Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

That’s awesome. My nephew got not a penny, but still chose University or Oregon.

Northwestern CDS just says mid-December a\ha

This is an extremely valuable forum, and I’ve used it routinely over the past 12-16 months. Just great feedback and insights. Our S23 identified his top school and applied to it ED, with another 5 schools applied with EA. It worked… He received his acceptance notice last week and confirmed the deposit today. What an exciting time!


Ha! That’s amazing, they’re really committing to not committing :smiley:


Anyone else curious to learn whether this admissions cycle will generally be the same for our '23 kiddos as it was for the 2 years prior (record-breaking applications/record low acceptance rates)? And whether the pending SCOTUS decision will have any impact on '23 grads? (yes, just trying to distract myself from the inevitable empty nest… sigh)


SCOTUS won’t issue its decision until June, I believe. So too late for our fledglings. Class of 23 will likely be the last class with the current affirmative action landscape.

As for this admissions cycle, I have seen no sign that anything has changed from the last couple of years. Anyone else?

Any Supreme Court decision impact won’t impact this year. Generally I think things are back to “normal”mouth that still means brutal admissions for non hooked kids for selective schools, particularly in RD rounds.

20? Wow! My son’s private school only allows 10 applications. 20 seems like a lot to me.

Right (I’m in the legal biz), but just wondering if they will make decisions this year, based on the anticipated SCOTUS outcome that will be in force next cycle.

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I have been wondering about that too…

I think they probably have already evolved some contingency plans as to how to try to ensure diversity. Test optional, for instance.

A few schools aren’t test optional any longer. I’m really curious to see their numbers, as well as see if even more are applying ED now, or if overall numbers settle down a bit.


They have plans, but they’re not putting them into effect until they have to because the details of what they put into effect will depend on the text of the decision. Changing things now in anticipation of such a change is a fool’s game, because you’re guaranteed to get important parts wrong.


Right. And you’ll see both types of posts here, come decision time for the highly rejective schools.

Nothing wrong in being a proud parent, so a post like this should be fine:
“My kid got into MIT. So proud and excited for him/her”.

But you’ll also see posts like this:
“My kid got into MIT. Was also admitted earlier to Princeton, Michigan, GTech. Woohoo!!”

And they’ll keep re-posting the list with each additional elite school admission added. So a few weeks later it’s going to be:
“My kid got into MIT, Caltech, CMU, Princeton, Michigan, GTech, UCLA, UCB, and today- Stanford! Such an amazing kid!!”

Repeatedly mentioning a long list of elite admits on a public forum that has many parents whose equally accomplished kids may have had disappointing results due to the uncertainty of admissions - is totally unnecessary and obnoxious.


Well yeah, we parents have been known to brag. I am guilty of it - was all over my (private) FB page when my kid got the lead in the musical.

That said!
I find it hugely useful to do a roundup post - ONE - at the end of the whole process, summarizing stats, schools, acceptances and merit.

There was an awesome running list compiled by a fellow parent in the 2017, 18 and 19 Parents of 3.0-3.4 thread, which I clung to like a bible when assessing where my kid could get the biggest bang for her buck. (I am not sure if anyone has picked up that responsibility in later years.)

There was a final spreadsheet for the 2019 class that I’m happy to share with anyone who wants; just send me a DM with an email to link to.

So I don’t mind a detailed post with information that can help other parents, not at all.


Personally, I think that if someone is going to be posting their entire list of admits, then they should also be posting their entire list of waitlists and rejections. It helps provide context for people who are going through the same experience as well as gives prep for people who are planning to go through that phase (i.e. I’m not the only one who’s gotten waitlists/denials or oh, people with these stats were able to get into these particular universities).

Otherwise, just post what the post-secondary plan is.


Yes! Rejections and waitlists/deferrals were absolutely a part of that compilation!


@DadOfJerseyGirl - I was thinking of hosting a LeBron “The Decision” like press conference with all the schools hats on a table.

" in this fall I’m going to take my talents to Cambridge and join the Harvard Crimson. I feel like it’s going to give me the best opportunity to secure a job with Goldman Sachs and to make bank for multiple years"


Yes, I would totally feel safe adding rejections to my personal social media. Luckily my son isn’t applying to any real academic reaches so I guess that doesn’t even really cross my mind.

I think those who do post the list multiple times just adding to the list do it because they dont assume others have a running list of what they have posted before.


Yes, that is the way to do it! Some drama needs to be added with one cap eliminated at a time.

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Totally and 100% disagree. You can bet your bippy I’m going to post where my daughter was accepted - ALL schools. She’s worked DAMN hard and it is 100% my right to brag about her.