Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I’ve been trying to keep up with all these updates but we’ve been super busy. Congrats on acceptances, sorry for any rejections and keep the faith for the deferrals! We are still waiting on one college, his top choice-Northeastern. You probably heard about the debacle yesterday with the early emails that went out welcoming students to NU and giving them a link to create a new student portal. Turns out they jumped the gun and changed gears saying they would release in batches over the next 3 days. Yesterday was many NUin & Global Scholar admissions. We did not get that email and did not get a decision yet-so trying to be patient and hopeful.

Question for you. One of my son’s teachers asked him why he didn’t apply to Northwestern and talked up their psychology program. So now he regrets not applying. The deadline was 1/2 to apply regular decision with decisions late March I believe. He’s sure the answer will be no, but any value in him asking if he could still submit an app, explaining that his recent research on NWU made him realize he missed a gem? Guessing a lesser known school might consider it, but a top tier school? Doubtful. Thanks!

No. None. I mean you can ask but it’s not gonna matter.

Besides you can get pointed to 100 schools that sound great.

He chose his. And that’s great. There are schools you can still apply to. nwestern is not one.


Well, honestly he has amazing choices, many not well known but hidden gems and many showing the love so he should have no regrets! He said he can think about NWU as an option for his PhD studies.


My son was accepted to Northeastern and rejected from Northwestern. Northwestern told him they could not even give him an interview due to the high number of applicants from our area, which was disappointing as it was a top choice for him. They fill a lot of their class through ED. I think your son was not ready to commit ED, so it might not have worked out.


My son applied only to schools within driving distance so he wouldn’t have to worry about plane tickets to come home. Ended up in Boston, 3 hours away by bus. Except now he’s having a great time in Sydney, Australia for a sophomore year term abroad! We can’t afford to go visit, but I’m so happy for him to get the experience. Fingers crossed he’ll get the full 6-month experience.


If I have to email one more school to remind them to switch the “pending” in the music app to “complete”, I think I will lose my mind. These are for schools where academic and music admission is separate.
When told “you will get your academic admission within 2 weeks” and its now been over 2 months and everyone else you know who applied has already heard back.

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I read all these chains - people have more issues with admissions yet their kids are dying to go to these schools - that don’t have their act together.

I, for one, know you can’t tie a school to admissions - but it does make you wonder as the admissions department is their front line, their salespeople. If any group should be tight, it should be admissions…


Just in the schools I am following closely I have heard a number of problems with admissions departments struggling to meet the deadlines they originally committed to, or historically met. Of course, this is the first year I have paid attention to these things, so maybe it is like this every year.

But I wonder if admissions departments are also struggling with an inability to fully staff, as many businesses currently are. Or, filling with newer/less competent staff than they might have in the past.


I get it. Music is one of those odd majors that has 2 acceptances. And in the end, it likely links. Its just odd that all the other majors get more timely admission decisions at some of these schools.

There is no way that my kid could do this solo.

We (aka ME) has had to email Indiana U a few times now. LoyNo a few times (although thats a bit of a quirk with a possible “athletic admit” as well). Syracuse required emails to clear things through to let him get to the point of being able to even schedule a music audtion. Xavier was drama as my son clearly selected music major, they put him as undecided, then when we emailed back saying voice, they put him as music theater. DePaul is now allowing my son an online audition which he has uploaded everything (which I myself have done as well to ensure it was correct) and we emailed again seeing if its still showing not done on their end. There’s been a few others as well.

It is not a computer issue on our end. I am now sending screenshots. Very thankful our contact at LoyNo at least admitted it was him as a LoyNo employee that needs to trigger the “next step” and he hadn’t (which is now being done).


its funny how schools are known regionally - in our midwest neck of the woods - no one has heard of Northeastern, and i know no one who has attended nor applied. Northwestern is known as pretty elite around here. We do know some kids who have attended; they are either first gen, top top notch, or development kids (like 9 figure family donations!). The admissions rate is below 10% . Certainly keep it on that list for grad school!


Great that you are staying on them!!!

Yes would have even been unrealistic if he was organized and applied EA. The only students we know who got in the past few years applied ED and were full-pay. I heard it’s not as diverse as some of the other schools in the area and he really wants that diversity, so I think he’s in a good place with his list!


Oh no! Where are you from? DC, LA?

We are in the DC area and very hard to stand out amongst the others here. I kept joking we should move west in junior year! :rofl:

Northwestern only has ED not EA. It is an extremely hard admit.

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This makes us feel better for overlooking it. Not worth the stress when you have several good options :+1:


True about Northwestern being a difficult admit. It’s very popular at our competitive high school and was high on S23’s list. But, out of the eight kids I know who applied ED, only one was admitted. Looking forward to the final Naviance stats.


New Jersey. Tons of high stats and very accomplished kids. From our high school in the past few years one white girl was accepted to Northwestern ED for journalism and several African-American students were accepted for theater and psychology.


Funny, I grew up in DC and know how cutthroat it is down there. But now raising the kids in MA and it really isn’t much different, at least not in the immediate Boston surrounds. It is sad that a 4.0/1500/12AP, etc, etc. is a dime a dozen and kids really have to work hard to differentiate themselves. And as parents we know we have great kids but to colleges they are like “most of the others” :pensive:


I think any major metro is like that now as someone who does a little counseling and has been watching the admission cycle for a number of years. We are in the Minneapolis area


Yes to all of this!

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