Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

My D18 who graduated as BS Econ was able to get the credits for macro and micro AP and took the second level macro and micro in her first year. I sure many schools will not allow that but Clemson did.

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Can I just say Iā€™m annoyed by still getting ā€œapply to XYZ College!ā€ emails, days after he applied.
I know, I know, Iā€™m being ridiculously demanding. Itā€™s only been four days.
But I get the feeling heā€™ll still be getting these emails after heā€™s been accepted, or denied, or declined.
Seems like there should be some easy script for taking a kid off the marketing blitz list once theyā€™ve applied.


The same for all the ā€œCome visit us!!ā€ emails like the week after a campus visit.

Thereā€™s so little coordination that itā€™s kind of maddening.


Yes that will happen :grinning:

Most (perhaps all) of this marketing is outsourced to other companies. They are given a list of students - usually taken from the College Board list - and they keep mailing stuff out periodically based on the marketing package the school signed up for. And the school is way too busy to go back and provide updates to the marketeer.


Had daughter issued a card. Nice thing: while traveling out of town or out of country, the issuerā€™s iPhone app notifies me of charges ā€” so Iā€™m getting signs of life all the time. I know she made it to the next hotel/station/airport/Uber long before she ever decides to get in touch :shushing_face:


Deep Springs voted to go coed in 2011 and I think actually admitted woman in 2018.

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Well, the students take the test in class so if they donā€™t show upā€¦

Has anyone started thinking about scholarships? There are a lot of suggestions from Naviance, but they all seem like a long shot to get, with very few awarded. It looks like a lot of time will go into writing the essays required and I am not sure it is worth the kids time, for a long shot chance, as they are all so busy with work and studying. But the easy ones that you just fill out and do do work for feel like they are just trying to get your data to sell. Anyone have any experience? Thanks for your help!

Same, but our honors and AP only get the same 0.5 bump anyway, so you lose any gpa boost and it will be renamed regular on the transcript (if you do not take the AP), plus AP scores are all listed on the transcript.

Hi- you should try and get your school to remove those AP scores from the transcripts. It can only hurt kids as some highly selective schools are looking for reasons to deny kids, as they have so many applicants. There is no need for your school to share them. It should absolutely be individual choice. Just what I have learned and I wanted to share. :slight_smile:


Agreed our school doesnā€™t put AP scores on the transcript and says to only share ones that would help in admissions.

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How do you know which AP scores will help? The current question in our house is do you share 4s with highly selective schools?

My opinion is yes, I donā€™t think any school would deny a kid because of a few 4s and itā€™s better than not reporting. Kid thinks you should only share 5s.

Just typing out this question makes me feel silly.


Honestly!! AP classes are hard and they shouldnā€™t feel they Canā€™t send their scores!!! They say send only 5ā€™s. With the exception of sending a 4 if itā€™s not in the field you want to study in. It seems crazy given usually only the top 10ish% of kids get 5ā€™s! I guess itā€™s probably not a one size fits all and probably depends on other factors on your application. Its so competitive, ever decision feels so important! Good luck.

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Every time anyone on CC posts about TE I am shocked how unreliable and stingy it is. Very stressful! I look on the map of schools and see that some in my state belong, but Iā€™m not sure how often it is used here. I believe that faculty around here (upper midwest) usually use a different exchange program that reliably provides nearly complete tuition reimbursement. I wish TE worked the same!


I would send 4s and 5s.


I think it depends a lot on your school. I donā€™t think AOs care about your AP scores if they know the school as they pay much more attention to the actual grade you got in that class. If your school is unknown to them, low AP scores may cause them to doubt the high GPA.

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Parents with kids doing ED - anyone want to share where your kid is applying ED to? This is our final weekend of college visits before sending apps Iin (and boy are we hot traipsing through the tours) and it looks like the kid will ED Northwestern. Woohoo one decision down!


For schools that require AP scores in order to get a GPA boost, it seems highly unlikely theyā€™d agree to remove scores from transcript for an individual student.

well, my D23 took an AP class/test spring 2020, and didnt get it submitted on time on our computer. No score. . . . so we have that to contend with; would never be able to share the score from her class. Luckily we are looking at auto merit schools; they are not part of the admissions/merit equation.

I think all 4s is great. Share away! well done.

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