Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Oh, I mentioned the physics BS stuff because you had said that an undergrad degree in engineering would be good for her to get a job for a bit right out of college before she goes to grad school. I just meant that she would likely be able to do that just fine with the BS in physics.

JPL is really cool, I know some people who have worked with them. There are various paths to get there. Check out this page with their current postdocs. You can click on their names to see where they trained prior to coming to JPL.

Editing to add links about JPL internships.

About internships:

Meet the JPL interns:


This is why my D has a few of the small schools with engineering on her list. And also because I really like the smaller environment for undergrad too!


I got to spend an afternoon at JPL (back when the position of the Earth relative to the Sun was still fiercely debated). It’s an amazing place.


Roads should be okay in April, but you never know. I have seen snow on Easter in the Hudson Valley.

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my D23 did a program in Italy last year too! And also interested in JPL connections!

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She’s figuring that out. Very cool, especially for me as the paying parent!


Thx! She definitely wants to do her PhD - but also talk about working for a couple years, she likes the idea of making money and getting to do all kinds of fun stuff (like travel the world).


So cool. She loved Italy, the program was 6 weeks in Florence, but they got to travel around a bit . Where did your daughter go?

She got back the end of July, and did a women in STEM day at CalTech in August and got to meet some of the people at JPL.

Route 7 goes directly from Middlebury to Burlington. Not sure why you would need to take a dirt road, unless you opted for a scenic route or there was some sort of detour. Regardless, sorry about the flat!


I was thinking the same thing. Vermont has actual roads LOL.


@ProudDad_of_D23 As others have mentioned there are plenty of routes to a phd in physics. My D17 is in a phd program for Astrophysics and her bf is in for physics. She has one friend that got his BS in physics and then worked in finance for a few years before going back to get his PhD in physics ( he actually went to Caltech). She could also think about trying to get her Masters afterwards from Cambridge or Oxford and non-funded acceptances are easier to get for that as long as you can afford it.

Also it’s probably even worse to have a dream school for a PhD program than for UG especially MIT for Physics.


My DS23 is also interested in a PhD in Physics, rejected in both Caltech and MIT and has been accepted to Cambridge, Trinity. I know how it works for undergrad here and masters/PhD in Oxbridge. How does the reverse work? If he does the undergrad in Cambridge, what are the pathways to do Masters/PhD here in the US?

Other than a couple of ivies, almost all the schools my DD applied to will release decisions this weekend. The ivies are always lottery, but this weekend’s results will mostly likely determine where she’ll spend the next four years. I can’t imagine what if. I just needed to rant as the anxiety is becoming unbearable. Two more days


Wow, I did not know so many were coming this weekend. Ours has two this weekend, then some the next weekend then a pile at the end/ivy day. I have no idea how it will all turn out, and it is a long time to wait. Good luck to yours.

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Thanks. Same to yours!

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We learned our lesson about blithely following Google maps without looking at the proposed route first! :laughing:


yeah, 4 years of UG will likely allow for some “maturing” of expectations :slight_smile:


Lafayette is a small LAC (2500 or so students) that also has an engineering program. My wife got a degree from Lafayette in ChemE and then a masters at CMU. You should have your D26 take a look at Lafayette


My D21 spent the night on the dorm floor of a friend she knew. Didn’t go through the admissions office.


Congratulations on acceptance to Cambridge!
Concerning Masters/PhD programs anyone from any country can apply to US universities. I’m sure having undergraduate degree from Cambridge will look great on the resume!