Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Wow @relaxmon your Son must have really done well as Univ of WA is pretty competitive. There has been some frustration about out of state folk paying more and there being fewer spots for in state folk.
My Nephew attends and had #’s that were probably similar to your Son (4.0 unweighted think he had high 30’s on ACT).
He is in a Frat and is in Foster Business School. He is the only kid I know of who has not had trouble getting classes. My Sister/his Mom says that is due to him entering as a Soph from AP classes, Frat help and being in Foster. Even so, he entered as a Soph technically and will need 4 years to graduate (Jr now).

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Where did he apply ED?

Applying ED to Northwestern.

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Thanks. Appreciate the insight about the school. It does bother me somewhat to possibly end up paying full OOS tuition while having issues typical of public schools… As to it being a safety who knows nowadays- but my son is a strong student, not applying to a competitive major (like CS or engineering or business) and though not many kids from our top academic private apply there, Naviance shows no one whose stats were even close to my son’s has ever not been accepted. But of course who knows? He has other safeties including CU Boulder, UMd College Park and also UToronto where he will certainly be admitted.

That’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear they cancelled the test at the last minute. All the more reason for TO!

In our case, the test started an hour late. Kids stood in line. Finally test begins and the proctor gives incorrect time warnings and interrupted students taking the test, because their own phone went off three times.


At least my daughter said the proctor was good, telling them how much time etc. Only criticism was waiting an extra 15 minutes after the start time.

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Great school. Probably the better choice given similar money or if money is not as big a consideration.


Thanks yes he has a long list of schools to apply to regular admission if he doesn’t get into Northwestern ED, so I doubt he ends up at UWash but you never know. He loved both the school and Seattle when we visited and we thought the campus was beautiful, but I was just talking to someone who thought it was pretty run down - not at all our impression. What do you think? And yes we are not price sensitive for college, just focusing on best fits.

I think part of the impression of run down might have more to do with some things going on in Seattle than the campus itself. Also time of year makes a big difference. From May/June/start of July in a dreary year until mid Sept/End of Oct Seattle is one of the prettiest places in the world. Outside of that period are a lot of gray dreary days.
It is funny because no one day is really bad (might snow 2-3 weeks during the year at most) but lots of 45-50 degree days with light rain and zero sun.


Oddly enough, this is one of the reasons UW is so high on my kid’s list. He also put Edinburgh on his list because of the weather.


Yes my D23 loves this type of weather also! All of her potential schools are north of a certain latitude! She’s also worried about Colorado being too sunny!

Hubby and I wish she’d go to to college somewhere that’s also fun for us to vacation (sunny and warm)!


He would love it then!

University of Hawaii?

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If our school does not use Naviance, is there still a way to use it , to check competiveness etc?

I wish! Plus it’s a WUE school!

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Our school doesn’t use Naviance, and I don’t think there is any way to use it.

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Don’t believe so. Some schools like ours actually use Scoir.

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Lots of 45–50F days throughout the academic year? For my kids, that’s pleasant autumn weather!

Which is to point out that it’s all relative. I remember living in Florida and pulling out the heavy Swiss military surplus trenchcoat on the rare occasions when it got down below 50F. Now that I’ve been in Alaska for years, I figure that maybe it’s time to consider (even though I probably won’t yet) putting on my light driving gloves when it drops below 40F.

And then there’s simple individual variation. D23 refused to consider any school that had a chance of dropping below 0F. For C25, that sort of winter weather is a plus. (Though C25 has said they’re willing to consider Hawai’i, because the temperature range is so small, and so they figure they could get used to warmth if it was just always that way.)

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The dreary part is not that it is normally that cold. It is months and months of gray weather.


College Vine offers a lot of data. I use it more than Naviance, because DC is at a small school with a small data set.

College Vine takes gender and other factors into consideration to come up with the student’s estimated chances of getting accepted.