Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Agree with if he’s done he’s done. Many moons ago I also bailed on my W&M application. At the time it had like 7 short essays and I just couldn’t write one more! I turned out fine and so will he :slight_smile:


It could be that he personally prefers GMU and/or VCU over WM. If that’s the case and he knows that if he doesn’t get into UV/VT he’d choose one of GMU/VCU over WM, he may feel it’s pointless to apply to WM.


Did you get any sense how big the Greek life is at Madison? My D23 is not interested in that and is under the impression it’s not that big - many of her friends are interested in avoiding that and seems to be the rumor and that attracts a lot of her peers. As a big 10 alum myself I remember it being pretty big have things changed?

Thank you. If W&M had an EA option, he would’ve done it. Those RD apps are definitely challenging to get done especially after the adrenaline rush of getting EA apps in!


I am sorry we didn’t really delve into this other than as you say the reputation is that frats are big. Certainly that would be consistent with the overall vibe we felt during the visit. Of course in a school that size everyone can probably find their people but it felt that for my queer progressive nerdy son the search would be hard and the overall vibe was not at all congenial to him.

Agreed. Our D23 isn’t submitting a single RD app. Well except for UW Seattle since that’s all they have. And that one was due 11/15.

Grateful to be in a position where she already has good choices. Mainly thanks to this community and her hard work!


He loves the program at GMU but is not fond of its campus. VCU, same. He loves that GMU and VCU are direct admits to their CS program, but he’s not too excited about their campus but has expressed that he wouldn’t mind going to either. They are both safeties to him. Maybe he’ll reconsider on a 2nd campus visit to both.

Hmmm… that interesting what you said about what’s the point in applying to W&M. I will ask him again how he really feels. Thank you!


3/3 so far! D23 joins the class of 2027 in MIT :dancer:t4:…time to compare financial aid offers.




Not to mention W&M is the most $$$ of the publics at $37K for in-state not counting books, travel, personal expenses. And almost no chance of merit aid - just the 1693.


What’s the 1693? Hmm…interesting…

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My sons year they gave it to 8 students. He was first alternate. So it went from a cost of $0 to full pay. Nothing in between.

Edit - he went elsewhere. Our EFC at the time was $25-28K. W&M wasn’t affordable even in-state for us


My son is in the same boat. Super burned out from the EA & rolling admission apps (he applied to 15) and I tried to convince him to consider University of Rochester but nope-he’s done. He did humor me and watch a pre-recorded remote session about U of R but found a bunch of reasons it wasn’t worth it, mainly thinking the COA will come out above budget (which is probably true) so I let it go. He’s been working so hard on the follow up scholarship essays and honors essays that I totally get it. He had 2 holiday concerts last week (with an extra long practice the day before) and was desperately trying to finish 2 essays before the Dec. 15th deadline while also trying to make a very time-consuming anniversary gift for his GF (6 months!) involving a box where a bunch of pictures pop up when she opens it…and he successfully managed to get all of it done on time. I was stressed witnessing his efforts! He has acceptances with good merit to 13 colleges already and we are just waiting on some tougher ones (Case Western next week, Northeastern end of January and Pitt likely end of January.) He attends Shark’s weekend at Nova Southeastern in January to compete for a full tuition scholarship & a North Park (Chicago) interview for a big scholarship in February and hoping to be invited to Rollins in February to compete for the Alfond’s full ride but we’ll see. Adding to the travel, he also has a level 10 gymnastics meet in January in New Orleans, so I’m a little worried about missing school throughout January & February but hopefully teachers understand as he’s good about keeping up. This year is flying by and I’m sure March will be here soon enough when we start actually seeing final packages as my son preps for the final decision. Senior year is quite a roller coaster ride of craziness but trying to savor every moment since he’s our baby and we will be empty nesters next year :sob:


I think it’s ok if he’s done as long as you have affordable options he’d be happy to attend. Are the two safeties affordable as well?

My kid is also burned out from EA, UC, and Cal State apps. I couldn’t get him to do any RD apps if I paid him. Now if I really wanted him to apply somewhere else and we could reuse essays he’s already written, I wouldn’t mind submitting the apps for him. I submitted his Alabama app after they sent us a letter saying the Hispanic recognition scholar would get him a full ride. He was interested as a back up but had no time to spare that week.


My 2017 HS grad who is now 18 months out of college as an EE has thanked me for steering her to full tuition / honors college options where she graduated with no debt. This is a bigger gift than most 18 year olds realize when they are looking at University.


A full ride? Thought it was 4 years tuition & 1 year housing (which is pretty good in and of itself) but sounds like they are stepping up the offer for NHMS or maybe they just really want your son and feel he has a lot to offer. That’s great! My son gave me a hard no on Bama despite that great NHMS offer that was dangled. Just can’t see himself going to college in Alabama and doesn’t want a big party school where Greek life dominants (and yes I told him about all the kids who go into the honors programs and find their own people.) He just wasn’t budging. But great your son is open to it-hard to turn down a full ride!


I so hope my kid sees this reality before he makes up his mind.
His sister is graduating with minimal debt -one year’s worth of a student loan - thanks to a full-tuition scholarship.
He could have something similar by the time all is said and done. He’s looking at grad school so it will really matter.
But the shiny objects are really turning his head this year, sigh.
I’m crossing my fingers.


Dd has regrouped, gotten over thursday’s rejection and revamped her list. She’s got two acceptances and has two more apps that are safeties, plus 1 far reach, 1 target/reach. So she added 4 more hard target/reaches. 8 apps to finish this week! Her wants are narrow. Small LAC in New England, with dance.


My daughter too! She would not even apply to the Honors college but got the Presidential Elite . It is the one school we made her apply to (Dad went there) and we knew it would be affordable. We’ll see when all the offers are in what shakes out!


DS’23 got into Notre Dame. He also got int the Big State U Honors College w/ full tuition merit scholarship. There is a very big price differential.