Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

My son has his applications in, almost all of them are rolling admissions. The waiting feels long now and it’s only been a week or two. April would be so hard!


Congrats to all of the acceptances! So exciting. D23 does not have a final list yet, but it is clear that there are no answers coming any time soon here, and the vast majority will be the last week before April 1st. Hopeful for some scholarship round notifications that give some clues earlier! It is a LONG wait, but we did it in 2021 and we can do it again, I keep telling myself.


Thing 1 has 4 acceptances in the bag already!

-Texas Tech
-Univ of North Texas
-Univ of Texas- Arlington
Univ of Texas- San Antonio.

All rolling admissions, all safeties. No merit aid info yet, and no banners or mail packages yet, just portal notifications.

He’s submitting his Texas A&M app this weekend and then he’s done!

Thing 2 has the following acceptances:

-Texas Tech
-Univ of North Texas

-App for Texas A&M was submitted last week and and is now waiting for his transcript to post and pending Auto Admit for being in Top 10%

He’ll be submitting the following apps before the end of September:
-Univ of Texas- Austin
-Trinity University
-Austin College
-Southwestern University

So ready for this part of the journey to be over!!!


Rolling admission acceptance here too! She was a guaranteed admit but it’s nice to have one acceptance as she starts getting really serious about the writing supplements she needs to finish.


Question: D23 has a couple of rolling admissions schools on her list but was planning to wait and apply to them later this year - like January ish. She thought she’d wait and see her EA results first. These two schools are not her top picks but are safeties that would work if needed.

Mainly she is just trying to save a few bucks in application fees.

I know that getting on the housing list earlier can be a factor. But is there something we are missing by waiting a few months?

Congrats! Those are all great choices! For all of my issues with my home state, we’re really spoiled with so many great universities. (Don’t let anyone outside the state know… :disguised_face:)


My son doesnt have common app or essays done at all.

He was accepted at NAU with 6k x4 yrs (24k). Still unaffordable as we are oos but it did make this all more real for him.


I think it’s up to your kid and what her priorities are. My D23 is a planner with a capital P. For example, I have to stop her from planning outfits for rush… in a college she’s not accepted to yet. :upside_down_face: And yes, housing is a huge deal for her. She’s applying to big state schools and would NOT be happy if she got a less desirable dorm. ALso, it just made sense for us to try to get as much done with the rolling schools so she could focus on senior year and scholarship applications. But if a kid wants to wait on EA schools and doesn’t mind the not knowing until 2023, more power to them!


I’m new to the group. Hello! D23 is applying to a mix of public & private colleges, some EA for scholarship & honors college consideration.

My question is out of curiosity more than anything… what are some of your thoughts about how covid is still affecting this cycle and are you & your kid doing anything differently as a result?


We won’t have any results until January. My son has a safety he’s applying to early action he’ll have an answer from mid January. Everything else will be March.

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That’s a great question! In our little rural corner of the world no one even really thinks about Covid any more unless they have a vulnerable immune system etc.

But I was looking at a school to possibly visit in another state and their website stated we need to wear mask during our visit. I was just caught off guard and it’s not a big deal for a visit but for me I’d think about my preferences before committing to this school. That’s said, D23’s preferences are to be more cautious with Covid so she’d be fine with masking. It’s why were looking at this school - because socially and ideology wise it’s a potential good fit for her. :wink:


Sounds like a good match! We went on maybe a dozen visits this summer and only one required masks. Many staff & guides and visiting families wore masks in buildings — not the entire tour group, but I’d say a couple families per tour. We saw lots of families wearing them in info sessions.

As far as residual affects of covid, I guess one thing I’m wondering about is the increased number of students who took gap years (after their acceptance) or who delayed applying for a cycle. Will that “disruption” still impact ‘23 grads? Will more of them take gap years?

Part of what got me wondering is that I think two of her schools in Common App ask if students were taking a gap year. And when I was on a website I got a pop up, from the college, asking if I was planning a gap year. Maybe that’s typical. This is my first (and last) go around.

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We’ve visited some schools that request masks for indoor visits, and it seems pretty normal to us. Our family is still masking for any indoor public spaces. Our kids said that more than half of their classmates in HS are still using masks at school (it’s considered optional but recommended at their HS).

I do wonder about the effect of kids taking gap years, especially since S23 has always been younger than most of his classmates (he has a fall birthday and started K before he turned 5).


COVID gap years were 2020-21. That impacted the class applying for admission in fall of 2021. If a student decided to go to community college rather than enroll in a four year college that was online, two year transfers would have impacted the entering class of fall 2022.


My kiddo doesn’t either. She has a couple of rolling admissions to apply to, but I think her college counselor wants to proof her essay first. I doubt anyone at her boarding school has applied anywhere yet.

Check the schools’ policy on dorm assignments…not all (maybe even not most) schools assign dorms based on date of acceptance. Plus…she wouldn’t be accepting early anyway, she would just be applying early. So I don’t think the housing is a factor actually.

Rolling admissions might tighten up a tiny bit as time goes on but if these are her safeties that is not a concern. I think the big upside of applying now is it is a HUGE mental relief to have one acceptance in, early, even if it is a safety. The down side is yes, app fees and the time doing the applications if she turns out not to need them.


We personally know several kids in the HS class of 2022 that are taking gap years this year and looking at fall 2023 college admissions.


Because of COVID? Are the schools online or did the student not feel comfortable attending in person?

We know two students who were too uncertain about COVID during the admissions season last year, and did not feel comfortable committing to colleges at that time. Another student didn’t get admitted to anywhere he wanted to go last year. Another student felt his social life had been ruined by COVID lockdowns during high school and wanted to get some time off before starting college.

edit to add… also know a family member’s kid who is taking a gap year, but I don’t know the reason (they don’t live near us). It seems like a lot of kids, but maybe that is just our social circle?

Did they not apply or were they uncertain by the SIR (Statement of Intent to Register) deadline - May 1, 2022? You’re in CA, right? Were these kids uncertain about the UCs?