Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

University of Louisville offers an equine business program.

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Sweet Briar is horse focused and has a large and lovely campus. Lots of trails. They give good merit aid, too.

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Makes sense. More people apply to more colleges. Common App makes that easy.

The population didnā€™t go up vastly so this must be people who left during the pandemic deciding to start college or people are applying to 15+ places.

The population will dip in 2026.


Itā€™s called Grit: The power of passion and perseverance


I was just talking to someone about this over the weekend, and he mentioned his daughter is looking at Cal Poly for their equine program.


Just clarifying. There are three Cal Polys - Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (SLO), Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly Humboldt. I donā€™t want someone from OOS to be confusedā€¦ I assume you and your friend are referring to SLO.


@alaskajo @lkg4answers

Both Cal Poly SLO and Pomona offer Equine science programs and Equestrian Teams. Cal Poly Pomona is known for the Arabian Horse Center and I have fond memories of attending their horse shows and events when I was student at CPP.

Edited: As noted below, the Equine science programs are Career electives under the Animal science majors at both SLO and CPP.


Just an FYI, but Cal Poly SLO doesnā€™t offer a major in Equine Science. One would have to major in Animal Science andā€¦

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Not sure if this site would be at all helpful as a resource for finding schools with equestrian teams or clubs. It is the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (ISHA) website. The riders in the ISHA do not ride their own horses ( you mentioned she does not have a horse). You can search by state etc. and it gives basic information.

My D22 had an equestrian club/team on her wish list when looking at schools. She was not looking to study equine science or anything related, but now
attends a LAC with a club team. The team competes in the ISHA.

Good luck to your D24!


My other daughter went there, there is a good amount of other schools around there that they still made guy friends. It definitely a school where having a car is a plus. The stables and riding areas are so nice!


My nephew applied there as his reach school.


Just a quick note that the validity of some of the claims about the importance of ā€œgritā€ as a primary driver in academic and life success have been called into question by more recent research.


I looked at Cal Poly SLO because a friend of mineā€™s daughter is studying animal science there and she loves it. But my kid wasnā€™t impressed. Plus, she doesnā€™t have a year of fine arts and it would be hard to fit in next year. So CA schools arenā€™t really an option for us. (Couldnā€™t convince my S23 engineer wannabe either to take the arts classes so he could consider CA schools!)

Thanks! Sheā€™s doing IEA this year (the high school equivalent of ISHA) so thatā€™s giving her a taste of it! Itā€™s been a good experience!

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Has anyoneā€™s child submitted a robotics video portfolio as a supplemental item? My son taught himself CAD, fabricated a robot and networked with a professional competitive team to refine his design. Was thinking a video montage of the design process would show his creative side. Seems lot of schools these days want to see an arts portfolio to balance STEM academics.


Very excited here! My son was accepted EA to Case Western Reserve! They offered him a University Scholarship of $43,500 and with the financial aid grant, it brings the COA to $34,800. Still above our budget comfort level but the price tag is much less than expected (sticker price is now $86K!) He has opportunities for extra music merit and some other CWR scholarships he can apply for so not counting it out. We attended an open house and he loved the rigor and vibe. He spoke with a few professors and was impressed. So heā€™s at 13 acceptances and 2 to go (Pitt & Northeastern)

In other good news, I think I mentioned my son was invited to the honors college at University at Buffalo and was now invited to apply for the presidential scholarship of $15K per year. We are in-state so that would be amazing for a SUNY school.

And in what my son would consider the best news of all-his school district just announced a snow day for tomorrow in anticipation of the blizzard expected to arrive by late afternoon tomorrow (we are in Buffalo.) I couldnā€™t believe they were making them go all the way to Friday but now he gets a needed breather and told me he can use it to work on some of these essays.

And in MY best news, my daughter arrived safe & sound home from Loyola New Orleans. We only get her a week but Iā€™ll take it!

Happy Holidays everyone!


Congratulations :clap::clap:

Case giving such nice scholarship $ is a happy news in my household too. My daughter has applied EA but with a PreProfessional program so they let her know that she is considered with different timelines. But as you mentioned sticker price of $80+ is very high for us to afford so the possibility of nice scholarship is a welcome news !


Amazing news!! But how long before your daughter is deeply regretting leaving New Orleans for the frozen blizzard tundra that is going to be NY this week, lol.


Great news all around!

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