Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

S23 has completed his first week of summer camp (camp staff training). It was weird with him not at home. He did not reply to any texts during the week but did call me back after I called him on Friday night. He had two nights at home before returning to camp and then will only have 24 hrs off during future shifts because campers are now checking in and out. I was able to see his camp dorm today, which he has to himself. He’s probably never going to live at home again aside from visits. It is a big change.

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Graduation done, now on to orientation Weds/Thursday - grad party Sunday. I’m going to relax and enjoy July & August but when I think about drop off…well, I’m not going to worry about that now…

Is he at a scout camp? My son is at the one in Birchwood, WI - no dorms, though, just tents. And I feel you - mine will literally have 36 hours between camp ending and leaving for move-in. How will we do this? :weary:

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Yes, mine is close to home in Southeast Wisconsin, he has a dorm w/ac which is pretty nice. He missed the deadlines to find a roommate and so will be randomly assigned to a dorm/roommate. That is OK. All the dorms at UW Stevens Point are comparable for the basic ones.
He will be OK. I am chatting with another mom whose son is going up and her kid has applied for jobs. I will see if my son wants to get on a job right away. I was able to see his schedule and want him to put his schedule in his phone for fall semester. Two months until classes begin.
What I like about camp is that it will be similar to college. It feels like a good transition.


D23 also went random for a roommate. She finds out her dorm etc this week. And she signed up for a “leadership” pre-orientation experience so we will drop her off 3 days early. It’s a late start at Suffolk anyway, so now she will be there at the end of August instead of first week Sept. Orientation was great, she left feeling excited and happy about her decision. I want to enjoy the next few weeks of summer and relax before we drop her off! RELAX. RE-LAX!
I mean it.


D23 roommate has the same first name with the same (not as common) spelling, the same initial for his last name and is the same exact major as my son. They will probably already get confused within the program and now they have not only the same dorm, but the same room. They are also in the same RLC (Residential Living Community). He is in a double suite (two doubles with a bathroom between) and all 4 boys are OOS. It was a little anticilmatic as we knew which dorm he’d be in due to the RLC and he had already formed a roommate group online.


WOW – Same thing happened with my daughter her freshman year- roommate with same first name and same first initial last name… indeed it was strange but it ended up being ok!

Not same program BUT there are 3 or 4 girls in her program with same first name.

And here we thought we were SO unique and creative with her first name back in '04… :melting_face:

My son also went random for a roomate. He is in an overflow situation that is supposed to have four students sharing a lounge space that has been converted to a temporary dorm with two sets of bunk beds. He has emailed the three other guys and heard nothing back.

Also, first semester bill is due in September. Fun times. It is getting real.
S23 finished his job at camp and its home for a little while until college move in. Time to make the most of this time together before he leaves… sniff.

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We just finished up paying first semester this year for both D20 and D23. Ready to not spend any more money this year but know we will get spring semester bills before Christmas.


So my son is in danger of failing his first math class. He scored an F on an exam that is 30% of the grade and so he is somewhat likely to fail this class. This is an 8 week class that is supposed to lead into a second 8 week class.
The drop date is October 5.
What should he do? Any advice? Thanks.

What happens if he drops the class. Will he be missing credits? Not have enough math classes? Has he tried to seek out extra help with teacher? What does guidance say?


I think he might not have enough credits. The class is structured into two 8 week sessions that progress into the next. There is one lower math class but it is too late for him to drop and take the other class. I am not sure what to do.

talk to the school counselor.
get a tutor pronto.


Have him meet with guidance ASAP and set up tutoring. Maybe there are options to get his grade up.

Yes to this. There has to be a path for him to pass (assuming he gets tutored and brings the rest of the grades up).
