Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Is AP Econ a semester course? If so, they may have found that taking the course in the fall is too far away from the spring test for students to remember the material and do well on the test.

I stand corrected. DS told me not to trust what is printed on his schedule :laughing: and he got AP Economics only.

4 APs, 2 Honors for his senior year.


My S23 is going for his AA, he needs those Scores on his AP test.


Sorry, what’s AA?

Associate’s degree.

Who’s awarding the associates degree? My son is also getting his associates concurrent with his high school diploma, but all of his classes are dual credit. Is the institution awarding the associates degree taking AP classes toward the degree? I have never heard of that. I think you’d still need 60 units of coursework.

S23 during his 4 years, 8 Aice, 7 AP, 6 DE, 4 Honors and 3 Regular classes.
Senior year Schedule - Lit 2000, AP Calculus BC, AP Physics C, AP Computer Science, ENC 1102 Composition, ECO2013 Macroeconomics/POS2041 National Government. Aice and AP classes with a passing test get the college credit.

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Pretty much every associates-awarding college out there takes AP credits.


Students at my son’s school have to take the AP exam if they take the class.


Seniors here wait to see what college they expect to go to before deciding whether to take the tests senior year. By the time of the tests in May they almost always know and can determine if it’s a college which will give them credit for a good score and skip past some requirements or whether it’s a college that caps AP credit and they usually already have more than the cap. Sometimes it’s a very tactical decision – worth taking this test but not that test, etc.


Our school claims this too, but it turns out to be a bluff. They say it on the course requirement up front, in the fall back to school meetings and send out emails reminding people. As a result, our oldest did all his tests senior year despite already knowing his college would give him no credit for them. After that we learned we were the suckers since most kids and parents simply ignore all those rules and skip the tests anyway unless the students expect to get college credit for them. What’s the school really going to do about it? I would be surprised if they even have a way to know the kid didn’t take it until scores come out in July by which time the grade is final and the kid is graduated.


Our HS tells kids that if they don’t take the exam (which is given in school so they know who’s taken it) then the course is reassigned a value of Honors vs. AP in weighting. Don’t agree with the approach but it is what it is.


Yes same, you described it better!

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That’s a bummer. What is the difference in weighting at your school between Honors and AP? Most colleges would do their own weighting regardless of what the school’s is. A HS’s weighing is pretty useless since it’s so esoteric to that HS. Though for OOS UC’s having AP designation would be weighted and Honors would not.

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The moment a kid, say, tests positive for covid and can’t take the AP exam (since it’s a single sitting) and has their weighting altered, that seems like an ADA lawsuit waiting to happen.


The weighting would matter for class rank, valedictorian, etc
 What would they do if a student was sick and couldn’t attend the test? Our seniors going for an AA degree usually do not take the senior year AP exams because they’re already receiving dual credit for those classes.

I guess taking the test doesn’t mean studying for the test unless the class grade somehow takes the Ap grade into account which I don’t see how it could. I agree there would be rebellion here if seniors were required to take AP exams.

Our school requires all students to take the AP exam. We sign an agreement to that effect. The exam is in-school in May so they absolutely know who takes it and who does not. I have no idea what the repercussions might be if someone broke the agreement, but despite the financial hardship for us ($400 is a lot of money to us) and knowing she’d get no credit for anything my daughter upheld her end of the agreement. The only one that might have mattered was French - but she needed at least a 4 and only got a 3 (I said she took them, not that she studied very hard for them).


At our kids’ HS, some of the AP classes require students to take the exam (this is included in the course catalog description), while others don’t require it. Students sign an agreement if required to take the exam. I don’t know whether the school enforces this in any way.

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The College Board offers “late testing dates.”