in January bc I would want her to get a true sense of the cold and dark weather (we live in Florida)


My son is a freshman at Denver and loves it. His professors have been amazing (let’s just say he got off to a slow start with class attendance and doing college level work) but they were awesome about reaching out to him and getting him on track. The campus is beautiful and there is so much to do in the area. He has made so many great friends. We live 2000 miles away but he’s seen lots of his Denver friends over break as there are kids there from all over. And he really likes the quarter system so far. He can’t wait to get back and start skiing. They generally offer very few classes on Fridays so kids have a 3 day weekend.


So many great choices! Which is he leaning towards?


What is his major? Do you know if there is anything like sports analytics or tv production or information technology within the liberal arts school? What about music/entertainment industry. Thank you for telling me about your son’s experience there, it sounds great. Oh and I also heard they’re getting like a facility off campus where kids can spend time before freshman year maybe?

U Denver did recently acquire a mountain campus.

No idea on those specialty areas of study - I would definitely do some research. It started out as a liberal arts and sciences school and recently got it’s R1 Designation.

Awesome! I love seeing everyone’s happy reports.

Good news here, too. D23 has been accepted at Drexel, Suffolk, Endicott, and Johnson and Wales - nice merit at Suffolk and Johnson & Wales. She was deferred to regular admission at College of Charleston and University of Denver and did not seem too disappointed, they are the farthest away from us and I know she has thoughts about having to fly back and forth.

So, no rejections yet. I know there is still one more school she is waiting on, and a few more schools that she might apply to last minute. But Suffolk was her first choice and she was so happy about that news…kind of hoping we are done? I guess it ain’t over til it’s over! I’m relieved that she has some nice options.


Our D23 has done better than expected so far. We are so grateful for some wonderful options. A couple of the schools didn’t come down in price with merit quite as far as we’d hoped but hopefully if she wants one of those we could still negotiate later or get creative. It’s not a big enough difference to cross one of the list if it turns out being THE ONE.

She is still waiting to hear from her top 3 favs however: University of Rhode Island, UMASS AMHERST and UW Seattle which won’t be till March. University of New Hampshire is still a top candidate too, depending on the money.

This feels amazing.


It’s a big relief, right? I have a few European friends and university is so cut and dry for them - you meet the qualifications and it costs under 10K US $ per year to go to a top school in Germany or Holland. Our system is like a wing and and a prayer and…

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I don’t think there are classes there for the full quarter, more like a short study or research project.

But the rest of the school is great with lots of activities on and near campus. Winter sports like gymnastics, hockey, and basketball draw crowds. Lacrosse starts in Feb. The ski team is already at it but that’s not much of a spectator sport.


Most of our kids would have been branded as second tier and sent to trade schools.
Grass is not that green on the other side. Sorry.


@1dadinNC , one friend has a super student and a not so super student. Not so super student is just going to a different university abroad - not the top tier one as his sibling. He’s not shunted off to vocational school. But there’s still a place for him over there. That said…I’m not saying it’s better in Europe, I just spent the last decade working for a German company and see the limitations, it’s just that it’s a very *different system with less uncertainty.


College attendance has gone up throughout Europe. Now more than 30% of young Germans, and nearly 40% in the UK, will further their education at college. That would likely cover the CC universe.


Point is that kids are stratified very early. So, late bloomers are unfairly penalized. I believe in Holland, gymnasiums students are earmarked as early as 13. Those are the ones that have the best shot at becoming a lawyer, doctor, engineer etc. I am not saying the system is without merit but it is not for me or my kid, who is average.


Are you sure? Very few parents have “average” children. 95% of parents I’ve spoken with say that their child is anywhere from above average to off-the charts above average. :wink:


I had the last two average students and they graduated from college in 2018. The rest of you all have to be from Lake Wobegone where everyone is above average.


He is a business major at Denver so I don’t know much about other majors.

The mountain campus is for weekend retreats and different clubs can use it. The freshman were all assigned a different weekend in the fall to go up there as part of their orientation.


Since we are discussing U Denver - my D23 has a question: How important is it that one is a skier to fit in socially? My D is a skier but can’t ski due to injury. She doesn’t know if/when she will ski again. Along those same lines, does the campus empty out over the 3 day weekends?


No, the campus is very active on weekends (I live very nearby and drive in that area all the time). There are hockey games, gymnastics meets, the Jr League holds their holiday sale there in Nov, there are high school hockey games when there aren’t DU games (or basketball - the court is over the ice). There is public skating. There are a lot of music concerts, plays, political speakers… some for the community, some just for students. The rec center is always busy with the sporting events and it has a work out center (open to the public too).

I don’t think everyone is a skier. In fact, most of those I know are not skiers and are more likely to do something downtown than go to the mountains. Downtown is accessible by light rail. The way college hockey works is that the teams play on Friday and Saturday nights, so if the DU team has a home weekend, the campus is busy on both nights. (but you can never find parking on ANY night!)


Very true, I’m sorry. This whole college process is tough.