Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Very small school. Jacksonville U in Fl.


what - not Louisiana?

The Dolphins - some great college basketball teams. Dee Brown from the Celtics played there.

Free tuition - thatā€™s awesome - congrats to your family if he goes that direction.


COA will likely be less than 10k difference for some of his schools so we shall see!


I was kidding. With the previous posts dudnt know about JU. Thought it was UL or Loyola.

Awesome that youā€™ve got multiple choices and Iā€™m sure solid schools.

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The 45k Fine Arts Merit really surprised me. JU is a TE school and we had not heard back from that yet. However, the Fine Arts award is same as basically full tuition (45k/yr). Leaves COA around 13k/yr.

I can still see him La. He has an offer to play esports at LoyNo and has been very communicative with the coach.

Just goes to show this really is a roller coaster ride with unexpected dips and turns!


I am so glad that your son has some solid offers. I have been reading your posts over the last few years and amazed by what you have had to go through. Congrats!


Thanks. S23 just finished the high school musical so heā€™s in his dads good graces at the moment. Dad is talking about taking him to tour JU over spring break. We shall see.

Meanwhile, plane tickets booked for me to take S23 to view UL and LoyNo next month. Decisions getting closer!


Decisions are definitely getting closer!

D23 is still waiting to hear from a few schools, but sheā€™s starting to decline acceptances as she narrows things down. She seems to have a consistent favorite 3-4 schools that sheā€™s focused on but we may need to visit a few again to really be sure.


Same boat here. Waiting on 2 more acceptances and one more financial ā€œpackageā€ to narrow things down further.

Then if she gets in to our flagship that will really shake things up!

S23 currently has 13 offers of admission, and 1 EA deferral (which he chose not to pursue in RD). He is seriously considering 6 of these offers (pending visits), and is still waiting on 8 applications (UCs / CSUs and UW).

Yes, he applied to a lot of schools, but at this point we are very happy with the strategy. It will be great if he gets into his preferred UCs, but he also has several good OOS offers already on the table with merit. Whew!


We used the same strategy! Only catch is there is still a $10k difference in COA between our flagship and all other options. But thatā€™s one reason the flagship is so hard to get into because itā€™s a great value for in state.

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I only ask given the strategy - why only 13 :slight_smile:


Some people might say that is too many schools, but considering you canā€™t go back and apply for merit if things donā€™t workout at places you have to keep your options open. Then at certain schools that have a range for merit you got to apply to see what they will give you.


You are in WA if Iā€™m not mistaken? Yes, your flagship is an AWESOME value in-state, and a great school that my son would love to attend, probably too expensive for him from OOS though :slight_smile:


He applied to 22 schools (14 decisions received, still waiting on 8) :crazy_face: :rofl:


we have such the opposite problem at our flagship. Brain drain going on in our midwest state. I think the flagship and its programs are good. solid. but kids want to leave. :frowning:

my D23 did a scholarship interview at our state flagship this weekend for a co-hort program. Itā€™s a great opp if she was offered it; not sure sheā€™d take it. Met a kid from delaware interviewing who is looking at the same OOS auto-merit school as she is too and they were both talking about that. Hoping the admins of the program here didnt hear them!


Gotcha - I need to go back to 8th grade math. I LOVE THAT STRATEGY. For merit chasers, itā€™s a home run - assuming the list has at least one to two - will 100% absolutely meet the price and the rest can get to the price. Awesome for you all.

Looking forward to the final choice.


Yes - UW. It is by no means perfect though so if he lands elsewhere Iā€™m sure he will do great!

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I am getting so antsy for decisions!!! My kid, on the other hand, is just trying to stay calm and detached. He says heā€™ll get invested in the process once acceptances are in hand.

Heā€™s accepted at 4, deferred from 1 EA, waiting on 10, 9 UCs and CSUs plus the 1 deferral. I think all of his decisions will come in between March 10th and 24th.

Then it will be a mad dash to visit any acceptances and make some decisions. If he has more than 2 or 3 acceptances among his preferred UCs and Cal States, I will feel like thatā€™s a win. If he doesnā€™t get into a California school he loves, he will likely take Purdue over Alabamaā€¦ I think.


Just paid Twin 2ā€™s enrollment deposit for UT Austin!!! Itā€™s officialā€¦we have a Longhorn in the house! :metal: :orange_heart: