Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yep, we’re done!

The weird caveat is he actually put down the wrong major (Explore Science - Undecided) instead of Engineering, so there’s that. But he still seems pretty happy about it because he was trying to decide between engineering and biology anyway, and had gone with Engineering because it was easier to switch out of instead of into… he also loves physics now, so he might study that.

So, it’s kind of weird, but he’s happy which is what matters… and I’m happy I’m paying in state tuition!


Woot! That is excellent! I also have a D23 who wants the sciences but can’t between them at this point. To her they are all fascinating!

And in state tuition - wut? WooHooo

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Congrats! Do you mind sharing her stats? My D24 is looking at Willamette. Thanks!

3.68 UW, 3.82 W. Applied test optional.

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We are waiting for a “Mid December” ED answer, it’s agonizing. :tired_face:



Same! Northwestern is “mid December” and my guess is next Friday….agonizing indeed.


We are hoping for Thursday or Friday, Duke.


Yeah, the wait is tough. My D seems to care less about it than my wife and I.


Sure. Good luck! Enjoyed visiting!

We’re looking forward to it - going in February to visit Willamette and L&C, have already visited Whitman, which she loved. We are in the Seattle area too.

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Congrats!! I have a sophomore Hokie, and my D23 is also hoping for an acceptance in February. Such an amazing school!


Both my daughters were not big fans of L+C but the campus is incredible: reflection pond, view of Mt Hood etc.

You may want to also check out Univ of Portland.

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Congratulations to all those with new acceptances! D has some good friends with great news today !
For those with not-great news, Deferral is not a No, and even the No is just for one school, more options will come later.


In some ways, I’m more concerned about what we’ll do if S gets deferred from his ED choice next week. He has an EDII lined up, but it’s easier to pull that trigger on a rejection rather than deferral.


Exactly! You can look into likelihood of a deferred student being admitted to the ED school in the RD round but anecdotally that seems rare and I would try to just treat a deferral as a rejection. What is the ED school? We are sort of lucky because I think Northwestern rarely defers ED applicants - either accepts or rejects. I have some friends whose kids were just tortured - deferred from SCEA then waitlisted in regular round, spending basically a full year trying desperately to get into a school…

Congrats to all who got into their ED school!


That’s fantastic!! Lots of options for her and your family - is she leaning towards any one school at the moment?

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I think her #1 pick would be University of Washington but won’t hear anything until March. She also has talked some about Gonzaga (will hear in Feb). Of the choices on the table, I think she would pick either Univ of Portland or Willamette.


Would love to hear comparative impressions. I have twin senior daughters — both applied to Whitman; one also applied to Willamette and L&C. As we’re in New England and haven’t seen any of them in person yet, any/all insights would be helpful!