Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Strong subliminal marketing at play :joy:.

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It’s the new Gaslighting by Jedi Mind Trick enrollment management strategy.


Also discovered this week that two schools looked at my LinkedIn profile. One is a safety that the kid is accepted to. One we have never showed any interest in at all.


That’s a huge bummer, sorry. Hope that doesn’t interfere with the EA consideration.

We have also been frustrated with Case. There is no indication of a “complete” or “incomplete” application. We have the little green checks next to a bunch of things but I can’t tell if anything is missing or not.

Our kid had one teacher finish her rec when he submitted his app, so it went in with his app on 10/14. I am positive the other teacher submitted her rec everywhere on 10/18. Case is 1 of only 2 of my kid’s schools that requires 2 recs. The portal doesn’t show any evidence of the 2nd rec. The line just says “Teacher Evaluation 10/14/22” so it’s unclear if the 2nd one was received. Though it seems to have been downloaded by them according to Common App? He emailed his AO on Oct 26 to ask if his 2nd rec was received and if his application was complete for EA. He has received no response, which is frustrating.

They defer so many EA applicants to RD that we are assuming our son will be deferred, so we’re not that worried. Also, I was recently updating my spreadsheet for the latest tuition numbers and Case was the only school whose increase made my eyes water. They are generous with aid and when I ran the NPC last year the output was great, though I’m not sure how outdated it was. They have had some really steep tuition increases lately and it might now be out of our price range even with tons of aid.


I guess Gustavus is still on the list but only due to possible sports options. Otherwise too small and too rural (which we figured). D25 liked the size of it though.


This happened to us too! An admissions rep looked at my husband’s LinkedIn profile after we visited, before our daughter even applied. A turn off honestly.


The deadline for financial stuff is 11/15, afaik, so not a huge problem, but thank god i checked.
But yeah, that’s one inscrutable portal at CWRU!
I’m really not expecting anything from there, admission or enough aid even if by some miracle he is accepted. So 
 it was one of my kid’s two “please lemme apply” hall passes, and he knows the limits

@AmyIzzy - the thing is, I bet there are more that I don’t even know about. I never check LinkedIn at all - but somebody mentioned it and so I did, for the first time in at least a year, and lo and behold, yep, two showed up. (More won’t show up unless I go LinkedIn Premium, haha, not happening.)


S23 is done with applications. Finished the UC app this weekend. He’s applied to 3 UCs, 4 CSUs and two OOS publics (Utah and Arizona) for astronomy/astrophysics, as he doesn’t want to go too far. Still debating whether Hawaii (Hilo) is worth applying to, obviously has good astronomy but we don’t know anyone who has been there.

Unfortunately his 1530 SAT won’t count for much and his 3.7 UW/~4.0W GPA means UCSC and CalPoly SLO (which would likely be two of the best options) are going to be something of a reach. Hopefully some of the test blind schools will give him credit for being NM Commended. And we were slightly surprised to see the UC app say that he qualified as top 9% statewide based on his middle school A-G courses (math and Spanish).


Local ELC is based on the 10-11th grades for the a-g courses so Middle school Math and Spanish grades are not part of the equation.

We will identify the top 9 percent of students based on GPA in UC-approved coursework completed in the 10th and 11th grades. To be considered for ELC, you must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and complete the following A-G courses prior to your senior year:

History 1 year
English 2 years
Mathematics 2 years
Science 1 year
Language other than English 1 year
Other A-G courses
(chosen from the subjects listed above or another course approved by the university) 4 years

Edited: My mistake for not asking if it was Local or Statewide ELC since the calculation is done differently.

But the statewide guarantee does count them:

Will my 7th and 8th grade math and language other than English (LOTE) courses count toward the A-G totals in the Statewide Index?

Yes. Math and LOTE courses completed in 7th and/or 8th grades count toward the A-G totals in the updated Statewide Index.

Specifically, the more A-G courses you have, the lower the weighted 10-11th grade GPA required to qualify (the 7th-9th grade GPA doesn’t matter):

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Son Duke interview is schedule for this week.


a 1530 SAT is excellent for the non UC options though. UCSC has an excellent astro department. Hawaii is also good; I have several astro colleagues from there.


Any other astronomy/astrophysics recommendations in the west that we might have missed? Some have mentioned Boulder but the cost seems high compared to Arizona and Utah. Likewise UW Seattle.

My kiddo’s REA interview is this week too


U of Arizona and Arizona State are both good for astro. UA esp. for optics/instrumentation. Work with excellent profs from both. CU Boulder has a strong group too, esp. for sounding rockets/cubesat experiments. UC Riverside has a few good faculty if that wasn’t already one of your 4 UCs you applied to (though the other UCs are still stronger). University of New Mexico has some work going on there too.


A completely different vibe from any of the schools you’re considering, but Whitman. The school only has about 1600 students 317 in the most recent graduating class. Of those graduating students, 2 majored in astronomy and 16 in astrophysics (per College Navigator). Those numbers are higher than many state schools, including New Mexico’s, which is a great suggestion, too. If interested, I’d definitely run the Net Price Calculator.


My niece is hoping to go to Whitman (has a promise from a coach but not in officially).
It is in Walla Walla which is a cute town fueled by vineyards/wine industry.
Great smaller school with lots of personal attention. On the more conservative side as far as colleges trend.

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Whitman is also known for giving generous merit. We toured with my D24 a few weeks ago, seems to be her favorite right now after having brief “love affairs” with Mount Holyoke and Pitzer. We are in WA, but only about a third of students there are from WA state. Many happy alumni from D24’s high school, and a beautiful campus that looks like east coast LACs. I didn’t get a conservative vibe at all, nor did my LGBTQ kid


Yes, my son is at Whitman, and it is definitely not conservative.


I have a daughter at Whitman, and I agree. It is not conservative.

I’m also an alum, and one of my best friends t Whitman was a double major in astrophysics and math.