Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Visited UL and LoyNo (and Tulane for fun) this week. Loyno is at top of his list. He has visits planned at Stetson, UNF, JU, and BW. Setting up DePaul if money comes through.

Here’s his current list.

Accepted: Merit and PARENTAL Net COA both per year. Net COA will include him paying $5500 minimum (either by working or in loan).

Jacksonville U (FL). 45k Fine Arts Merit. COA 11k

U of Louisiana Lafayette. 27,696 Live Oak Scholarship. 3k

Loyola New Orleans. 32k Esports Scholarship. COA 23k (Awaiting to see if get FACHEX which could lower cost)

Stetson- Set rate-41k scholarship via TE. COA 25k.

Baldwin Wallace- Full tuition scholarship via TE. COA 9k

DePaul (awaiting financials)

U North Florida (awaiting financials)

Xavier (OH). 25k merit. COA 28k

Gustavus Adolphus. 41k award. COA 19k

Ball State. MSEP tuition. COA 20k

U of Dayton. 24k academic merit. 4500 Music merit. COA 30k

Western Michigan. 2k merit. COA 24k

Waiting for admission decision:

Syracuse- email from music department said at least 10k fine arts scholarship but no formal admissions yet.

Indiana U- They do music and academic admit together.

U of Minn-Twin Cities- deferred but then I saw that his senior classes and his ACT had not gone through so now updated. Also, awaiting music admit.


Same. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough :grimacing:


There are definitely some socks sometimes. Or, we used to do a Nordic traditional thing where if a kid was naughty, they received a potato.

Here’s to no :socks: or :potato: for anyone this week!


Williams, Amherst and potentially Syracuse (I know one of these things is not like the other but looking for Tuition Exchange Scholarship at Syracuse). Then we will have Vassar, Hamilton, Colgate and Wesleyan.


We are waiting on couple more. At this point she has gotten admitted to UVA, UMD, Penn state, Rutgers, UPitt and Fordham.
Looks like as of now we got to decide between Schreyers honors college in Penn state which is in state for us and Rutgers honors college who have given good scholarship to bring down the cost to same as Penn state.
I wonder what would some of you may chose, if you are familiar with Rutgers and Penn state Honors program for Computer Engineering.


Obviously some of this is her preference on location and campus, but I’d lean towards Penn State. Schreyers has a great reputation and Penn State is a bit stronger in CE.

Thanks for your input. Rutgers is closer than Penn state for us. Penn state 3 and half hours while Rutgers in 70 minutes. But it is her choice.

I am heading out to buy a cake. DD has 7 results out today and tomorrow. I have to celebrate the wait is over!


I should go buy a cake! All the UCs are blue and yellow… so we could just celebrate whatever happens. :wink:


Laughing so hard about the cakes! My husband literally bought 2 cakes! 1 to celebrate the acceptance and the other because he was so happy this process was over!:tada::joy:


He is a wise man :slight_smile:


I’ll buy a cake when D makes a decision! For me :slight_smile:


Cake sounds amazing right now. My D is still waiting for 8 decisions - Conn, Kenyon, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Wesleyan, Vassar, Barnard, & Dartmouth. She has 5 acceptances in hand already, so it feels like some of the pressure is off but she is still anxious about these decisions of course. Vassar in particular has been at the top of her list for a while.

We are also waiting to hear on Tuition Exchange - she applied for four and we have not heard back on any, even though she has acceptances to two of the schools already. They all say that they will notify by 4/15 but I sure hope they don’t take that long!


Almost there!!! So great to have 5 acceptances in hand- def takes the edge off!!! Good luck with the rest and the TE- looking forward to the updates!!!


no cake for us until 3/30. Got a waitlist today, ~2-3 decisions tomorrow, but then 11 more to go. We’ll be out of the country on the 30th so… jet lag/time delay/Italian tiramisu to celebrate maybe…


Same; no cake until 4/1. Between today and then, we have six more pending. And even then, there is one waitlist hanging out there. But, I will call it done then, and if the waitlist comes through it can just be one more chaotic element in life and a chance for another cake. :smiley:


oops, replied to wrong person!


We have three affordable, great options as of yesterday, and that really does take a big weight off.

My S is waiting for 6 more, mostly tough admits for music, but definitely possible for him. Several would require big scholarships, and if he’s admitted, the prices could be all over the map. It’s really up in the air what we shall see in the next couple of weeks, and I’m so glad we have those three wonderful acceptances in hand.


we are also waiting on Mt Holyoke and Wesleyan. Wesleyan is the 25th - but I haven’t been able to find anything definitive about the date for Mt Holyoke, do you know when decisions are expected for them?


is wesleyan confirmed the 25th?