Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Best wishes for a great number! :crossed_fingers:

I think it’s a hidden gem of a school (and would be swamped with applicants if it weren’t in eastern Washington!).

It’s a small thing, but one thing that stood out to me is the responses S23 or I received over the last year when adults would ask my kiddo what schools he was considering; he’d go down the list of many SLACs and there would be nods and smiles, yet once he said “…Whitman,” people’s eyes would light up and they’d say: that’s such a great school!

And even then, it often wasn’t someone who’d attended themselves - it could be their spouse/cousin/sister/co-worker/friend/etc. who went there and had such a fantastic experience that it had even rubbed off on them. People just had such warm enthusiasm towards Whitman even before knowing it was my kid’s first choice.