Strong linguistics schools?

Financial aid is a year by year thing too. Some schools will promise to give the same aid for 4 years IF THINGS DON’T CHANGE, but they do require you to reapply year after year. They also expect you will work and earn money during the 4 years. That is harder for international students but not impossible.

My daughter had many international students at her school. Some were rich, some had grants from their home countries, some lived very cheaply. They didn’t just arrive and expect to be housed, fed, and educated for 4 years. They had a different path than US students. It was an engineering school so many of the internships and co-ops weren’t available to them (must be a US citizen for many government jobs). Some went back to their countries for the summer and worked.

You have received a lot of information in your many posts. Start applying to the schools you think best match your needs and go from there. Most of the schools are going to require a lot of paperwork from you that will take a while to gather. Look into the visa requirements and gather the paperwork for the visa. Work and earn more money.

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