Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

What I am seeing so far around these parts is the kid who gets accepted isn’t the one posting, it is their friends posting with a cute “I’m so proud of X, she/he is going to college” and then they post the logo or whatever. I like that their friends are excited for them. Have not seen any parent posts (Yet).


Keep us posted !!


Parents usually post on social media in the spring once the decision is made. I have very few friends who post every acceptance. My sons aren’t on social media, but my daughter also posted only when the final decision was made.

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I created a basket of swag and ED school colored candies and got a banner as well. Taking a risk, but wanted to be able to celebrate in a big way if all works out. I also purchased school shirts for the family but kept the tags on :laughing: My DS is in boarding school so everything takes a little extra effort and planning. Best of luck to your Senior!


I have one facebook friend who posted every acceptance and the name of every major scholarship her kid received throughout the winter/spring, including pics of her kid appropriately crying tears of joy at every Ivy acceptance. There’s being proud and there’s being obnoxious… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Was there a video montage? Lol

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My DD is too. I did not buy anything as I feel superstitious! She would not buy anything from the school store after our tour either. She also will have 6-7 other apps to finish over break if she doesn’t get in and won’t discuss with me :grimacing:


Every Ivy acceptance! That is quite the feat and every right to be proud and obnoxious :joy:.

Good to be cognizant of others feelings and their situation, but I find it really odd a school would comment to families about this situation and somehow say there is a rule against celebrating.


Hello all… A DS23 update. Accepted to Temple, NJIT, and SUNY Albany. Very excited that he got the Presidential Scholar award at Temple which is full tuition. Still waiting on merit for others.

Applied and waiting on CUNY CCNY (applied to Macaulay honors) and SUNY Buffalo. About to submit Dalhousie U (Halifax Canada).

Good luck to all!


Our HS actually has an instagram account that makes individual posts for kids as they commit to schools with a photo of the kid in a “frame” in the college’s colors and mentions the major if applicable. A lot of the kids seem to like this because they can comment congratulations and it’s not mandatory to participate. The school has been doing this since class of '20, I believe, and started because of Covid when everyone was at home to share/celebrate for kids in some way.

It’s apparently a little bit controversial that they’ve kept doing it, I guess some feel it’s just another popularity contest, though D23 says she thinks kids are pretty good about congratulating everyone, not just their friends. I did see one girl who committed to Alabama already this year took her photo with a bed setup like what @Glow271 described - I’d never seen that before, or at least never noticed!


I think bec it is a private school they dictate m much more than public schools do. For example they will limit the number of colleges a kid can apply to, will need to approve them, and require SCEA/REA to be treated as ED (so if the kid gets in they have to go and not to try to pick off other Ivies from their schoolmates). On th either hand they are very helpful in admissions and the parent is pretty much off the hook unlike local public where the parent effectively has to play the college counselor role with their kid.

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Same here. It’s really nice to see the variety as the post a couple dozen kids a day all though May. They also post alternative plans such as trade school, work, travel, or gap year.


Yes, this really ticked me off, the private school limits! My older daughter only had one college and so I never knew this was a thing, but I was stunned to get a snippy email from my S23’s counselor that he could only apply to 20 schools; they would not send transcripts to more than 20. I was, like, ???

Years ago our kids’ school used to have an infographic in the last school newspaper of the year listing where most kids accepted on a map. It was opt-in to participate but a majority of students did. Then the school shut it down as part of an overall sensitivity philosophy, which is why they never announce National Merit Scholars, etc. They did announce when when a groups of kids and their advisor won a $100K Samsung STEM prize last year, but that was the exception. And now the school cafeteria is full of Samsung appliances and electronics, LOL (it would appear some of the prize is donated Samsung stuff).

Yes, D23’s school has an instagram account for final decisions…now that I think about it, I doubt it’s official? Our school is savage and doesn’t give any advice or guidelines as far as celebrating. D23 had a bunch of friends who graduated last year and once they committed they all had little parties with school colors & swag. I pretty much only talk about college stuff on here - feels like a little bit of a minefield, even with good friends. So I’m grateful for this site!


I love the highlighting other paths besides just 4 yr college. This should be celebrated too!


Would you drive there to give your senior the bag of swag or show it to them on Zoom? I’m so curious how it all would work!

Our high school has an instagram that kids update with their post graduation plans. Military, trades, and entering the workforce are all equally celebrated.


Our school tries to do this, noting military and other stuff, but I’m not sure those folks submit their info to participate as much.

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