Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yes, my son applied EA to Trinity and that is his first choice!! We visited in March and he loved everything about the campus, the city of San Antonio and the programs at Trinity. We should hear by mid December! :crossed_fingers:t4:

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Then the scores they need to report will drop ; )


I wasnā€™t responding to a post about millions of dollars spent on test prep. I was responding to a comment about how many people retake tests over and over and are chasing perfect scores. Just pointing out that not every perfect score is the result of paid classes, and multiple tests. There are kids who excel without any of that.
Your comment is irrelevant to my response.

SMU is crazy hot from our midwest area this year, so interesting to hear an opinion on it!

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Interesting! TCU is big here in the pnw lately. Same kind of vibe to me.

Hi, I originally asked this question in a school-specific thread, but it is probably more likely to get a response from this wider audience. I have a score submission question. A university wants the student to self-report SAT scores on the common app. However, there is no spot on the university-specific part of the common app to do so. That means D23 would need to report them on the main part of the app, but she doesnā€™t want to send them to all schools. I read somewhere on CC that the way to do this is to put the scores in, submit the application, and take them back out. This was her plan, but now she noticed that some of the schools she already applied to say ā€œApplication Submittedā€, and some say ā€œDownloaded by Collegeā€ā€¦are those 2 separate, sequential statuses/steps? Should she wait until all the previous schools say Downloaded before adding her scores, so that the other schools donā€™t download an application with scores?

TCU and SMU have been very popular with the wealthier private school crowd in our Southern state recently.

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I agree with a lot of this. I got my grad degree from SMU so canā€™t wholly speak to the undergrad experience but my impression is that SMU is fantastic for a certain type of student. I love the campus and location and for hiring in summers/ after graduation, Dallas probably canā€™t be beat, job-wise. Maybe if a bunch of students come in from other parts of the country, that will change the culture. Could be good.

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Thatā€¦ seems appropriate.

My D23 loves TCU but was kind of turned off by all the out of state students, weirdly. Itā€™s like half the campus is from California who couldnā€™t get into their preferred UC. #sorrynotsorry

@333nj333 - My understanding is that when you hit submit for a specific college on the common app, it will take the data you have currently and submit it into the colleges system. You can see what is submitted as you need to review and approve the PDF.

If you make a change and submit to another college it will not change your first submission. There is usually a small window where the status goes from submit to downloaded, you may be able to withdraw and resubmit at that time if you made a mistake but you certainly can not make any changes after it is downloaded.

Hope that helps!


Southern Methodist: My D23 is interested in a field thatā€™s often (including at SMU) offered by the music program, and got an excellent though not CC-brag-level ACT score. The amount of recruiting material sheā€™s gotten these past six months from SMU has been kind of stunningā€”like, it started quite suddenly and then just hasnā€™t let up. (Sheā€™s uninterested in going there, despite liking the DFW area generally.)

An idle thought on recruitment emails/postcards: The EA/ED1 deadline for gobs and bunches of colleges is 1 November. Iā€™m actually very interested to see what happens with the tone of her recruitment materials on 2 November, since those deadlines will then be past.

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Thank you so much- this is very helpful feedback!

My 21 was considering TCU (also accepted to SMU but crossed it off early) We visited and when we stepped away her comment was ā€œI donā€™t want to be the poor kid in a wealthy kid school anymoreā€. It is in a nice area, higher end stores, the student parking was all expensive cars, and it was very Greek. Everything my DD isnā€™t. Loved the school, it was beautiful. But a major issue we got from the tourguide is if you are not in honors, getting the classes you want is near impossible.


Daughter was accepted early decision at Clark. Will play soccer for them. 3.8 UW, 30 ACT, solid rigor, handful of APs, also qualified for 20,000 a year merit.


DD actually got her EA application in this morning. A whole week early! Iā€™m shocked. That makes number 3. Still has to submit the arts supplement but link isnā€™t sent until app is in (and there is another fee and supplemental essay required- so not quite done), 7 more to go. One Dec. 1 deadline for a scholarship, might hold on hitting submit on the others until after Dec.15.


is Clark rolling ED?

I donā€™t believe so, but as a recruited athlete with a positive pre read, they process ED applications differently. She found out about a week after all required documents were uploaded in the portal

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Have you heard of real people you know getting a lot of scholarships? I hear this tale that lots of scholarships go unused.

I think I know why. Some want to award them to, say, people from Oklahoma with an interest in ballroom dancing or a girl who wants to be a rocket scientist and plays violin.

They are so specific instead of being open to a wider group.



Also vast majority are tiny. I read an interview with an Ivy League financial aid person where he said that seeing any outside scholarship of more than $2500 (in all, not even per year) was extremely rare.


Those schools will probably just update their material to note the regular decision app deadline, voila!