Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

There is still a lot of time between now and college application. I have seen students who did not seem interested suddenly want to attend college when their mates are applying. Keep an open mind and keep an eye on requirements. Things tend to fall into place and work out well.


this is interesting about PSAT scores . . .


This got me to log into my kid’s College Board account to look at score release dates, and I found the following:

When to Expect Scores

Students can get 2021 PSAT/NMSQT scores on December 6 or 7, 2021 depending on their location. Educators can access scores in the K–12 reporting portal starting November 29, 2021.

So basically, they’ve scored them and are done with everything, but they’re letting most everyone twist in the wind for an extra week just for the lulz.


Yes! Our school has them but has not put on naviance (and I assume won’t until after kids get them). D saw it on reddit and looked!

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I went to Naviance and logged in for the first time in about 4 years and it still only shows my D17. I guess the school needs to set up the Jrs?

I logged in to Naviance, only last year’s scores are in there (SAT and ACT, not her PSAT though).

Our school doesnt use Naviance. They do have Xello. Does anyone know if that program gives out info like Naviance? I have an email how to GC but not sure how quick that will be responded to.

Just checked Naviance and last year’s PSAT scores are still in there. Our school is very slow about updating scores though; it took them five months to process SAT scores.

My daughter’s 11th grade PSAT and junior year SAT scores weren’t added until a few weeks into senior year. They just don’t see that as a priority.

Thanks for this! I just checked Naviance and my kid’s score was in there. She won’t be happy with it since she struggles with standardized tests. But, this gives her a decent SAT score to shoot for with a little prep, which she didn’t do for the PSAT.


Note it’s easier to score higher on the SAT assuming she has the math through Algebra II. It’s just a more forgiving test at the top scores than the PSAT. My daughter scored 50 points higher on the SAT she took the month BEFORE she took the PSAT. From my reading that wasn’t a fluke.

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Remember though that PSAT is out of 1520 and SAT is out of 1600. So that 50 points means the scores were about the same if you calculate percentile.


Same with my son, scored 70 points higher on the SAT a month before the PSAT. He’s not a NMS candidate like his brother was
 and won’t improve his SAT score unless he finds some motivation to study. He’s in a tiny school so I think they just gave the scores to all 20 or so students who took it.

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Actually they are supposed to be equivalent - a 1420, for example, on the PSAT should be roughly equivalent to a 1420 on the SAT. In my daughter’s case those extra 50 points put her up a couple of percentile points on the SAT vs. PSAT. The equivalency should work better at the lower end of the test, but if you’re at the top having a few extra questions on the SAT gives you more of a margin for error.

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Ah- ok. My kiddo’s score went up 30 points from the PSAT to the SAT one month later. 10 in Reading/Writing and 20 in Math. But her Math PSAT was 98th % and SAT 97th %, so the higher score was a lower percentile. Confusing. Reading and writing were both 99th.

Yes I agree. it is really only close to equivalent up to the middle-ish range. 2-3 errors =1570-1580 SAT is essentially the same as 1500ish PSAT, a huge point spread. At the top end, almost all errors are careless so the two tests do not correlate on numbers at all. I think percentiles do a better job of correlation.


We’ve started to plan out college tours for spring break. I didn’t know if anyone else was thinking that far ahead yet; D23 has a yen for the west coast so I am trying to figure out the smoothest plan for a 6-8 day trip. I’m a planner by nature, so I have already started the deep dive into driving routes, weather, side trips, etc.

Anyone else planning a spring break college tour trip?


S23 is performing at disney for spring break so no college tours then.

Only tentative college drive thrus planned are on a visit up to Twin Cities in April. Not sure official tours will work out but I wanted him to walk thru U Minn and U of St. Thomas if possible.

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D23 performed at Disney her freshman year; it was such an amazing experience, your son is so lucky to get a chance to do it!

This will be D23’s only ‘big’ tour
we are putting together a list of schools that hopefully hit not only schools she is interested in but also a good cross section of small and medium sized campuses, in cities and in more suburban locations so she gets a good idea of what kind of campus she likes.

The rest of any possible trips will be short day or weekend trips, but I am hoping we can get a list of 6-8 schools together by the end of this year so she is ready to start her applications this summer. Having done this process once before I know they earlier you begin, the earlier you finish and the rest of senior year feels so much better.

D23 is planning on applying EA to as many schools that offer it as she has on her final list. Her older sister was done with applications by mid-October of her senior year and deposited by mid November to her 1st choice school. She loved not having to think the rest of that year about college. That has a lot of appeal for D23, so we have our fingers crossed that she will liked some schools that offer EA.

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If you let me know what schools you are interested in seeing, I might be able to help with your west coast trip.