Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yes, and some will keep checking after May 1 and even during years 1 and 2 of college. I have been amazed by some of the persistence of a few colleges just checking to make sure my kids do not want to transfer.

Some of the public state universities give college credit for AP scores or 3,4 or 5. My D18 went into Clemson with 38 credits, which gave her sophomore status for housing, class selection, football tickets etc. She ended up graduating in 3 years which saved us about $40,000. My D21 went into Miami of Ohio with about the same amount of college credits. She expects to stay all four years, but it gives her a ton of flexibility and an ability to have a double major and maybe semester abroad. She also got sophomore status. I understand that at many private and top 20 schools the AP scores do nothing and saving the money and stress of taking the test senior year makes sense however in my daughters situation it was very helpful to them


We wish in hindsight our kid would have taken the AP test senior year. It can help . . . my D16 didnt take an art history AP test senior year as her college of choice wouldnt take the credit.

1.5 yrs later she transferred, and her new college would take AP credit, and demanded the class for her architecture major; so we had to pay for her to take it over in college. You never know!


re: continuing emails/mailings - while we arent getting anything for our S20; we are getting lots of physical mail for our grad school kid who put out feelers to places a few years ago. they are savvy with their marketing - hit those kids up during the fall!

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With the last kid, we had assumed it would all die down after 1/15 when almost all applications were due by. And it did slow, but there were some schools who kept emailing about rolling admissions and eve after May with “It’s not too late to change” or transfer suggestions, etc. A trickle of peak, but it took a good two years before we saw the last one.


Is there a thread for University of Washington (Seattle)? Is their admission deadline Nov 15th?

UW Seattle admission deadline is indeed Nov 15. I don’t see a fall 2023 thread in the UW forum (although maybe I am missing something). You could start one.

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I don’t think so. The schools are aware of senioritis but just don’t want all d’s or c’s from
a former all A student but one it two classes won’t result in that

Fun coincidences! I read your post just after reading my email, which included one from Seton Hall letting me know that if my D23 (referenced in it by name) wasn’t happy where she’s at college now, Seton Hall is a good place to transfer to.

The weirdness is that D23’s getting emails and such from Seton Hall right now that make it clear they know she’s a HS senior. So apparently something got entered wrong into one of their databases, but yeah, it’s a foretaste of Fall 2024, I suppose.

There is not much activity on UWash Seattle on CC for some reason. My son is applying and Nov 15 is the deadline.

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yes none.

Yes and that is odd. My son loved it when we visited and would be very happy to attend if he doesn’t get into his ED school.

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I just saw an email reminding us that the early action deadline is Monday, November 1.

It might not be a bad trade off for us to ignore that mistake and for them to ignore something they don’t like on my D’s app.


It is competitive for most majors epeciall for OOS and ranked well.

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Cal State Apply application just sent for San Francisco State and San José State!

It’s ultimately unlikely she’ll go to either of those, but filling them in was honestly kind of useful for her, because it gave her a shot of confidence. (And also, we now know her California GPA: 4.23.)

The really interesting thing for me was learning that, at least the way California counts things, she’ll have more fine arts credits upon graduating than anything else—but she didn’t take any fine arts classes before this semester. Nothing like loading up on what you’re actually interested in during senior year, eh?


Yes, it was funny for S23 to look at the final summary page, too. He has 7 years of visual and performing art credit.

My D is applying there. Getting apps in as we speak for 11/1 EA deadline schools so that is next!

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Tortured poet
 thanks for the chuckle

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Has anyone else been advised by a counselor to have the applicant email the regional AO at the applicant’s ED 1 school after submitting app, with an “enthusiastic, creative” introductory email? If I were an AO, I would find that quite annoying
but I annoy easily :slight_smile:

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For the kid to do that? No I haven’t, who knows it may work for the right kid.

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