Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Fascinating! And congrats to him!
So how do you think the decision is gonna shake out?

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Awwww good luck to her - Iā€™ll bet she will have amazing results. She sounds like a go getter!


What kind of dance? My D is an Irish dancer.


Ballet, jazz, contemporary, modern, hip hop


Wow!! That is so amazing and exciting!


We would have pushed harder on Alabama but he pointed out that if money was an issue heā€™d prefer to live at home and attend one of the local SUNY options (we have 2 good ones within a 25 minute car ride) so couldnā€™t really argue with that, especially since Iā€™d love to have him home for 4 more years. Lol. He does have potential for full tuition and even full rides at schools he is very enthused about so we will also see how things shake out in the end and hope for the best.


Nice, she is a Renaissance dancer!

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She started out strictly a bun head training pre-professionally with a regional company affiliated school. Slowly has expanded her interest and is at a boarding school with less of a ballet focus and now loves hip hop :joy:


I wanted my son to look into Rochester also but the burnout after UC apps and ED/EA was intense and he couldnā€™t manage another essay. Luckily he got into his ED school

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Kid plans to apply to another reach. Blergh.

Anyway, at this particular school, the middle 50 for ACT is 33-35.

On his first time taking the ACT, his English and reading scores were 36 and 35. Composite of 31 that time, because math pulled him down (itā€™s a family tradition).

He took it two more times to get his math/science up, but didnā€™t score 36/35 on reading/English again (34 and 33s, iirc).

Ended up with a 32 superscore.

Heā€™s planning to major in philosophy.

Would you submit the superscore? The first test only? Or none at all?


23 skipped U of Rochester, too. Liked it a lot but the price tag is crazy. $82,000 and the highest merit they give is $13,000, and they sometimes take it away sophomore year. No, thanks!


Thatā€™s a lot of kombucha!


Iā€™ve seen plenty of parental bragging on Facebook, but how common is it for someone to post a screenshot of their kidā€™s report card? Iā€™ve seen it a handful of times, but just saw the braggiest one yet, prelim semester grades hot off the presses.

A dad from my kidsā€™ HS posted not just the grade report, but the quarter and semester grades including percentages (Iā€™ve never even seen my kidsā€™ percentages :person_shrugging:). This kid has all A+ grades and is one of only a handful of juniors taking AP calc BC. Heā€™s certainly a superstar. The dad elaborated with even more braggy details in the comments.

Their elder kid is a freshman at MIT which makes it extra special and is rare for our HS. I guess Iā€™m surprised both at the actual post and at the many people fawning in the comments. The hundreds of fawning comments also happen with my other kid-braggiest FB friend (whose kid is far from a superstar). Iā€™m fascinated by the social dynamics of this.

Back when my kids were younger (I donā€™t really post on social media anymore) Iā€™d complain about something they did, or tell a funny story or something to make my friends smile or feel like they werenā€™t alone. It wouldnā€™t occur to me to post anything about my kidsā€™ academic performance.

I know this was a topic we recently covered here regarding college acceptances, but wow on the report card. These kids are genuinely nice and accomplished, but I wonder how they feel about their parentsā€™ behavior. I would have been mortified, but thatā€™s just me. Some judicious amount of celebrating accomplishments seems totally reasonable and I happily like those posts from others.

I like CC because we can brag anonymously about our kids in ways that weā€™d never do in real life! I love reading about everyoneā€™s good news and commiserating about the not so good news.


about the W&L Johnson emailsā€¦ not targeting females - my S23 has gotten them. His BFF who graduated last year actually won a Johnson Scholar but has deferred until 2024 as he is on a 2yr mission trip in Africa. I do no think that the emails are blanket, we actually visited campus so have demonstrated interest. My S23 didnā€™t apply though as he figured with friend earning it last year the chances of a repeat from our high school would be slim.

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Agreed, bragging a bit on here with fellow others whose kids are about to go to college is a far cry from what you are describing! That is really over the top.


I have a Facebook friend who posts screenshots of her kidsā€™ college report cards each semester.

Itā€™s sad when parents are so insecure that they need validation by sharing photos of report cards and bragging about their kidsā€™ accomplishments on FB . I agree, thereā€™s something different about here on CC - when parents here share where their kids got accepted to, their stats, it doesnā€™t feel like bragging. It feels more like a village here where we celebrate our kidsā€™ accomplishments and acceptances genuinely!


By the way, S23 and I just scheduled 2 out of 4 Accepted Student Day Events! Itā€™s all so exciting! The other 2 schools donā€™t have any info specific to College of Engineering, so weā€™ll wait - weā€™ve already visited those 2 schools so donā€™t need a general campus tour. Spots fill up fast, so sign up for those accepted student days if you havenā€™t already/need to!


I wonder if these parents have kids who like having these posts about them or if the parents just donā€™t care what the kids think? My kids would absolutely disown me if I ever posted anything like that and that would be the same for the vast majority of their peers too. They would be mortified.


Agree thatā€™s certainly a different strategy the parent is taking, but I guess Iā€™m ok with it because we wouldnā€™t think twice about the parent who puts up a video of their kid scoring a winning TD. The more Iā€™ve reflected on the conversations on parental bragging the more comfortable I am with it because itā€™s academic based. I think as society we downplay academics too much and conversely hype athletics too much.