Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

No, I am a special education teacher who happens to love writing and I’m always looking for fun questions and journal prompts to motivate my students when we do writing lessons. I do Resource Room in two K-12 buildings so I work with students with a range of disabilities such as ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Asberger’s, etc.


I teach high school English. I am already planning to have my juniors write common app essays at the end of the year. So many have no idea of what is needed until applications are close to due.


As a history teacher, I would be thrilled to read 378 words on Cato the Elder! My stem son is so over the essays.


Whoa, that’s kind of crazy—who has time to read all those?

But on the other hand, I am reminded of Blaise Pascal’s note in one of his letters (translated): “I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter.”


Common App Essays are one of the first writing assignments of senior year in our district. I just assumed this was a common thing but maybe not?


I’m interested too!!

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I am praying that S24 English teacher does this with his class this year. He mentioned something about it in September but the teacher hasn’t mentioned it since. He will need all the help he can get and if he can bang out his common app essay during English class, all the better.


A perfectly written application essay :rofl:


So wish our English dept did that but I think the percentage of kids who utilize the common app at our school is so very small it wouldn’t be practical.

Anyone here apply to Elon?

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My D23 did. It is one of her top choices, so anxiously awaiting decisions tonight!


@flyawayx2 your profile is hidden which means I can’t send you a message with the group details. Please send me a direct message so I can reply! Thanks!

Yes, my DD did.

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My D20s strategy on homework in HS where she thought the assignment was unclear was to just write so much that the teacher would just get worn down by the sheer weight of her responses and just assume that somewhere in there was the “right stuff” (it usually was). But a HS Chem teacher called her out on it once and his comment on the assignment - a chem lab - was “brevity is the hallmark of quality scientific writing.”

However, I think her 11th grade US History teacher stopped reading her stuff about November and just always gave her 100s.


D23 did! Not holding out much hope for merit there but it is a beautiful school.

This is the best. Please try to do it. We have a H.S. teacher who has them write Junior yr. I am very grateful since both son’s had her and used those essays. They were done with everything early Aug before their senior yr.



My kid prefers Pierre de Fermat: “I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.”


Towson University: accepted

No word on the honors program or the financial package yet.


Congratulations on being done! Not done here…mine has about double the applications. There are just tons : including scholarship essays and all supplements, it is approaching 50 essays and not quite done yet but the end is in sight.