Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

With my last two kids finally, through college calculus, both of their classes were five credits. I see an uptick there. My oldest son’s classes were only 4 (6 yrs ago). I like how my younger DD’s school does it, they have an intense 2-week/1 credit course on Calculus functions, and if you pass the test with a certain score, you can go into College calculus, if you don’t, you are moved back down to the PreCalc class. It breaks up the Calculus GPA, with 1 credit for the intensive and 4 for the regular class.


Have one more application pending with Jan 15 deadline. Patiently waiting for that application to go out. Phew… DS23 is my youngest, can’t wait for this to be completed. I am getting senioritis just by looking at him :slight_smile:


S23 submitted his 3rd and last app yesterday. All he had on top of the Common App were 3 short answers which he’s had 2 months to do. 1 was well written and the other 2 were obviously hastily completed yesterday when I asked if he had finished since the deadline is today.


S23 somehow broke his foot last night after tripping on the stairs. :disappointed:

Since this year everything is about college applications: I’m stressed because he will have to cancel/reschedule his tour of Northeastern next week. He turned in his application a of couple weeks ago, and I was already a bit worried about next week’s tour being a bit late to meet their desire that applicants show interest.

Is there a possibility of accommodations? When we visited a university in the south, we saw a student (and her family) riding in a golf cart since the student had an injury and appeared to have crutches as well. Not sure if Northeastern would have some sort of alternate way of getting around in this type of situation. Perhaps give them a call an inquire if it’s a possibility? Just a thought.


Good Luck! Stay calm and keep blessing her.


Given that it’s a more compact, asphalted urban campus, rather than a sprawling rural site with meandering paths through acres of greens, I think that is a very feasable possibility. I have no doubt that any building in the tour will be wheelchair accessible. The bigger logistical headache might just be the travel itself.

But… reaching out to the admission officer, reiterating his strong interest to visit, and asking for an accommodated or 1-on-1 tour, will hopefully be noted in his file – even if they can’t schedule something on such short notice.


Yes, I believe all of that will be noted in the student’s file. When my student had to cancel a visit at a different university, the cancellation process consisted of simply clicking a link to cancel, but he also took the extra step of emailing Admissions to tell them why he had to cancel–due to a mandatory school-related contest–and to his surprise, he received a warm response with understanding and well wishes for his contest. We did schedule a subsequent visit, and he did get accepted to the school early action. Any chance your student gets to interact with the AO is a good thing!


He called and explained his situation and, since his doctor said he should be able to do limited walking in a couple weeks, they rescheduled the tour for then. Hopefully that will work fine.


If I were an AO at a tuition-dependent college that tracks interest, the fact that a student took the time to explain the reasons for not coming to a tour would be a positive—it means that applicant actually cares (even if only in a transactional way, but when it comes to college applications, that totally counts).


@mamomto4 – knee scooter? i used one for a bit with a broken ankle; traveled to WA DC and chicago with one. Pretty helpful and quick actually!

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Oh, that is a great idea! I’m going to see if someone I know has one he can borrow for the new tour in 2.5 weeks if he isn’t pretty mobile by then.


Barnard just extended their RD deadline to Jan 16th. Why would they do this at the last minute? Original deadline was midnight tonight.

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Fantastic! …and the school has on record his demonstrated interest.

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Where? How?

It’s on their Instagram…but actually not updated on the Barnard website.

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CommonApp showing the original deadline.

Haven’t posted in a while, but I’ve been reading. Congrats to all the acceptances and good luck on those awaiting decisions. I’m feeling similar to many of you.

DC finally finished apps on Monday! Thought they’d never get done. Added Swarthmore last minute after an impromptu visit after Christmas. Actually seems like a great fit (if only they’d listened to Mom suggest it months ago). Ended up with 12 total (lots of Reaches but good Likelies too). 2 decisions: in at Pitt w scholarship and deferred from Yale REA.

I’ll be on here probably until April 30th as I truly feel it’ll be go to then. Scheduled for Accepted Students Day at Pitt next month. This is our third and last kid and we will have 2 in college at the same time next year. We’re hoping they’ll be generally close in distance but could be as much as 12 hours apart by car.


a) not that last minute - an email went to applicants and high school counselors last week.

b) it was originally specific to “students applying from Mainland China” after the recent Covid developments there, but that restriction has since been removed “given the myriad of circumstances around the world that have caused delays in application submission.”

The same is true for the other undergraduate colleges at Columbia University as well.

This is in line with what peer institutions have done, UPenn, MIT,…


This is helpful, thanks!
My daughter submitted her last application on Dec 26th, so she never got any of these extension emails!