Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yes, my husband is self-employed too so not sure what $160K combined income and $40K EFC will actually mean when it comes to financial aid (maybe a little?) and merit. We refuse to pay $40K and our target is SUNY prices (around $25K.) We managed to get my daughter’s COA to $23K so we are hopeful but not overly optimistic since that was in 2019 and things have changed in recent years. Just for fun, I tried the NPC at some of the more generous meets-need schools like Harvard and UChicago and it was less than $20K which shocked me but Northeastern was $37K so who knows what the actual price tag will be? We have 2 great SUNY options that my son really likes so I’m not too worried, overall, but it’s definitely frustrating to feel the NPC might be unreliable.