Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I am currently traveling internationally for work, and have been away from home for a few days now.

But the afternoon before I left as I was packing for this trip, D23 comes downstairs and asks what the CA essay prompts were, because she’d forgotten. I go over them with her, and she says (as usual) that she doesn’t have anything to write for any of them.

And then 45 minutes later she comes back in and hands me her laptop, and I look at the screen to see a nearly fully polished despite being a first draft CA essay.

So go figure.:person_shrugging: If I didn’t hate work travel so much maybe I’d do it more often, if it gets stuff like that to happen.:sweat_smile:


First of possibly many common ap questions: Under parents education do you list both medical school and residency school if different. Also, is it okay to list undergraduate school since medical schools don’t show up? Thanks.

my understanding is that residency really isn’t school, and if you want that info in the application for “legacy” purposes you might need to find a way to get it in the essay answers.

I don’t think you can call medical school “undergraduate.” But you can list the medical school and choose “MD” or “doctor of medicine” from the drop down degree menu.


Agreed that is how I handle law school - select the university and select JD degree from the drop down degree menu. Residency is a job not school I think so doesn’t really go anywhere as parents’ job history isn’t required. Agreed if it resulted in some connection the kid made, they can include in the “why here” essay.


I will have my doctorate completed by the time s23 starts college but Im putting highest degree completed as masters.


Makes sense and really doesn’t matter anyway.

That is good to know, but we weren’t considering schools she would have to fly to. Which one is USC? We live on the East Coast so not sure which is in LA. She is not NMF. She is a commended scholar, with a perfect ACT, but that doesn’t help.

University of Southern California in LA

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It was TE gave 80% of the current tuition + 50% of current tuition for Presidential Scholarship (up to some maximum that was less than the full 50%) + 2K for NMF + 1K departmental - so Full Tuition + 13K (off the top of my head remembering from 5 years ago).

After you submit to a college, you can see that it was downloaded by the admissions department. If you think of it as downloaded, it might make more sense that it can’t be updated. They take it at that point in time. Make sure you are really ready when you submit.


I know it was 5 years ago but I want to make sure it is clear for future applicants. TE+ Presidential gives a maximum of full tuition. If TE is 80%, then they used Presidential for the other 20% of tuition. The merit scholarships (Presidential, Trustee, Deans) can only be used for tuition and funds that are not used for tuition cannot be applied to other expenses.

I’m trying to figure out where the $13K came from. Was it $13K over four years or $13K every year? If a National Merit Finalist does not receive a one time $2500 scholarship or a NM corporate scholarship, USC will award the NM Finalist a $4000 scholarship ($1K/yr for 4 years). When your student attended, was it $2K/year for 4 years or $2K spread out over 4 years?

Question on common app. Do we need to submit all college apps to colleges at once or can we go back and submit for colleges which need supplemental essays etc.

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You submit one at a time.

Clueless question: Do parents go on the Common App? If yes, I assume you create a new account and log in? My H and I have done nothing other than facilitate travel for some college visits. Is there a way to see questions for college applications without logging into an account?
I can set one up - it is just one more account and password I would rather not have… I have not clue what I questions or what I really might want to be doing with college application or other apps in this process. Our S23 is our first of three to begin this process…and it is clear he is not interested in talking about anything with us. Fortunately, his school does offer help in the CC dept.

My son just gave me his login info today for the Common App so I could see what it was like. I fixed a few answers to questions that he “sort of guessed” on. Lol! Ahhh, teenage boys.


Then it is moot as they have since changed but 5 years ago they did stack TE + Presidential to more than just Full Tuition and it is possible that NMF was 1K a year and she got a departmental award for 2K a year.

Found my old posts from USC 2017 thread - It was FT + 8K + 1K NMF + 2K University Scholarship - so FT + 11K a year. Too bad they have since limited it to FT only.

I’m not sure if there is a separate parent account option for the Common App; I just have my kid’s login.

Your son might not be interested in talking about this stuff with you, but unless he’s applying only to colleges with no application fee, or is paying for them out of his own funds, you’ll have to be there to enter credit card info. For each application that costs $$. Separate transactions.

It would not sit well with me not to be able to look the thing over before it’s submitted, so I would make that a bare-minimum requirement. Just mho

(I also have his login for the college email account that gets all the college junk. Because no way is he checking email on the daily.)


To those looking for fee waivers: check your spam/junk folders. S23 received a few waivers today along with invitations to apply.


Thanks! My daughter was bombarded with emails today…I glanced at some of them hoping for a “deal” to apply, but I didn’t see anything. Maybe I’ll have her take another look. Would be a great incentive to get kids to apply to schools!

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Generally codes will be same for all. I will share my kids once he receives them.