Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Same here. Did many EA and got deferrals or rejections. Waiting for RD and deferrals mid to late March. The waiting is really difficult. Although, in our small grade (60 kids), there are quite a few in the same boat. It’s been a strange admission cycle.

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Oh, that is torture. At our school the kids are encouraged not to talk about it and you cannot wear any college gear until May. The grade has an IG account where each student can submit a photo of them in their college gear, if they choose. Mostly, they don’t talk about college acceptances and instead focus on all of their hard work and effort is celebrated.

Yep. D23 has 2 acceptances (her 2 safeties). She also got deferred at 2 schools, and everything else on her list is RD. We have no idea what to expect (all small schools so that’s unpredictable to begin with and even the matches are feeling like reaches now for a variety of reasons unrelated to her grades/rigor/scores/ECs) in terms of where she’ll get in but have been trying to prepare emotionally for an onslaught of waitlists and denials. Thank goodness it’s finally March, but she’s not expecting 85% of the results until second half of March, so still we wait. Almost nobody else at her school is still waiting as they mostly applied to large universities with EA and have already committed. Thankful for a few distractions and to have some CC camaraderie as we try to be patient!


Sorry to hear about the EA results. I’m sure good news is on the horizon! My guess is that you are at a private from what you said? My S23 is at a large (1600 students) elite public school in the midwest where most kids chase well-ranked public schools, which have already released decisions. It would be nice if the school discouraged them from talking about it. We also have an IG page, which definitely exacerbates the situation.

@nichols51 Ours kids sound very similarly situated! In high schools where most people go EA to large universities, but they are waiting on SLAC where it is hard to know the results. Yes, trying to be patient is tough.


We did all RD, eight schools. 3 acceptances already. All RD was the better strategy for us and has paid off.


I’m glad to hear it has paid off! We’re hoping it will for my son too. He’ll start hearing back mid and mostly late March so just a few more weeks. Good luck with the other 5 schools too.


I believe only one year is guaranteed. They have a large number of university owned apartments for second years but it is not guaranteed.

I think you are guaranteed two years, but don’t quote me on that. My son had the option of staying in on campus apartments for his third year, but decided to move off campus. It may also be that fourth years could stay in on campus housing, but it isn’t guaranteed. Not guaranteed for third years either.

Hope UC Davis works out for your D; it’s been a very good fit for my son, and it’s a really great campus and town. Very supporting environment, academic, but chill at the same time. Many good restaurants and cafes around as well.

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I think for my son it was two years guaranteed, but that may no longer be the case for the 2022’s. The housing website is pretty good, so there might information regarding on campus housing there.

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From UCD website:

Freshman Students

Housing is guaranteed for one year to all incoming fall-quarter 2022 freshman students.
Freshmen must be under the age of 24 to qualify for guaranteed housing. Freshmen will be housed in on-campus Student Housing residence halls their first year.

Second-Year Housing

Freshmen living in the residence halls during their first year at UC Davis will be offered second-year on-campus housing in either the residence halls or apartments on a first-come, first-eligible basis, depending on availability.


I currently have a freshman at UC Davis. Apparently they have had an overwhelming demand for second year on campus housing so many people are now scrambling to find alternative accommodations for next year. So I would only count on 1 year of dorm living being guaranteed (mostly triples) and i would suggest they start looking for 2nd year housing early (Dec-Jan of freshman year). It seems many people feel misled by that 2 year on campus housing expectation… but there is lots of available housing in and around Davis unlike other UCs. BTW I can’t say enough great things about UCD, my D is thriving there:)


Seems as though many of us are waiting—D23 Accepted at two, waiting on more than a dozen! No rejections yet but of course we know that will happen multiple times before this is over—part of the process for almost everyone especially for some of these crazy schools on the list.


My D is in a similar boat. She did 13 total apps. 3 were EA and came out in December, and so we are waiting on 10 more. She just received an email that the first of those decisions will be out next week. It feels like they will come quickly after that.

Good luck to all of the 2023 kids waiting for their decisions this month!


Yep! No EA at all in our household, and no ED because unaffordable. So it’s wait and wait and wait on RD, but luckily we heard unexpectedly early from some schools (CSUs + one UC + a couple of small privates that sent the equivalent of likely letters so we know she’s in, even if we don’t know the $ part yet). At this point I thought we’d only have heard back from the one school with rolling admissions, so honestly it’s been more bearable than I expected. But the wait for RD is kind of endless some weeks! Hang in there.


Wow! Very similar schools and results! The school of concern is not on your list. :relaxed: But the most helpful, positive, and welcoming FB page I joined is Auburn’s. Just a lovely community of new and existing parents.

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Thank you! Nice to hear about the Auburn page!

March is going to be quite the month, robotics competitions, Econ competitions and too many college decisions. Plus I am already appealing a FA decision.

Econ twin has 15 decisions pending and CS twin has 8. With the vast difference between FA awards at 2 full need schools that don’t consider home equity I’m starting to think maybe they didn’t apply to too many schools.


Best of luck to you & your son, too!!

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I thought senior year was supposed to be relatively chill in comparison to Junior year but… it’s not here, either. More AP classes than ever, a hideous year-long thesis project required for graduation that will be the death of all of us, ECs no less demanding, and the college app/decision process is like another job!

I’ll be so happy when there is a decision made on that…but then it’s thesis defense, graduation, AP tests… GAH


Waiting on 13 for S23, I keep wavering between optimism and a blood bath.