Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

My daughter was 17 starting college. I wouldn’t do it again on purpose, but it worked out. There were definitely times during her education where she was just not at the same stage developmentally as her peers. She moved into a dorm at 17, graduated and started her career at 21.


For my daughter, skipping a grade was done on purpose and out of necessity. She was reading at age 2 and reading Harry Potter at 5. She is still WAY ahead of her same age peers. I think she will be ok, but we are keeping her radius of schools she’s applying to to 5 hours from our house.


Question about test optional. So should students submit test scores that fall above the 25th percentile for schools? I can’t find the CDS for some of the schools my son is applying to. Any other source for this info?

@MDMom1975 - Two places, first take a look back at the actual numbers for the past 5-10 years to know where you sit prior to the test optional bump in SAT scores. The ither thing you can do is out your stats into college vine and add the schools they give an estimate for chances with and without scores (take it with a grain of salt on the actual numbers, but directionally it provides some additional data)

You can also call admission and ask what their most recent student profile is-

With a 3 in AB and a plan for engineering, and no way to take BC as a senior, starting over in calc 1 in college is likely the best path. Many colleges do not even let stem majors get credit for AB without at least a 4 and even some kids with 5s in BC should retake the whole sequence or at least start in calc2, while others with 5s should absolutely take the credit and start in calc3/multivariable or the like. Colleges usually have detailed advising or even placement tests to help with where to start math for stem majors. Since your school does not offer BC, take the highest level of math available and explain in the app that BC was not offered, if you want it to be clear why she didn’t take.


Another thing about the calculus sequence that should be kept in mind: There are two different widely-used methods of sequencing calculus courses—one where there are four 3-credit (or the equivalent) courses numbered Calc I–IV (the traditional sequencing method), and one where there are three 4-credit courses numbered Calc I–III (a newer sequencing method that’s becoming more and more widespread, and may even be the usual system nowadays).

This has ramifications for both transferring DE credits in (e.g., coming from a Calc I–IV system into a Calc I–III system, credit for Calc I may not place a student into Calc II), and also for deciding whether to use Calc AP credits (credit for Calc I means a sharper, steeper transition into Calc II in a Calc I–III system than in a a Calc I–IV system).


Another thing to look at in Calculus are different versions of the same course. My D17 had already taken Calc 3 and LA at UPenn while in High School so as a Freshman she took a more proof-based version of Calc 3 and LA - lots more work but really helps improve problem solving. Talking to an Advisor (or the Math department if the assigned Advisor isn’t helpful) probably couldn’t hurt as different schools have different advice depending on the major of the student. If the student is a Math major and already had those classes in High School then they might just go straight into Real Analysis.

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re: calc class at our small school - here is what turned out last night.
She is retaking the class; this year taught as DC with a math PHD teacher who is new. He’s going to add some BC type work on there for her.

it was either this, or a study hall that period. she’s sort of excited; she likes math. I have no idea what schools will make of her transcript; Jr. year it says “AP Calc” – and Sr. it will say “DC Calc” .


Do they accept it for placement into a higher class (diff equations or calc 3) or just as a general elective in sciences? If it is the later then I would not care much and just repeat/start from calc 1. For engineering, it is never a waste of time. But then again, AP tests are not end all!! It is likely the college has placement exams.
Also, I would not worry too much about repeating calculus as long as the transcript has the course listed differently.
Another option is retaking the AP test for a higher score.

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That’s a great solution! Win-win! I hope she enjoys the class and the new teacher. At the least, she’ll get a nice review that shouldn’t be super difficult. At the best, she’ll also learn some new material that will really help her in calc 2. So depending on her grade in the class, rather than an AP score, she can decide what to do about first semester college calculus, with the hope she’ll be able to start with calc 2?

My S21 is going into his sophomore year at the University of Denver. He is really happy there. He really enjoys being able to jump on the rail and go all around the city, but also having mountain life. S23 will apply there, but it’s not his top choice right now. Different kids!


oooooh Denver is one of her very top picks! It technically checks every single box BUT she hasn’t seen it. We are visiting in October. I might have some questions for you and your son . . .

@MDMom1975 You can look at DoE’s College Navigator for that info.

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Sure. He was torn between 3 very different schools, but in the end, he wanted to be in Denver. Walk around the area and see the local hangouts. There are a bunch of restaurants on Evans Street that the DU students frequent.

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Update: I hope it’s ok to post this so late but we just added Syracuse to D23’s list today! That’s a big deal and we don’t do that lightly - her list is very very carefully vetted at this point in the search.

We decided she needed one or two actual reaches on her list in order to leave no stone unturned. Syracuse is a reach both academically (we think) and def financially. We are going to look for one more reach before the EA deadlines (besides UW since it’s in state for us and she was raised as a Husky.)


We recently added a college (Wake Forest) too. DC’s coworker is a graduate as well as their spouse and recommended it. We just did the virtual info session this week and it does seem like it could be a good fit. I figure the list can be somewhat fluid (hope not too much however) as long as there are still Likelies on the list.


We just found out the name of S23’s new guidance counselor yesterday. She is totally new to the school. I hope she is more on top of things than the last one we had.

Don’t laugh. But I never fully recognized how my son’s class choices affect college admissions apps. When I hear “dual enrollment” I always think “college type colleges.” At my sons school, they do have courses that are TC or transcripted credits at a technical school. My son is taking 2 of those courses this year and has already taken 1.

So although tech school classes may not be seen as “elite”, he will have to report out the 3 “dual enrollment classes” correct? This is my first time using the Common App and I see now how they ask “IB/AP/Dual Enrolled/Honors.” And at my kids school they don’t use “honors” but “accelerated” so he should list the full course name and then check the “honors box?”

I should really know these things by now. Haha.

Thanks so much!

Should you know?

How involved are most parents? Just curious.

I am helping (or annoying DD, by suggesting colleges and researching costs). I haven’t even ever looked at the common app. I am here for her support and questions, but am not the one filling anything out until I need to do fafsa. I have no idea how much or little she has filled out on the common app. She is making her own timing checklist that she mentioned to me yesterday but I haven’t seen. I won’t read essays unless she asks me to. I hear parents saying “we edited, we revised etc” and it reminds me of kindergarten when you could tell which kids did their own diorama etc. - Not you personally 2plustrio!!! I have just been wondering how much help is too much, and am I not being supportive enough?

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