Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I think my son needs a bigger school as well. For our financial situation though most of the affordable schools are small.

As for LoyNo, it would be my hope that having some access to Tulane and a big city may even things out.


My daughter loves it and we love it as parents! I’ll message you!


My hooked STEM kid is interested in MIT. Very determined in her pursuit to study engineering, with a 1450+ SAT/4.0 unweighted GPA. Ranked top 4%, relevant ECs, plans to submit an art supplement with a couple of state awards. Has a rigorous class with 5s in Calculus BC, Computer Principles & a few others, but 3s in Chemistry, Computer Science & Physics C.

Should the 3s be reported.


In my opinion if schools your student is applying, accept the 3 scores for credit, I would report.


You probably don’t want to hear this: 3s in core science APs signal a serious gap in preparation for MIT. Even with her hook, her chance will be significantly diminished. It’s also not just a reporting issue. Sciences, including physics and chemistry, are part of the core requirements for any MIT student in any major. Does your D realized that those classes will be much much harder than their AP counterparts?


@1NJParent thanks for your response. Yes I understand that, for Physics: Mechanics I find it understandable because she went over and beyond, as the HS prepared them for AP Physics1 - algebra based. Currently encouraging her to resist Physic C Mechanics while preparing for E & M during the next academic year.
As for Chemistry & Computer Science A, I find rather surprising though I cannot speak for classwork compared with the AP curriculum - I would say her can do attitude makes it likely she will be able to cope.


What do you mean? I thought she had taken Physics C (at least the mechanics portion). In any event, she needs 5s in both mechanics and E&M to get course credit at MIT. It also doesn’t give credit for either chemistry or CS with any AP score.

Yes she has, what I mean is re-register for the Mechanics exam next year. Yes, am aware.

In this case MIT would not give credit for Chemistry or CS regardless of score and only for a 5 in Physics C but only if you have a 5 in both tests. They will take the Calc 5.

Most of this discussion seems academic since the impact of reporting these scores or not seems minor compared to how strong the “hook” is. It will need to be very, very strong and if it is, the test score probably aren’t going to make or break it. But I probably wouldn’t report the 3’s, or perhaps don’t report any of the scores as then it won’t be obviously only the best are being shared. Since reporting is optional, not reporting any may be more neutral than selective reporting.


I wouldn’t report 3s, and perhaps not report AP scores at all, and trust to the grades received in the AP classes to be better reflections of performance. Would report strong ACT or SATs.


Agree. If the hook results in a building with her name on it (or there already is a building with her name on it) don’t worry about it, she is in. If athletics it would need to be a very strong need, a friend’s kid with stronger scores and athletic support was just rejected at MIT though I also know kids with those kind of academics with athletic support that got in. If URM/first gen would also need a strong story - maybe a very weak high school - the hook alone is likely not enough of a hook.


Recognizing, of course, that if she had a cold the day of the exam or whatever, then it’s not a reliable measure.

But I’m with @relaxmon on this—there is no need or even overwhelming reason to report AP results of any score on the application unless they’re required by the institution.

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Thanks for the responses so far, @relaxmon a strong story - something to think about.

What will MIT WISE participation indicate?

I would not report 3s to MIT. MITs SAT average is about 100 points above her score as well, but they will not be test optional this fall.


Who knows? It is a hook I think but far from guarantee- even some RSI participants don’t get into MIT. My guess is like with other MIT hooks (other than the donor one lol) it ups your chances to 50%, which is obviously much higher than chances of an average applicant, but not to above that. But worth shooting her shot EA, if she doesn’t get in, maybe do ED2 somewhere else.


I also would not report 3s. And if MIT is test optional, I wouldn’t submit the SAT score either.

I also agree with @1NJParent that having 3s in Chem, Physics C and CS would give me pause about the chances of success at MIT.


MIT is not test optional any longer.


I am torn: If you do not report them, they may assume worse! However, reporting them will likely not be helpful: 3s in all of those subjects (plus her lower SAT score compared to most successful applicants) makes STEM at an MIT-type/competitive engineering or Stem major at a highly competitive school likely out of the question. Attending a less competitive school for undergraduate engineering and re-doing those courses is far more likely to get her to her desired degree/career. There are so many great programs besides MIT /similar schools!


@2Devils thanks. Redoing SAT & Physics C is an option. From my own perspective, 3s in Chemistry & CS was most likely due to distractions and lack of focus.

Thinking about using MIT WISE opportunity to improve her visibility. As for other colleges definitely - she is an AI4ALL ambassador for CMU.

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She can’t redo the PhysC before she applies, so it won’t help from an application perspective. CMU is going to be a big reach for her as well, I am afraid. Just make sure she has some true matches and safeties.

(Oh! AI4all! Mine is an ambassador too! Fun program)