Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

“To make sure a section score from any SAT is equivalent to that same section score from any other SAT, regardless of its level of difficulty, we use a method called “equating.” Equating is a universally accepted statistical process used for all standardized tests. It ensures that scores are fair and valid for all test takers.

Some people confuse “equating” with “grading on a curve,” but it’s not the same thing. When a test is scored on a curve, your score may change depending on how everyone else performed on the test. Your SAT score is based only on how you perform. It’s never affected by other students’ performance.“

From the college board website


There isn’t a curve. Have your kid take a practice test at home (previously administered exams are available to download for free) and then grade it yourself. You’ll understand how the grading system works. It is not at all dependent on how well other kids do.


I ended up calling college board (and holding for an hour) she said for some reason his score is not reported but the system would tell her if there was a problem with all scores from the testing center or a problem with the student (suspected cheating, ultra high score etc. . .) and there is no notation to that effect. Thus its just a normal computer matching mishap. She said its not terribly uncommon with how many scores they are matching up to college board accounts. In case it happens to someone else she opened a “ticket” and gave me the ticket number and said it would update and notify my child at his email he uses for college board in about 5 days. So, fingers crossed. I would really like to be done with the testing!


Took S23 on college visits today, Claremont colleges are out. He did not like the vibe of a small school. He wants the college town, facilities, etc… of a bigger school like his sister attended. Good info to have moving forward.


Has he looked at Davis?

He has not. We talked about how if he likes slo, he’ll probably like Davis. I don’t think he wants to visit any UCs until he’s accepted. They feel like such a crap shoot right now. He may get into none, he may get into several.



Our college counselor had predicted this will happen based on feedback she’s received from admissions people.

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Any thoughts from yourCC on whether other top colleges will follow MIT?

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She did not, though her contact network is strong with schools in the top 30 (and more of an eastern bias). She had a theory last year during our S21’s application cycle; she speculated that schools would see a difference in performance for TO admits in the more quantiative fields and that this might lead to changes down the line (lower grades, more transfers, changes admission policies, etc). Her hypothesis was based on the notion that it’s very challenging to compare kids from across the country (and the world) and that standardized tests (even with their flaws) gave admissions people a useful data point. IIRC, she felt that some schools would change direction for the '24 kids (she was unsure for the '23 class).

The reason I have this so fresh is that she’s retiring this year (after 15 great years at our school). We were talking about replacements and this topic came up; how will TO shape the landscape.


my S applied to STEP too! So super bummed that it was cancelled! We are scrambling to find something similar but sadly some deadlines have passed. He applied to one at UIUC but the deadline had already passed so we don’t have much hope. Although the app was still live.

Does anyone know of similar programs? My S is super interested in the environment and thinking that environmental engineering will be the most hands on way to do something about it. I wanted him to have this exposure to engineering so he’d be sure what to apply for in the fall. Ugh.

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So far, the University of Colorado Denver’s residential music industry camp is still set to be in-person and residential.:crossed_fingers:

I’m quite surprised anybody is making decisions on summer camp modalities just yet—I would have expected that sort of thing to come down mid-April or so.

re: cancelling the camp: still not quite understanding why. If a kid is sick, then call the parents, and get the kid home. That’s what any camp would do with any sickness, right? My mind is still circling on the rationale of that all. We are going to look at KU’s summer engineering camps, and Missouri S&T’s camps. (midwest here).


Does anyone know when scores will be released for the March 26th (makeup) SAT? We are in New Jersey and our test center was closed on March 12th due to snow.

We just signed up for a “free” summer camp at Wichita State - they have a slew of camps but received a huge sponsorship from AT&T for 3 select STEM camps - “Imagine Engineering an amusement park”, “Drone Camp” and “Solar Energy camp”. Link if anyone is interested -

With my husband’s job still up in the air (he is doing contract work now), we cannot commit financially to anything, if that makes sense. I hope that this camp sticks!


ACT score in.
Gpa 3.4. Diagnosed with adhd and started on meds 4 days prior. PreACT tests predicted 30. No studying beyond what they did in class.
He got a 35.


@2plustrio WOW!!! :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4:

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Anyone else have a kiddo taking the ACT tomorrow? Mine is taking it for the second time. She wants one more point. First time there was no prep. She’s at boarding school, so I haven’t been able to observe any prep this time but she said she has done some. Fingers crossed!


My twins are taking the ACT at school on April 19…second try for both

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Good luck to all the kids taking ACT! I know many do the SAT, and I was starting to think the ACT was just a midwest thing.

I know my kids school does do quite a bit of focus on ACT prep when they come back after holiday break as they make all juniors take it in school the beginning of March.