Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Does she want to go OOS ? Limits on location ? What are her stats ?

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Western Michigan is the dream school for one of my son’s friends. He wants to play a sport there, though, so I get the impression it is a long-shot for him, but I hear really good things!

(I thought I would throw that out there since the same 100 +/- schools get mentioned on CC all the time -with a bit of a coastal bias as well. I, for one, have heard a lot about Western Michigan!)


Son says “too close to home” but its solid in music, has the big public vibes, plus might be affordable so i made him add it.


My S23 also just accepted to LoyNO Honors College. We are about 2.5 hours away and have visited. Just signed up for the Wolf Pack Honors Only preview day. Hubby is taking off as he hasn’t seen it yet.


Same. While he is excited about some of his options, my fairly high stats son has been EA deferred 3x now to schools his stats and EC resume should have gotten him into. Test optional is ruining everything for some IMO because of the increase in applications. Just so much to go through some are getting lost in the shuffle. Sadly it most likely won’t be reversed until the graduation rates drop and the transfer rates increase. {sigh} Chin up


DD23 got an email from a school that they are missing her FAFSA. When I log in to fafsa it is there. Anyone else have this issue?
I am having her forward the email to me but just curious.

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Have her log into her admissions portal and see if it shows up there.

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It says missing in her portal and she got a personal email from the FA office. When I log into FAFSA it shows as submitted 12/28 processed 12/29. I made a correction 1/10 and it shows there as well. It wasn’t on there when she did her original FAFSA in October- her list changed and I added schools.

One of my classmates did Yale spring start. She graduated and has the degree just like anyone else now.

They do it for lots of reasons.

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2 more exciting acceptances last night means that D23 has been accepted to 11 schools and has 2 more still pending. Those 2 are TBD in late March but I almost feel like she has written those off in her head at this point because that seems so far away! Lots of great choices and she’s definitely VERY interested in following the $$$ and also those that are showing her the love via honors, special opportunities etc. vs. getting caught up in rankings or prestige. She’s definitely better at that than I am! (Thankfully!)

2 interview weekends (tOSU & CoC) and 1 admitted student visit (USF) scheduled over the next 6 weeks so I’m hopeful she’ll start to be able to really narrow down her choices after that. We’re a little jealous of those who did ED or had a clear “winner” in their acceptances and are now done - the limbo and emotional back and forth is a little exhausting. So excited and yet so anxious for these next few months!


Yes - we had this happen twice with FAFSA and once with CSS. (3 different colleges)

In all cases, we had done the initial submission correctly, but the schools were having issues getting it. I called the financial aid offices - sometimes it required a follow up email or call as well, but in the end they were all able to get what they needed without me resubmitting anything. I’d recommend calling the college FA office directly, and they will figure it out. Good luck!

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The school is for sure listed in the SAR?


Yes it s listed in the SAR.

Is it harder get in to Computer Science or Computer Engineering in UMD? Since I am seeing so many threads about students with strong academics getting into honors but then getting to L and S .

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Digital Dad shared an article about how colleges can no longer count unfinished applications when reporting their admission rate to the federal government.

The article said to expect admissions rates to increase and for certain schools to remove barriers to applying.

It’s funny to me how low admissions rates attract more people to apply. The psychology of the situation intrigues me.


Both are very competitive, especially for OOS. CS OOS is supposed to be in the upper teens (acceptance rate). Don’t know the acceptance rate for CE, but possibly similar.

UMD honors programs are designed around specific areas of interest and involve special classes, unique networking opportunities and living-learning dorms. They are much more holistic about honors selection because they want well rounded honors cohorts from a variety of majors. CS and CE direct entry are much more stats based.

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She got a 34 on the ACT, GPA 3.7 unweighted, 4 years varsity lax, AP calc BC, I would have thought she’d get in for the fall. Of course, they never want to go to their state school, but UVM is another possibility, they had a good financial package. I’ll just be happy when she decides and the fun planning starts :slight_smile:


Very nice campus. I loved the football stadium right in the middle of campus

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As Groucho Marx put it:
“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member”

Or more prosaically, college is a “Veblen good”


S21 had an issue that he didn’t put his SS# on something at his school since it said optional and it couldn’t link. Anyway this could be the problem? When he logged into his school account it listed his SS# as all X’s.