Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

My son applied to 9 out of 14 colleges last night. Yay! He just needs to complete the ones that require writing supplements and wants to review his drafts before submitting. He began getting emails to set up portals, so it’s getting real now!

Congrats to those getting acceptances already! Most of his schools are rolling admission or EA so hopefully he won’t need to wait too long to start hearing back.

We submitted the FAFSA on October 1st then added 4 extra schools on October 5th. He has a portal for one those extra schools now and it says they haven’t received the FAFSA info yet. Is that normal? Does it usually take awhile for the info to transfer to each college?


Wow, nice, and congrats. That’s a high ratio of schools with no supplementals. My son appears to be a glutton for punishment who has all of 1 school with no supplemental prompts on this list, and 4 different application processes (i.e. three are not on the Common App).

Hell is freezing over!!

My ex is having really helpful communication with me about the kids colleges. He even gave me a ballpark number of what he is willing to contribute! This is HUGE! (Not the amount, just the information). Ex even said how proud he was of S19 and that he would help pay his tuition when he starts back up in spring!!

Its been really hard guessing if ex would contribute anything and thus made it hard to really finalize any lists.

(Backstory: High conflict divorce when S23 was 5. College fund was in ex’s name only so I have no access to it. Oldest S19 and ex had a falling out and ex has contributed $0 to S19 tech school tuition. We also have D25. Tons of drama through the years but last few years have mellowed. I think it took ex “losing” S19 to realize the damage he was doing. Per court order, kids live with me more. Ex makes double my salary. We each have graduate degrees.)


This indeed is huge. Congrats and fingers crossed that the thaw continues


I’ve seen some of your posts and noticed our sons are a bit similar. Northeastern is his first choice. We just got back the financial preview and were pleasantly surprised. He will probably apply ED this week.

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Actually he just told me a few of those schools did have supplemental essays but they were “easy” and “straightforward” so he was able to craft answers and get those apps in yesterday. But a good handful had no additional prompts so that was nice!


Yes, Northeastern is a top choice for my son, for sure. He hasn’t turned in that app yet because he’s waiting on the financial preview, although they said he could apply EA and change later. He turned in the financial preview request 10/9 but hasn’t heard back yet. Did the number match your expectation or was it a little lower or higher than expected? Hoping it comes close to our EFC.

We got ours back in less than a week. It was much better than we were expecting. We got nothing for S21 who was accepted through NUin but chose a different school.

S23 also has 1450 SAT and his GC advised him not to submit as the 2 students from Class of 22 who got in had similar scores and went TO.

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Welcome to frustration land. During the application process for S20, some portals did not acknowledge receipt of random items for many weeks. As long as I knew for certain the item had been submitted, I learned to ignore any anxiety and just wait.

FinAid items like Fafsa was one item that was often not acknowledged as early as I thought it should have been. For some schools, it seems they didn’t bother to check off everything until decision day neared - as if that was their modus operandi all the time.


Well, my “little one” :innocent: just submitted six apps today. It was a real pleasure to see the credit card notices for the app fees pop up on my email one by one.

She gave it her all, and there’s absolutely nothing more that can be done. That’s all I want from her is to try her best; the rest of this is out of her hands now.

I am super proud of her.

But, I must get that credit card back!


We are similar in this regard!

Fours hours until the deadline and 23 is fine tuning and working on written responses. Spouse is handling this one, thank goodness.

Several are due November 1, and I hope 23 doesn’t leave them all to the end.

They are already in somewhere so there is that. I keep telling myself this. :joy:

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That actually sounds like a lot — 400 B-K out of the accepted pool?

Yes, that’s the number they published. 400 were offered, about 150 enrolled.

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SHigh Schools and Colleges calculate GPAs differently. Our HS does not even calculate GPA, they leave it up to the individual colleges. Don’t stress about it. There is really not much you can do about it. Some schools only calculate core courses for merit consideration. Bs in core courses will calculate to a lower GPA for merit purposes.


We were confused. My son has 4 people he asked for references:
3 teachers
1 personal reference

The common app shows that his math teacher and the personal reference completed their letters. But some require 2 academic letters. Didn’t realize we were supposed to wait for all to say “complete” before sending any applications. So if they require 2 letters, do we just ask one of the missing letter references to email it directly to the school? Can’t believe I figured this out a few days after he sent some of his applications. Ugh. Only impacts a few schools but I am usually on top of these things and my son had no clue how it worked.

I’m not sure that is correct. My DD has submitted several applications without the teacher recommendations being complete. According to the Common App FAQs, that’s fine as long as recommender submits by the deadline…


You do not have to wait for recommendations before you submit applications.


Thank you so much! That’s great news!

Phew-we were in a bit of a panic!


We may have a list of 10 to focus on. Progress!