Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

They have an annoying Trojan guy who rides on that horse with that annoying music so I am sure your student can do better!


Yes, that’s what we are prepared for!


Michigan had about 55,000 +/- EA apps last year. The balance of 84,000 total apps were RD.

Total acceptances EA and RD together are around 15,000, so yes, a majority of EA applicants are deferred to the RD pool. And virtually every year, RD decisions are released in February, March and April. As time passes in RD, probabilities of admission to Michigan decrease.

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Agreed. It seems trivial but food is a major consideration for our daughter. If the food doesn’t work for her she just basically won’t eat at all.


For EA our daughter is still waiting on UMASS Amherst and UNH. Hopefully she should hear by the end of January.


Waiting on January EA notifications from: Villanova, U Miami, Richmond and USC.

We are preparing for the USC EA deferral as well.


BTW the best campus food we have had so far was at TCU!


Are the Canadian schools likely to give merit?

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Niche rates food. Gives them a B. Not good. So it goes to show that each person should try. It seems like when people comment on food niche seems to be accurate but everyone’s palate is different or perhaps schools are improving food as part of the college luxury arms race.

What you find is kids break down - low blood sugar. Don’t eat. My kid was a mess at Charleston first semester but now loves the food. Not sure what changed but I suspect she figured out the offerings that she can work with. Still eats out a lot tho. We lowered her meal plan this semester.

You can read horror stories about Gtown on here and some folks write their kids eat out routinely there adding more expense.

I would definitely say it should be a major consideration because it’s the fuel that powers the body.

Niche rates each school but the best thing to do is certainly eat if you are on campus and if you’re not at least study menus. And ask about food if you are on tour or a virtual visit. The students will typically be honest. Our Miami tour guide said the good news is they can’t wreck a salad :). And she complimented the green goddess dressing.

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I’m feeling little stress about the college process. I wonder if that is odd.

Other families IRL don’t talk much about it, and I don’t seek info from them. 23 has been offered full tuition (and books!) somewhere and has other offers.

We await word from 8 or so more schools and will not know the decision until we receive full financial pictures. We plan to visit 2-4 schools where 23 is admitted if we can fit it in. For one school, I don’t think we need to visit because we have already been twice! However, we probably will visit again if 23 is accepted. :blush:

23 worked hard. We parents worked hard. Now we are mostly done (except for an honors essay).

Are any of you hosting graduation parties? I’m looking around for a place and haven’t found one. I don’t even know if 23 wants to have one.


My D23 applied to 11 schools. So far she has 4 acceptances (one at a school that she loves, with merit money, yay!) and 2 deferrals. Waiting on 5 more. She should hear from Villanova, Richmond and Miami by the end of Jan. She will hear from USD and Lafayette in March.


Sounds like even worst case you have a great outcome. Congrats.


@Kombucha22 - For me, I think it’s more anxious than stressed. Partially it was the early decisions that keeps me playing Monday morning QB to the decisions we made. Should he have done ED? Is our list balanced enough? Should we add more safety schools, should we add more reach schools? Should we have visited different schools? Submit tests or test optional? Should he have gone to another HS?

Then I give myself a reality check. We dialed back his EC commitment, as a result he was able to become more involved in activities at school and has truly enjoyed HS? I wasn’t crazy about his common app essay topic, but he poured his heart and soul into it for months and it is well written and reflects him.

In the end I know he will have options, and I’m thankful that he doesn’t seem to be too stressed about it. I’ll certainly be happy when we know what those options are


I think some of the problem is the huge number of applications. I have two kids attending and the process did become much slower once they allowed kids to apply test optional. I know in our district many kids who wouldn’t normally apply because they knew test scores were too low decided to give it a shot.


My kid is hoping to hear from several schools at the end of this month - UIUC, GA Tech, Northeastern, USC, UNC, Maryland. (I expect many of those will be deferrals.)

Then all the California schools will come out in March. Kid applied more widely than I would’ve, but once he had one early admission back with merit I stepped back from the process.


Waiting on three EAs too – Richmond, Northeastern, and UVA (OOS).

Magic 8 ball says:

  1. Richmond - “Concentrate, and ask again”
  2. NEU - “Reply hazy, try again”
  3. UVA - “Very doubtful” and “Don’t count on it”



Speaking of ‘portal astrology’ back in the day USC (the real one :wink: ) would send out their acceptance mailing to arrive the same day EA decisions were released so you could sign up for delivery notification and if you saw that a package was coming from Southern Cal a few days before EA that was good news.


Good question about the parties. We host parties all the time in our home and are the default “party” and gathering house for Daughter’s friend group. But ironically we are thinking none of us are up for a grad party. In our community high school graduation is the one and only time many people ever host a party and we think we’re going to let them have their day and go around and toast everyone else! Less stress for us!


My kid is going to Shaky Knees, a 3-day music festival in Atlanta at the beginning of May, so as far as I’m concerned, that’ll be his graduation party.

I’m not very happy about it, but at least his older sister lives there, so if anything happens, he’ll have a place/person to seek out.

And, if I’m honest, I can remember hazily attending a bunch of Rock Superbowls in Orlando well before my high school graduation. Can’t believe my parents let me go to those things, haha.


We are waiting on Sewanee, USF and College of Charleston. Luckily not stressed though because S23 decided he wants to stay in the warm weather and at a smaller school so none of those are really candidates anymore. He talks as if Eckerd is his final decision but I’m not going to put down a deposit quite yet, he does tend to change his mind a lot.

I don’t think he wants a graduation party. Sadly he is missing his actual graduation because it is the exact same date and time as D19’s college graduation. DH and I said we would split up and each go to one ceremony but S23 said he doesn’t care because high school graduation is so boring anyway. We’ve known the dates would most likely be the same from the day D19 chose Tulane and S23 has always said he wants to skip so we are OK with it even though I am a little sad. I am going to still have him order the cap and gown for pictures and will make the first night dinner in New Orleans a surprise celebration for him as well.