Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Hi, I just wanted to let you know my daughter received her acceptance at Creighton today. Yay!


If anyone here is interested in the University of Kansas I can answer questions. We live in Lawrence and I have two sons who are in the engineering school.
I have twin daughters who are in the HS class of 2023. Both applied to KU but probably will not end up there. One is applying to art schools and the other is applying to midsize midwest private schools.


It was a good day then! My D received an acceptance from Oregon St today.


The child sent in her application to Towson today, marking the last of the applications.

Next step: Applying for Middle Tennesseeā€™s really, really good scholarship.


S23 canā€™t wait to be DONE. He just has to finish the UC application nowā€¦ he feels that a lot is riding on that one. After that, a few schools with later deadlines seem to be dropping off his list. This is perfectly OK with me, he already has a fine selection.


Great, seems like many of our kids are in the same boat! My daughter got in her Univ of Washington app this evening. She just has one last application to submit to Gonzaga (she still has a couple weeks and they have a couple supplemental essays that she needs to work on).
Also nice that she now has 2 acceptances (not her top choices, but still nice). Going to make some of these waits easier (Univ of Washington does not notify students of decisions until March typically).


Edit: Was looking for and found the UT Austin Class of 2027 thread.

thanks for U of KS info offer, D23 has applied to engineering there. Know much about the SELF program?

We are in the backyard of Creighton - so ditto back to you! :slight_smile: (and have a kiddo at an art school as well).

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My son has 2 friends going into Engineering at KU next year! Good kids.


Added ASU. You were right that his SAT score counts for something there, their scholarship estimator says it gets the presidents award of $15.5K. Itā€™s annoying that Arizona doesnā€™t seem to consider it.

Thanks for the advice!

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Yeah, ASU is in the running for S23 because of it, it puts it close to our instate schools cost.

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My son has his REA interview tomorrow afternoon. Timing is kind of toughā€¦heā€™s had basketball playoffs, a big MUN at their school (he was in charge of the committees) and math olympics all in the span of a week. Plus he was holding off a cold. Hope he can reach down and finish strong tomorrow.


Good luck! Ours has an interview coming up very soon too. It will be her second one but this one matters a bit more to her than the first one.


We attended Pirate Preview Day at Southwestern University yesterday for Thing 2, who has already been accepted. This is one of three Texas private schools he applied to, Trinity & Austin College being the other two. Weā€™ve already done tours at those so had a lot of comparisons to make and refer back to.

First impression: the campus is beautiful. Had a European Village vibe and is the quintessential liberal arts college. Even in the cold and wet blustery weather yesterday, everything looked inviting. The historic Georgetown Town Square is a 15 minute walk away from campus, so for students without a car, there is easy entertainment and options for stuff to do off campus.

The day was very organized and jam packed. Students are seperated from parents for most of the day. They get to ā€œchoose their own adventureā€ by opting to sit in on a class, visiting a professor during office hours, scheduling admissions interviews and attending student only panels and sessions. Parents have their own sessions with admissions, financial aid, student resources etc. Lunch is provided and eaten in the dining hall on campus and the end of the day is a campus and residence hall tour for all.

Our takeaway: SU has the most flexible curriculum out of all the private schools we toured. It is the PERFECT place for the student who a) doesnā€™t know what they want to do yet b) is interested in lots of different majors c) has very niche interests. They do an amazing job of bridging all those together and helping their students craft it all into one big package. Itā€™s very easy to double major or have multiple minors. Their Paideia Curriculum is an interdisciplinary approach that is all about bridging connections across all subjects and disciplines. All incoming freshman have a First Year Seminar that they choose based on what sounds interesting and in this FYS they explore the subject matter in different ways (economics, art, history, math etc). Each year after that, through High Impact Experiences (internships, study abroad etc) they build on that FYS and end it
with their senior capstone.

They have an award winning career placement/advising office, so they take post grad life very seriously and make sure every student leaves with a plan in place.

My son really liked it, he said it is tied for first place with Trinity, which weā€™re still waiting to hear back from. Heā€™s not quite ready to make a decision either way, and I think is still struggling to find his ā€œfitā€. The SU or LAC models really speak to him intellectually and academically, but heā€™s unsure about the small environments and 12-15 per class. Will it be enough for him socially? Will he get bored in such a small environment? Does he want to be a big fish in a small pond or a very small fish in the huge rah-rah ponds of TAMU/UT Austin/Texas Tech etc?

He has an interview on Friday with his SU Admissions Advisor for more scholarship money. His current merit offer from them is $31,000/yr which is about half the cost of attendance.


Thanks so much for this update! My daughter is having a lot of the same conversations about size. Sheā€™s making another trip to Southwestern next month and Iā€™m hoping sheā€™ll have some clarity. Also waiting to hear from Trinity.

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People talk very highly about the SELF program. Neither of my boys applied for it but I wish they had. I know several kids who have done it and are in it now. It is wonderful for internships. If you ask people in the Engineering School should I do the KU Honors or SELF they will say SELF. You can do both but SELF is great by itself. My sons are in aerospace and computer science.

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Great update! Good luck!

Thanks for the tour/school assessment! The merit offer is great; which kind of school are you thinking would work best for your son?

In my heart of hearts, I know he belongs at a smaller LAC where he can dabble in and experience everything. He truly is one of those kids that excels at and is interested in everything, so the flexible curriculum would suit him wellā€¦I just need him to see that lol.

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Austin College acceptance just came inā€¦they sent a personalized video, very cute. Heā€™s been awarded the Deanā€™s Scholarship of $30,000/yr. Heā€™s also considered a legacy there since his cousin is in alumni (weird, right?)ā€¦they sent him a link to apply for their alumni scholarship of $5000/yrā€¦all she has to do is fill out the recommendation.

Austin College total COA is $52,000ā€™ish, so about $10-12k less than SU and Trinity. This will be financially the least out of all the private schools.