Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

That’s great! Hubby and I are alumni and so we might be a tad bit biased. It’s an awesome school and a little intense if that works for your son.

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Thanks! Did you guys end up making a decision about where to apply early? I know your d has the unique circumstances you posted about…

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This is wonderful news! I’ve been looking for affordable blue state colleges strong in engineering to add to S23’s list. Washington State seemed like a good option, and we know several happy kids there, but S23 doesn’t like how far Pullman is from a major city. Corvallis seems better situated so Oregon St. will go on the list.


This is spot-on.

I would add that the problem with most adjuncts is they are paid by the course, and the pay (as you mentioned) is VERY low. That means that many of them teach at more than one college to piece together a livable wage. When you’re teaching multiple courses at more than one college (sometimes an hour away from each other), your performance tends to suffer. It’s unfortunate but also a reality. Adjuncts tend to be exploited (and cheap) labor. Browse any issue of Chronicle or Inside Higher Ed and you’ll see the problem is discussed regularly and at length. Most agree that the heavy use of adjuncts is a major concern. (The exception tends to be in business schools where professional experience is desired.) My university freely acknowledges the problem, but most shrug because of the budget implications connected to increasing tenure and tenure-track lines.

As a professor, I definitely looked at the full time faculty numbers where my D20 applied and where my S23 is looking to apply now.


Thanks for asking! D23 is going to apply EA at all schools on her list that offer it. We are still tweaking the list and visiting an LAC (U of Puget Sound) next week to see if schools that size might be an option.

But for sure she will apply EA to Denver, UVM, Colorado State and UW, even though UW doesn’t have EA I’m sure you know the RD deadline is 11/15!

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Nice! Mine is doing ED to Northwestern, EA to Cu Boulder and UMd College Park and early normal to UW Seattle. If the ED doesn’t work out he has a looong list of RD schools but by then will hopefully be in some or all of the other earlies… May also consider doing ED2 to Tufts or Wesleyan but more likely will take his chances at RD at that point. I wish more schools had ED2 (as long as we are stuck with the whole early decision system which I agree is broken).

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So here’s an interesting moment while waiting for admissions decisions: D23 applied to Middle Tennessee State, and is guaranteed admission because she meets their stats-based threshold—but the official decision hasn’t been made yet.

However, she did receive an email today that her DE courses have been evaluated for transfer, which means that she now has courses on her MTSU transcript even though her application is still pending.

This just amuses me, that’s all.


UW Seattle is up on the Common App now, FYI.


Yes thanks that is great news!

The person who is an English chair gave a thorough answer, so I’m editing mine. I married into the academic life so have heard the ins and outs for ages.

It’s useful to have adjuncts that can teach a topic that regular faculty can’t. It’s disturbing to see adjuncts replace FT faculty.

I’m glad that the accreditation process requires a certain percentage of tenured and full time professors (or at least did), because it forces schools not to get rid of FT professors just so they can pay peanuts to adjuncts.


Wow! Great to catch up on this thread. Happy Senior Year. Our 23r had a busy summer with camps etc, so he didn’t get those essays done in June or July, but he got a few done before school started. He will let us copy edit, but is very stubborn re suggested revisions. He applied to the state flagship and just learned that he got in with some generous merit money, so that takes the pressure off. He has the Common App started, along with the UC app. He is off and running. This is our 4th and final - everything changes so much.


S23 got in to Pitt today - he’s thrilled as it’s one of his top choices. He also had a video interview with Case Western, which he suddenly discovered about 10 days ago. He understands that’s a reach, academically and financially, but getting in at Pitt really brought him some excitement as the long weekend begins.


D23’s acceptance to MTSU came today! (It’s a plain envelope on the front, but when you turn it over it has GOOD NEWS in huge white letters on a bright blue background, so that kind of gives away the game.:grin:)

She hasn’t seen it yet—I’ll hand it to her at dinner when she can be happy with everyone around.


Wow this is incredible congrats to all of you. I had no idea there were schools that sent acceptances before the deadline for app submissions - thought they all waited until then to review!

It’s the beauty of rolling admissions!:grin:


Congrats! Do councilor recs and school profile need to be submitted for rolling? Or is it just the Application/ Essays/ Test Scores the student submits?

D23 got her first acceptance today too! I had a feeling that Labor Day was going to bring news. Guess she’s going to college! :rofl: :crossed_fingers:


It depends on the college. Some require a counselor rec before evaluating, some require teacher recs, some require official transcripts, some require official test scores, some require some combination of any or all of those, and some require none of that whatsoever. (For the record, Middle Tennessee requires official transcripts and test scores, but no letters.)

The unifying characteristic is that they evaluate applications once the application is complete, and issue their decisions as soon as they’re made, or at least in bunches without much delay.


Thank you for the detailed explanation!! This is helpful information.

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Congratulations to all the kids and parents with pre-labor day acceptances! I’m a class of ‘22 parent and I remember when a bunch of local kids started getting rolling acceptances in September, it really started to turn the screws a bit on the kids not applying to those kinds of places. April is a loooong wait! I am a big fan of the unrestricted early action options, as it gave my kid a lot of peace of mind to have a few acceptances in by holiday break. It’s not nearly as early as the rolling schools but I highly recommend it!