Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

She’s accepted to Sarah Lawrence, right? Awesome! I know it was not her top choice, but it’s an amazing school.

I have heard “taken off the waitlist” to mean that they were accepted.


I am watching for your updates. I am rooting for her to find a wonderful place! Way back in the day, I dreamed of going to Bryn Mawr and didn’t go.


Is this the one with unique experiences? I don’t know your child, but it stands out to me! I know all the choices are challenging, but that one sounds intriguing, while also inexpensive. (And I’m assuming he’d like to play sports. LOL.)

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Great resource, thx!


We aren’t quite at decision time yet. My son is waiting for FA from USC, where he was accepted yesterday. He also has two other decisions still to come.

Right now, these are contenders that have great jazz programs and feasible costs. Others he’s been admitted to are north of $55k COA, so not possible.

Loyola NOLA COA $26k
Our State U COA $26k
CU Denver College of Arts & Media COA $31k

@Kombucha22, I wish we had a 13k in there! But I know that doesn’t make the decision entirely “easy”.

I get what you mean about being happy, because one of these is a school that was suggested by another parent here on CC, which we’d never heard of and which I suggested to my son. It’s nice to feel like I made some contribution to this craziness.


In another strand, some of us compared the numbers and WPI was not statistically different than other campuses. Just may have had more press during a time of heightened awareness and they were open about it in media responses.

This is a concern everywhere that every family should be discussing and making sure their kids have access to mental health services.

Resource if you or someone you know is in crisis:

Call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 (para ayuda en español, llame al 988). The Lifeline provides 24-hour, confidential support to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Call 911 in life-threatening situations.


7 in 8 months.

I sure hope no other campus goes through that.

I wish our kids knew college is not life or death. Life is long. This is one small portion.


To @ProudDad_of_D23 -

I couldn’t agree more; let those colleges go, make a selection from her acceptances, make your reservations for move in day and get a sweatshirt to celebrate. (Avoid dipping your toes into the pool of magical thinking that is “I might get off the waitlist…” - it’s so much harder for those kids to happily move forward to their next chapter.)


We can take this off line as this is not the space for this, but of the deaths reported not all were suicides, not all were on campus, not all were undergrads. Of course no one wants this, but WPI has openly addressed this and worked towards developing more resources. The cause of death, location, crime stats, etc… get complicated so the stats are not easy to compare. Many things go unreported or not connected to the schools.


Sure. The entire purpose of my note was given what OP said about their student - just to really ensure it was a good fit. That’s all. It seemed like maybe given the pace of the quick classes that it might not be. That’s all.

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Yes, I am SO glad we went to the admitted student day at Sarah Lawrence. She loved it - and I know she’d thrive there. Or at Bryn Mawr, or Mt Holyoke, or Steven’s….she picked good options.

My only gripe with Sarah Lawrence is that they offered great merit, plus some need-based aid on top - but they haven’t published the tuition and fees yet for this fall. They said they will by some time in April - it’s hard for me to imagine they’ve had students commit without actually knowing the real price.

It’s nice to have others pulling for her. Every ‘target’ schools seems to have been slightly out of reach so far. Except of course Grinnell - too bad there’s no trading spots!


Interesting. We don’t get need aid but I assume they would award it in order to hit a specific price point.

Hopefully they’ll adjust it upward for you after announcing the price.

I know - I was shocked when they offered some need-based aid, but couldn’t tell me the net COA.

But given that they offered VERY generous merit, she seems to be very wanted. If the total fees are in line with last year, it’s a stretch but doable…. But we’ll definitely asked them to re-evaluate the # once they publish actual costs.

Not committing before hopefully encourages them to be more generous!

I would assume if Grinnell wants her - it’s at a much higher level so hopefully yeah Sarah Lawrence will bend over backward to get her!!

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Yes! Thank you!

This offers a unique educational experience that few other schools do.

My conversation with 23 will include this—>>>While the place is in a small town, the unique experience would be off campus as would study abroad. The sport will keep them busy and traveling. How many weeks total is a student typically at school each year? 30 weeks? If they are away for two semesters, that’s 15 weeks a year on the small campus for those two years.

Plus, we can probably buy them a car if they go there…

23’s high school has become a dysfunctional mess, and that may be part of the concern about going somewhere small.


My 21 is at UofA for full tuition/fees. They do freeze those for 4 years. For the HS class of 22 they reduced the merit by $3000 and raised the OOS tuition by 5%, next year it has already been announce that OOS with increase by 4%. I am sure ASU is very similar, since it is a Board of Regents that make these decisions and not the individual schools. They just submit proposals. It is on the docket for this year’s meeting (Regents) to have a plan in place that raises tuition every 4 years, and not yearly to help family’s better plan.


Aw, that’s wonderful someone here suggested a school you could suggest to your son!

I hope he finds his place and is happy there.

You have good prices for schools! Well done! :star_struck::partying_face:

The $13k is an anomaly due to full tuition offered through Tuition Exchange. It’s the only school where 23 received it, although one Tuition Exchange school did offer generous merit.


Study abroad. Bingo. :slightly_smiling_face: Unless he wants to settle into a school and not travel for sports.

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My son made it official. FINALLY! He will be a Pitt Panther and will study Computer Science!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s amazing how much change can happen in 6 months! My son’s #1 pick was UVA last year, then it was VT. Pitt was not even on his radar and just applied because Pitt had a concentration he liked a lot. He got accepted to a few more schools - instate, OOS, private schools. Got lots of merit from a few schools, zero to some. My son took a deep dive into each school weighing everything - CS program, classes outside his major, campus, campus vibe, location, CS community support, co-ops, internships (things that are important to him) - and in the end Pitt was a combination of all the things that are important to him!! He stayed true to himself and recognized where he will thrive best! We are just grateful we are able to afford Pitt, LOL!

So happy to be done with this college process! So much stress and anxiety. Wishing you all who are still in the decision/waiting process much luck! It will all work out in the end! Remind your kids to stay true to themselves and pick the college for best fit, not just for the prestige, but what’s best for them. Good luck to all! #H2P!!



This is something each family who has a “dream school” or top choice should realize - especially when it starts with I’m in 9th or 10th grade and my dream is such and such.

“It’s amazing how much change can happen in 6 months! My son’s #1 pick was UVA last year, then it was VT. Pitt was not even on his radar”


In the beginning of this process, we told our son to be open to all possibilities, change can happen, he will evolve, preferences will change, but that he will eventually land where he’s supposed to be.