Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

No spring break trips here, because (a) travel time, since we live 1,371 straight-line air miles away from the nearest OOS college, and (b) I’m running an online academic research conference that week. But I’ll be interested in hearing y’all’s reports, perhaps especially @Momof3B’s, since I’ve been on tours of Trinity twice, once with the older two in 2016 (I think it was) and again with the younger two last year. (And did you mention St Mary’s? My D19 toured that one back in 2018, but while visiting grandparents and I wasn’t there.)


No tours. We will be at Disney.


DFBDFB - i remember where you live as our states rhyme. How do you feel about your kids going so far away to school?

We’re taking D23 on a few Spring Break tours:
Northeastern, BC (self tour), Syracuse, Cornell (self), Lehigh, Barnard (self)

It’s our D’s first time in the NE (coming from TX), and she says she wants cold weather. I don’t think she knows what real cold is :slight_smile:


It’s built into the plan—they’re all interested in things that either aren’t offered by or aren’t at all strong at any in-state colleges—so it’s more a shrug than anything else.

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I would like to, but D23 may be going home with a boarding school classmate out of the country. If that falls through then we will do some, not sure where. Still don’t have a concrete list of schools of interest from her.

We are planning visits for first week of April - Hamilton, Vassar, Smith, and MoHo and also likely to see two without official tours (Wesleyan and Brown).


@nichols51 Could I ask a favor and would you please post your and your daugther’s reaction to Vassar, Smith and Holyoke? Those are all on D24’s current long list, so any and all info you get while visiting would be greatly appreciated!


We have a California spring break tour planned.

Santa Clara, St. Mary’s of California, University of San Francisco in Northern California.

Loyola Marymount, Occidental, Whittier, Cal Lutheran and USD in Southern California.

We have 11 days to get through this schedule, it is going to be pretty packed but I can’t wait to see what D23 thinks of California and these schools. Hopefully we will have a much better idea of what she is looking for at the end of the trip.


We’ve had a hard time nailing down college visits with our D23, which is a big change from our experience with D21. Even with Covid, we visited dozens of campuses all over the country, fitting them in along with vacations and visits to see extended family. Today, though, D23 agreed to a spring break visit to Colorado. We lured her with a few days a fun ranch where she and her dad went a few years ago (while D21 and I were on college visits, in fact!). She’s agreed to throw in a visit to CU Boulder and CSU while we’re there, so I’m calling it a win!

She feels no sense of urgency but likes the idea of visiting people she knows at schools within driving distance. There are at least 5 or 6 on her list within a 3-4 hour drive, so we’ll plan to do that when the weather warms up a bit.


I have no idea if we are going to visit schools over Spring Break, too many moving parts with EC.

However, I am very much looking forward to hearing detailed reports about everyone’s visits. I’m also up for learning about some unknown jewel. I’m going to miss visiting colleges once the twins leave.

To the point that I have started looking into moving to a college town. If I was typing this in the summer, I would say Massachusetts was in contention (but not with 2 feet of snow currently falling). So current favorites are Charlottesville and Williamsburg.


Happy to share!


We are from Southern CA and my D23 wants cold and snow too. I don’t think she has any idea what she’s asking for! In April we are touring a school in WA and 3 in Minnesota! :cold_face:

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Utah or Colorado are the perfect solutions for a kid from CA. Snow and skiing but also lots of sunshine, even in the winter.


We are going cross country for college visits over spring break. UWashington (Seattle), CU Boulder, UMich, Rice, Tufts, BU, Brown, Harvard is the current plan. We have already done a bunch of East Coast visits including Wesleyan, Amherst, UPenn, Swarthmore, Princeton and Haverford.


We will be in Minnesota in April as well. Not sure time will permit but would love to at least do self tours of 2 schools.

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Yikes! That’s a wide range! All in one week? :flushed:

I think I’m grateful my kids are not into college visits and we have a very short list.

Safe travels and have fun!

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Nope we have a 2 week break but yes it’s a lot of flights! But I think very important to visit during school year and there aren’t many chances to do that without missing school.


For those with kids coming from sunny climates, a word of warning: Make sure that your kid doesn’t have seasonal depression.

My D23 has seasonal depression, and has it bad. But being from a far northern state, we know this, and so one of the first filters we ran on her college spreadsheet was a solar energy cutoff. (The federal government has a database of that information for people interested in setting up home solar systems that you can search by zip code. Not our reason for using it, but that doesn’t make it less useful.)

But a good friend of mine lives in Arizona and sent their child to Cornell, and sometime during his first semester they discovered how bad the child’s seasonal depression was—and that’s not an optimal time to learn such a thing.

Seasonal depression affects a minority of people, and for most who experience it it’s very mild, but knowing whether it’s likely to be an issue is a useful piece of information for those among us who are casting a wide geographic net.


We are planning on seeing Carleton, St Olaf, and Gustavus Adolphus. My D will also be meeting with the coaches and some players. Hoping two full days is enough time! I’m also hoping for a late snow storm so D can get the full MN experience lol.