Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

You can contact each and find out if merit was released and if so, where would you find it …or would you not be getting any.

If you filed FAFSA, you’ll at least get a loan offer.

But if you don’t see an aid or merit tab or section on the portal, call each school and ask location and or timing.

We are also waiting on Pitt merit & financial aid and to find out if he is accepted into honors. I find that schools send out merit at various times but, if things work the same as 2019 when my daughter applied, we received a mailed packet with everything laid out (cost, merit, financial aid, work study, & loans) by the end of March for all schools. Some appear in the portal sooner but those were the “magic sheets” we relied on to compare all costs side by side. Our financial aid offers have been all over the place-ranging from $500- $17,000 grants at private schools. So far, we have not had luck getting financial aid at SUNY schools but all 3 came through with $4000-$5000 merit. Good luck!

Thanks for this detailed information. That would help to have all the information by the end of March. Appreciate your input.
I guess apart from just the COA there would be several other factors to consider such as if our daughter would be able to get credits for her AP classes. She has fifteen and has five in most of the exams. Also we should consider which schools have over all good Comp science and Business programs as she is interested in both. She has been accepted into Penn state, Rutgers,UMD,UVA and UPitt so far. So lot of things to research.


With Comp Sci and Business being some of the most competitive majors, I would definitely research if those schools have direct admit into those majors?
Or is there an application process to those majors?
Do you have to have a certain GPA?
And if you start in one major, can you easily transfer to the other?

The answers to questions like these might help. I am unfamiliar with these schools, but did a fair amount of research on other direct admit business schools, and the processes vary from school to school.

UMD ,UPitt,Penn state she has gotten to direct admission to their Comp Engineering program. Rutgers she has both college of engineering as well as college of Arts and sciences.
UVA just says she has been admitted . But ultimately attendance depends on merit aid so just holding till end of March.


UVA you have to transfer into b school/commerce I believe third year. So it could be one doesn’t get in the major.

Those are the nuances you have to study.

Not a bad school on your list.

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UvA business school is not direct admit. You apply your 2nd year and very competitive and cut throat to get in. Good luck. My brother got in to the McIntyre but my sister did not and ended up being an Econ major. Just tell her to keep up her grades first two years and admittance is based solely on grades. My sister was super smart but she started in engineering school at UVA and after a year changed her mind but first year engineering affected her gpa- was good but wasn’t as high as the other students who started from LAS. Also gpa at UvA is harder - they have the A, A-, B+ etc so easier to be an A- and B+ student than a straight A student. Maybe they finally changed the grading system since I went but it was always the most frustrating aspect of going there since harder to do as well compared to other schools with the 90-100 being an A while at UVA 97-100 is A and 96-94 being A- then 90-93 being B+ something like that can’t recall exact since it’s been years that I graduated. She’ll love UVA if she goes.

Thanks for the info but as of now they are the most expensive in our list . I really don’t see my kid going there.

If cost is a deciding factor then that’s a great way to eliminate one or more. That the student got into UVA and UMD, they have to be strong. One of the beauties of being a strong students is money then becomes a controllable are a wider swath of schools. The hard work brings that benefit.

Are they all OOS ? If so, likely UD will be cheapest although Pitt can sometime surprise. And of course the environments are different.

Best of luck.


Thanks for your encouragement. Yes we are hoping for some merit money . She also applied to UT Dallas and Fordham regular action . Both have good NMF funding. Let’s see where her next four years are going to be.
Very complicated college process. Older grads have no clue how competitive the process has become .Recently my daughter was talking to a kind lady who heard her grades including a perfect PSAT and a qualifying SAT and her other accomplishments and told her she can get into any school! My daughter told me she told her she got deferred from two schools and was rejected from one school already and that lady couldn’t believe it.
It looks like to grades and regular extra curriculars including making to national level speech and debate and lots of leadership and volunteer activities is not enough!
She didn’t get into UMD honors college. So we have told her go wherever she feels like and have a life! Her high school years because of Covid was so stressful and she chose to take so many AP and so much leadership activities. Me and my husband really want her to go to a school where if possible she can get merit money as well as she can have a reasonable social life. 18 to 22 is such formative years in an individual’s life. Not worth stressing on academics alone unnecessary.


I mean if u want money then yeah the NMF schools will be far cheaper than any you mentioned.

My daughter got - I think it was called Scholars at UMD - or whatever is one level down. I think any level of program can be fine. It’s about shrinking a group. Both my kids are in Honors I seee no advantage for outcomes.

Good luck.

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My son originally did not have “safeties” on his list. From some feedback to this post we decided to add UC-SD to the list. In the past weeks he was accepted at UNC and Uva, so it looks like he will have some solid options from schools on his original list.

He also ended up applying to Carnegie Mellon and Northwestern…but is not particularly piqued about having to deal with really cold weather.


New news: D23 was accepted at San José State (no financial information yet), and Towson offered a merit package that makes them affordable but not world-beating.

So it looks like the most likely options are still Colorado Denver and North Texas.


We go to North Texas this weekend for auditions. I hope we will end up with those two as our unbeatable cost programs.


I look forward to hearing your impressions! (Especially since D23’s interests aren’t fine arts, but certainly are fine arts-adjacent.)

jeez, Michigan State is horrific tonight, hold your kids extra close.


Being a Vanderbilt Grad has gotten my D18/Vandy22 grad plenty of 2nd looks over the years and in her job search, not that she would ever notice and she certainly never thought of herself as better than anyone because she attended. She worked her rear off to get there, worked hard while she was there… it was definitely the right personal fit and academic environment for her. Maybe consider while you are consoling one parent your words might be insulting to another.

I’ve been super impressed with “Dean J” on the UVA thread. She has been an active poster -answering questions on a variety of topics and giving a heads up about important decision dates. Wouldn’t it be a positive step if more schools decided to follow her lead and provide helpful info on the cc threads?


Yes it’s good they are transparent. Information wasn’t as readily available when I went to UVA so it’s a good step forward.

I never said Vanderbilt is a terrible school. My former classmate is a professor there and I know that it is a great school. However, my stance that the average American has no idea about Vanderbilt’s ranking or whereabouts is a valid one.
On that note, I am yet to meet a single kid applying to Vanderbilt or some such school tell me precisely why they like that school so much beyond: (A) It is ranked very highly and (B) It is a prestigious school. IMO, that is a toxic mindset. If the kid told me instead that “I am very interested in medical research and Vandy has the best program in ion-channel pharmacology,” it would be a whole different matter.
BTW, congrats to your daughter. It is a great achievement.