Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)


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Same here - the next 5 or so weeks will be telling. (Awaiting 7 UC/CSUs in our house.)


Me three. 7 UCs, 1 more CSU and 4 more privates that in theory offer some merit. The waiting is definitely the hardest part.


My kid applied to 11 schools, but since every one required a music audition, he’s not done yet and he has just 2 decisions. Both yes! Auditions will be done by 3/3, and I’m sure he’s looking forward to that.


My D23 is 7/7 so far, with 1 still outstanding. The remaining one is vanishingly unlikely to come through with killer merit aid, so (as I’ve previously said) it’s come down to North Texas (quite affordable with a generous merit package) or Colorado Denver (quite affordable with WUE tuition plus a tiny merit package).

We’ll be visiting UNT in 2½ weeks—if she likes it we’ll put down a deposit there on the spot, and if she doesn’t we’ll confirm at UCD. Weird to think that we have what is effectively an internal deadline now.


Congrats on getting to this point! I’m curious to see how she feels about UNT vs CU, because they look like completely different campuses and experiences. My son is visiting them in the opposite order. He’ll be in Texas soon.


Not being from nor looking to go to a UC I never knew they all announce in March. Being OOS an UC doesn’t make much sense for someone hunting merit. Of course our state flagship doesn’t make sense either.

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Is there a benefit to putting down a deposit there on the spot? In my s22’s case, he put off committing until well into April, and a couple of his acceptances threw in extra merit at the last minute (~ $1,000) without us even asking them to reconsider the package.


Yeah, the UCs are pricey in state too, 35-40k a year and they give very few students merit. My kid really wants to stay near home. We’ll see how it works out.

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Sometimes housing - depends on the school. At some you can’t get in the queue. Otherwise waiting til 48 hrs b4 the deadline, if you need time is fine.

Some schools have plenty of housing for all who want it even require. But most may consider it lesser at the end if they wait as the good housing may be gone. .

I say 48 hrs in case there’s a glitch.

It’s a school by school situation though. We paid multiple non refundable deposits at schools we rejected - b4 my daughter was even accepted.

So it really is school by school.

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Applied to 13. Kid was choosy. I would have preferred more for merit comparison.

Accepted to 3 with big merit
Accepted to 1 with tiny merit
Accepted to T50-100 with a 30% acceptance rate and no merit
Accepted to Tuition Exchange school I pushed her to apply to, and she still has zero interest. :joy:

Deferred at T30, sent LOCI
Deferred at school with 10% acceptance rate
Deferred at a Tuition Exchange school I pushed her apply to and where she engaged in zero demonstrated interest. :grin::crazy_face:

Rejected at T30 with an 8% acceptance rate. Oh, well!

Awaiting RD and Tuition Exchange results from 3 more with 2 having acceptance rates of 8-20%.

According to my spreadsheet, we looked into 95 schools. :crazy_face: Most of my suggestions were rejected for being too rural, religious, small, or “like a boarding school.”


Finality, mainly.

As for the possibility of last-minute extra merit aid, no—they’re both public universities with pretty clear policies on the way their aid announcements are made, and so getting more by waiting them out isn’t in the cards. And @tsbna44 mentioned housing, and getting your housing slot is independent of admission at both places, but position in the queue is connected to when you sent in the enrollment deposit.


I think this waiting is getting to me more than DD.
Accepted with full tuition + at a safety we made her apply to (where Dad went)
Accepted TE Exchange full tuition where the TE acceptance rate was 5%. She said she would be fine there but it’s not the size or location she wants.
Accepted TE Exchange plus additional 9k at small LAC that is still too pricey with a 50k merit award.
Rejected REA at an Ivy
Waiting for one more TE and 6 reaches that only give need based. Now I am worried that the NPC was way off and even if she gets in they will be too much. Wish we’d thrown in a few more full tuition TE’s.
Can’t stand the waiting!


S23 has made his decision…Purdue for engineering (aerospace). He hasn’t formally accepted but he did tell Iowa State (go Cyclones!) when they called with what seemed like it was going to be a sales pitch call. He does need to formally withdraw from them so we can get back some of the deposit (we wanted to make sure he got into a preferred dorm). Quick recap…accepted at UA Huntsville with full tuition plus first year housing, great merit aid at ISU, accepted at CU-Boulder and UIUC but he didn’t bother to find out how much merit at those, accepted at Georgia Tech but no merit aid—that was the deciding factor. Purdue offered him the Trustees scholarships (basically brings it down to in state tuition) and honors college. In addition, he was invited to apply for Stamps scholarship and their Beering scholarship!

And got the official word this week that he is a NM Finalist!

We’ve been talking about the line “love the school that loves you”. Iowa State and Huntsvile have sent mail and emails regularly since he was accepted. Purdue has been great with lots of information for accepted students. Not a peep from the other schools. Made the decision the decision a little easier (GT would have been his first choice if they had come thru with a scholarship).
Boiler Up! :steam_locomotive:


How exciting to have a decision! How soon should our students be declining offers? S23 still has seven schools to hear from but has narrowed down his safety schools and knows where he does not want to attend. Are you emailing GATech or calling them? Not sure the protocol.

You can usually decline enrollment in the portal (where you originally found the decision).


Yes, we know about that option. Thank you. Was more curious about the timing of declining GATech and potentially opening up a spot for an RD applicant, which is why I responded to them directly.


There’s really no reason to decline until after all the RD decisions come out. It’s the only time in the process where the power shifts from the schools to you. You might go to an accepted student day and totally change your thoughts and want to reconsider your other options.


It actually doesn’t work that way. Acceptance numbers are based on projected yield, which factors in how many students will eventually decline their offer. So declining early won’t open up an additional spot for RD applicants.


Just to add context, far more turn down Ga Tech then enroll. Two years ago their yield was 41.7%. Don’t know by major but you have until May 1 to accept. No reason to rush it.

For some kids, declining early can help mentally - ie make it now impossible so you can’t go back va having second thoughts in a month. My daughter did this at several schools.

I agree that if you have even a smidge of interest, I’d get to an interested student day if it’s financially feasible.

Good luck.