Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

The recommender status says “started” in the common app, but the teacher says it was submitted. Is anyone’s child having the issue?

Great news!! Kudos.

Is this only through common app and not naviance?

Is there a way for you to see if the LoR has been received by the college via the admission portal?

yes, this is an outside-of-school recommender, so no Naviance.

S has written his common app essay and submitted the now-3rd draft of it to the English teacher who’s helping review. I haven’t seen the essay yet. I don’t know if he will share it with us but I decided I didn’t need to see it at this late stage and critique it when he is almost out of time. I guess I am trusting the faculty advisor on it! He’s written his supplements for his ED school and for 2 EA schools although they are not final drafts. One more supplement to write. 2 additional EA schools have no supplemental essays.

His early apps are Lafayette, WPI, Union, U of Denver and U of Vermont. He was accepted at UMN - TC and Michigan Tech already. He has a few RD schools that he likes but I am not sure if he will write these supplements before finding out about ED/EA. He definitely needs a breather!


Ours says the same. We do not have Naviance at our school, teachers just use the common app.

As I said earlier, my son has 1 personal LOC and one academic (math) LOC that are marked as submitted on his common app. The 2 letters of recommendation that are missing were requested in May and both teachers (psychology and anatomy) were enthusiastic to write them for him, thanked him for sending his resume to them as well. My son is a little worried about the looming 11/1 early action deadline for a few schools so he emailed the 2 teachers just making sure they received the request from the common app and letting them know the request could be resubmitted to them if needed. I hope they aren’t offended by the reminder/inquiry about it. Also, the transcripts and counselor report are pending on the common app. Is this something he needs to follow up on too or will the guidance counselor be aware of early action deadlines and submit soon? I’m sure she is bombarded with the same questions over and over so trying to have some empathy and patience. Or is this something the colleges would follow-up on? He doesn’t want this to negatively impact his EA applications but he also doesn’t want to nag. Just to be clear, the transcript is usually sent as an official document from schools via the common app and he shouldn’t be requesting a copy for himself and sending it, right? Sorry for so many questions and the need for reassurance. It’s getting real now!

UVM has a housing crisis now. In one of the most recent articles about it, it’s reported that new dorms will be available in Fall 2024 and 2026.

I’m worried about 2023. Students could not find anything, which I first found out about here from a UVM parent.

The above changed my mind about applying. If my student still wants to, I won’t stop them yet it’s gone way down after I saw how much rent was and that first years were being forced to triple up in double rooms.

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The transcripts are sent directly by the school usually through Naviance. Also, most, but not all EA deadlines are for submission of the application. Usually all other documentation is due a week after. GCs are usually aware of the EA deadlines and send out documents for all colleges at one shot, at least at S23’s HS. He did send a reminder though. LORs are sent directly by the teachers also mainly in one shot. My son also sent out a reminder to his teacher as the Oct 15th EA deadline loomed near.

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S23 submitted an ED application at 6pm on Friday, and after doing so received this message box in the app:

“You will receive an email…within 48 hours with login information for the…application portal, where you can check the status of your application and find other helpful information.”

Well, no email as of yet. I’m guessing this is normal for submitting on a Friday after business hours and he shouldn’t bother contacting anyone until Tuesday or Wednesday? (The ED app isn’t due until November 15th so there are no worries about it being late in any way.)

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Thank you for this clarification. And the GC will know the schools he applied to from the common app? I know she did have a recent meeting with my son so she has a general idea, but wasn’t sure if he had to formally give her a list.

My son also applied Friday night. He received 5 out of 9 quick responses telling him how to create a portal. He hasn’t heard from the other 4 yet (other than the confirmation about applying on the common app) but I’ve been told it can take up to a week, sometimes longer, so you shouldn’t worry at this point.

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lol - my kid submitted to a couple of big public Us on Aug. 1 and got confirmation/portal instructions on Sept. 28 or 29th. I wonder if there was a Common App dump that day or if they were just incredibly disorganized or swamped?

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Did he check his spam folder?

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My kid’s (Common App) North Texas application got disconnected from her identity in their system somehow even though she’d gotten an immediate email saying she’d have portal access in 48 hours, and so it took some followup to get access to their portal.

So it’s definitely worth checking, but I’d give it at least a few days (maybe a full week) in case they’re running into bottleneck problems.


Wow-that’s a LONG wait!

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At son’s HS, one needs to link the Common App to Naviance. In Naviance, you can also add any colleges you applying to directly. GC then needs either a physical printout of colleges listed in Naviance or email with final list of colleges.

Yes; emails from many other colleges were in spam asking him to apply! But nothing there that was relevant.

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This happened to me in 1991 before my freshman year at BC. We got an email offering a “discount” if we were willing to be in a triple in a traditional double room. They ended up turning several doubles into triples and then even housed students on the campus of LaSalle College which was 4 miles away. It sucked.

My older child, S21, applied just using Common App, while my D23 is at a school now using Naviance, so I have a little familiarity with those two methods. I think whether your GC wants a list of schools will vary by school. Ours didn’t need that in either case.

In my (limited) experience, it’s on the student and the school counselor to get things submitted on time. If the materials aren’t in, the application won’t be considered complete and then can be bumped from EA or ED to the RD round. SOME colleges give teachers and counselors a grace period after the application deadline. But some do not - it depends. I would not count on the college to follow up with the school counselor for missing documents.

We were worried about the counselor documents getting submitted on time, so my D23 did go talk to the counselor and tried to just ask with curiosity when they would be done and if anything else was needed from her (trying not to sound like a nag). They did get done the following week, but I kind of think that may have been because the school uploaded for all kids around that time due to EA deadlines at popular in-state schools (my kid wasn’t applying to).

The transcript generally needs to be the official transcript sent by the school (there are a few exceptions, but I’d definitely assume official unless you have confirmation otherwise). It will be attached to the “School Report.”

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