Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yeah several kids nominated from fancy private schools in the area. But not one nomination from a public high school in this large metropolitan area. Not one.

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It’s based on SAT/ACT for most. In many states it takes 1590-1600. The partner organizations are for certain groups only .

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Yes exactly! These opportunities that require different scores in different areas are frustrating but at least this one is not as varied as the PSAT score needed for NMSF.


Schools don’t nominate.

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SLU would fit too if she is open to more urban. We shall see.


Not urban/suburban but Georgia Southern is ranked very high in the major and well regarded. I have a co workers kid who raves about it. Not sure where you live but I imagine it’s ok for a B student admission wise. Here’s a link and list of highest ranked - not- all big name schools for sure and with a 3.0, that will help. At others, can you take a sociology or urban studies majors and Criminology minor - my daughter’s school College of Charleston has that. No clue about the TE, etc. Good luck.

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Update post EA round for S23:

He applied to his 3 match/target schools (UMass Lowell, Clark, and WPI) EA and heard from the last one tonight. He got in to all 3 with some “merit” aid. No need based aid at any of them, but the only one we thought might (maybe, possibly?) give a bit was WPI. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

He applied to his 2 reaches (BU & Northeastern) RD, so he will hear from them in a couple of months. The likelihood of him getting in and it being affordable for us is probably pretty small, but we’ll see. (I think I must have filled the NPC out incorrectly because for both schools it said estimated cost was ~40K, but our FAFSA EFC is over 70K. :thinking: But I double checked the numbers on the NPC against our taxes, although it is hard to compare to FAFSA because we used the data retrieval tool so I can’t see what is in the actual form. It just says “data retrieved electronically” or something like that.)

Anyway, he is happy with his choices so far so that is great!


How do they get access to the SAT scores?

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Kudos on his acceptance! NEU should notify by January 25th—Feb 1 at latest. :blush:

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Congrats on the acceptances! My son also got in at WPI! He got the presidential scholarship and the WPI grant but ouch, still expensive! No need based aid either. Good luck on his RD apps!


For those who are in-state for VA
are you getting much merit from GMU, VCU, or any of the in-state schools? Maybe my son’s stats aren’t high enough but man!!

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If Presidential scholar is based at n test scores, why would a 36 ACT kid not be on the list? Never heard about f this program.

We didn’t hear anything from VCU before he had to withdraw - but I heard that VCU generally doesn’t award merit based scholarships until March.

Something I’m learning is the Virginia schools are stingy with merit scholarships (Virgina Tech’s scholarship portal is a mess).

I don’t know if this applies, but I read somewhere that they look at sub-scores too. So a 35–35–36–36 is “below“ a 36–36–36-36. I don’t know that for sure, it’s just what I read somewhere.

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I just read on the faq’s that if a kid checked a box “don’t share scores
” they would not be on the list but there is a phone number to call

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And in one state I saw well over a dozen from one public school. Likely all perfect scores knowing that school though.

well my son just got a scholarship from VCU today, wondering if that’s it or if he’ll get more in March? I guess we will see! VCU and GMU are his safeties for CS

Oh ok, I see (about VA schools being stingy). I just thought maybe my son’s stats aren’t high enough! Did your son get any merit from VT?


Yes, that’s correct. Additional nominees (not based on scores) are chosen by the states. However, winning Presidential Scholar honor (usually in June, if I recall correctly) doesn’t do anything for college admissions.

Looks like they don’t just judge on scores for Presidential noms. That might explain why the fanciest schools around here do not have many kids on the list.

Our little state has more than THREE PAGES of nominated people. Alabama has about one. So more than 15M and 15F have to be chosen.

Correct. If I recall correctly, the majority of nominees are nominated based on scores (perhaps 3/4?), and the rest by states based on other criteria.

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