Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

My son also received an acceptance letter from the University of Dallas that directly referenced (correctly) his essay. It is a small school but still in the running for us, and I had NEVER seen that before even with my first child who applied to many more colleges. I was very impressed. Artificial intelligence of the type this size college could afford could not do that- a human had to have entered it based on how well it flowed.
We are visiting soon. I’m curious to see if they manage to keep impressing me! I wanted him to apply to Creighton, but I was lucky to get him to name six schools total and then he was finished looking around.


I have a (much younger) cousin who went to U of Dallas and loved it. He’s been quite successful.


My twins are getting about 10-12 emails a week from University of Dallas and weekly postcards in the mail lol even though neither has ever showed any interest or interacted with the school. The funny thing is, despite being being born and raised in Dallas, I’ve never known anyone that has gone there. I live about 15 minutes away from there and drive by it often. It’s really flies under the radar!

I went to high school in the Dallas area (public) and had never heard of it either back in the 80s! I left Texas for college and never moved back. Then I started meeting one or two people who went there from across the country, and now I know sooo many people who went there because in certain circles, UD is very popular. I know many academics who had at least some level of schooling there, and our school’s college counselor from way across the country got a Masters there back in the 90s. Small world. It is funny that when I lived there, I also had no idea about it. We see it next week. I’m rooting for a smaller school for DS23, while he seems drawn to Alabama. (No disrespect intended- it is my alma mater and we are huge fans. I just think it might be too big now for him.)


Figured I would ask here since your kids have all done SAT/ACT. S24 is taking the ACT tomorrow. Other than ID and the print out “testing ticket”, pencils, calculator, what else can he bring in? It says no phone so I will keep that for him. Can he bring water? Anything else I am missing? And they cannot leave until everyone finishes, correct? So I can plan on dropping him and coming back 4 hours later? It’s almost an hour away but def do not want to sit there for four hours…

Water & a snack is fine (like a granola bar etc).
That’s everything.
Bring a book & find the nearest Starbucks :slight_smile:


Good Luck.

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Thanks- he will def need to take again in the spring as he has not finished algebra 2, but wanted him to take it to see what it is like and see how he does in the other subject areas.

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That is a good Idea, a lot of kids struggle to finish their first time.


My kiddo also brought extra back-up batteries for his calculator, just in case.


I’d have him bring an extra sweatshirt in case it’s cold, but that can be taken off if it’s warm in the room.


My D23 took 2 calculators just in case one quit (kind of echoing extra batteries) I agree with a sweatshirt too. It can get cold! Good luck to him!

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My son wears contact lenses so he brought his eye glasses Incase for any reason his contacts got problematic. (They normally we’re fine- but like all of us on this thread, we were just being extra cautious!) Good luck!!


So many EDs released! Anyone get news? Most of the rest will be next year…


My D found out just now that she was admitted to Willamette with a $24k per year merit scholarship! She had previously received an e mail from Laverne letting us know she was admitted but we received a letter two days ago saying she received a merit scholarship for $26k per year.

Expecting 3 more decisions before end of year. So far 7 for 7.

Best of luck to everyone’s kids. BTW, will share if she gets a decline too (thinking there might be one from Santa Clara).



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Thank you.

My son was accepted to Virginia Tech!


That was his ED, right? So you’re done?! :scream:


No ED here.

But we are feeling pretty good:

Acceptances so far:
UMaine - with merit to make it affordable
Western Michigan - also very affordable
Michigan State U - some merit, affordability still questionable but it isn’t off the table. It’s also bigger than she now thinks she might prefer. But this one just sounds exciting to D23 even if she doesn’t end up there.

Expecting more news in the next week . . . we have 12 more schools to hear back from!

It feels so great to be in this position at this time! Now to embrace the Christmas season.