Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Good luck on UT Austin, all the best. Their decision date is pretty variable!


My nephew is also waiting on Purdue. He really liked it. Good luck!


Good thing is Twin 2 is not married to or pining for UT…this was his one reach…he missed auto admit by like .5 on his class rank lol so he’s just curious to see if he gets in or not. He wants to be able to say he was 7 for 7 on all his apps :laughing:


Thank you! Purdue is more of a back up as S23 really wants to stay in California.


Yep, even with the highest of merit aid the cost at DU can be prohibitive. We figured our net cost to be about $30k all in. Pretty close to what we would have paid at the UMN.

Thankfully my S23 is going to be playing baseball and the net cost is half of DU.


D23 applied to 13 schools and she’s heard from 8 but scholarships/financial info for many of those won’t be finalized until March so we’re kinda in limbo until we have those details.

Should hear from UNC, UMiami, and Rhodes in Jan and then Boston U and Vanderbilt in late March.

Her spring break is not until mid- April so I’m guessing we’ll do visits to her top 2-3 at that time and will be right up to the wire for decisions by May 1st. She’s already got some great options but is feeling some stress about making such a big decision.

Knowing that the final list will all meet her needs both financially and academically I’m guessing a good bit of that decision will be based on the vibe and feel of both the people and spaces when we tour. And probably how good the dining hall is. :wink:


Mountain towns are getting tough afford.

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you kid - but honestly, people should pay heed to the dining hall - as many kids either continually eat out or like my kids, didn’t eat and get low blood sugar, etc. So it’s a fair thing to include as a decision point.


My D17 had a rough first year of college food-wise. She was a vegetarian at the time and came home for Christmas sick and vitamin deficient. The dining hall is a big consideration!


Agreed. College I went to had horrible food. One time in the dining hall I saw a worker carrying a box of beef labeled “not fit for human consumption”. I had a friend who visited a few times that always got a stomachache when he ate in the dining hall.


Is that your child at SLO?


Yes, it was! Her main issues were the lines, too long to get food between classes, not enough vegetarian options, not enough places to eat way out by her dorm… she was a mess.

Honestly, I could 100% see the dining being a tie- breaker for her. She cares much more about that than dorms and other amenities.


If I had to do it again, UMASS and Va Tech would top my list. We surprisingly had good food at Florida Tech and Col School of Mines although the students there said that was special as it was visit day but not the norm.

At Embry Riddle, we asked the info desk where to eat and their response was - do you have a car :slight_smile:

Michigan will be a LOOOONG wait. If history is predictive, they will release a small batch of admits in Jan, defer a gazillion people to RD, and then not give a decision until March. FOr everyone’s sake this year, I hope UMich manages the process better.


I didn’t realize that was how Michigan handled admissions. It sounds like that will be happening with USC EA as well.


I think last year was the worst although they’ve always had that pattern. For some reason, the % of deferrals from EA last year was ridiculous.

USC has stated that approx 75-80% will be admitted RD.

Will students receive denial letters in the Early Action (EA) round?
No, no one will receive a denial letter in January. Students who are not admitted early will be given the chance to defer their application for consideration in the Regular Decision round. We expect that 75-80 percent of the class will be admitted Regular Decision.

Embry Riddle: Bring your mind but not your stomach!


So we should expect deferrals next week from USC! If we just plan for that maybe we won’t be so irritated, maybe… :joy: