Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Y’all want quads, check out Miami of Ohio.

That’s the most amazingly put together campus map I’ve seen in this entire country. (The consistency of campus architecture doesn’t hurt, either.)

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Here’s a much better view of Middlebury’s main quad, anchored by Mead Memorial Chapel and Old Chapel:


Gorgeous picture of Middlebury! I searched and searched and there’s not a better one on the internet.

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There are a lot more homeless in Philly right now due to Covid but I haven’t noticed much aggressive panhandling. Nothing SF-like to be sure. Might have just been RNG bad luck for Theaterforme during the visit.

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Interesting that Yale is closed down. We were just there the weekend of 8/6 -8/8 moving D17 into her apartment for grad school. S23 needs to tour 2 colleges for summer homework so on 8/8 we walked around campus and no one stopped us - did see security. No chance S23 goes there but any way to knock out homework without much effort works for him :smiley:

We toured MH back in 2016 and I thought the school would be perfect for my D17 but she did not like the location with nothing around it but that little village of a few shops.

I believe Amherst has the same athlete ratio as Williams. Small number of students but lots of sports make it that way. D17 didn’t like anything about Amherst except that it’s an anagram of hamster - so the family jokingly refers to it as hamster college.

D17 is an Astrophysics grad but was a prospective Neuro major when looking at schools so I can’t be much help.

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We just got back from a week long visit in Canada since they just opened back up to US tourist. We met up with family friends in Montreal whose D21 is going to McGill. We walked through campus so S23 can add it to his college visit homework :smiley: Very urban campus but has Mount-Royal Park right behind it. Montreal is a great city but the panhandling was much more aggressive then anything I’ve seen in Philly if that’s a concern plus the architecture is on the functional side than the aesthetic.

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My kid’s boarding school has a bunch of kids who do PG - post-graduate - years. I am not sure why…

Post-grad years are common for athletes who want to improve their recruiting prospects. Reclassifying, as its known in the sports world, gives athletes more time to work on their skills and academics. Also, prep school leagues are usually very competitive with teams led by coaches who have connections with elite and/or other desirable colleges.


@romns116 - re CDS: I can’t help you with sortable spreadsheet format but I use College Navigator, the fed. govt site, to input numbers into my own spreadsheet:

The other thing you can do is just Google CDS and or whatever school you’re looking for.

Schedule for S23 is set:
AP Seminar (dual AP Language and APUSH)
Spanish honors
Pre-calc honors
Chemistry honors

Plus he’s got mock trial, the musical and madrigals.
Busy year for the boy.
We toured Pittsburgh a few weeks ago and loved the city (and the food, omg), but didn’t get a good tour; kind of bland.

We are planning our Southern swing road trip in March:
Richmond, Emory & Oglethorpe, Bama, Tulane and Loyola N.O., then FSU

He still thinks his top schools are Temple, Pitt, Princeton for the lottery, and U. Melbourne as an outlier.
We are convinced, though, that he’s gonna fall in love with N’awlins.


I just wish I could give s23 a hug but he’s at his dad’s till next week.
First time in 10 years he hasn’t played in a game. He’s always been a starter and this year as a junior he is second string.
I know there’s learning opportunity here. Just stings a bit to watch from the sidelines.


Planing a visit out to Notre Dame for sometime in the fall (hopefully for a football game). Any suggested itineraries on other schools to visit? Was thinking of flying into Chicago and looking at a few schools in the city on either the from or back end.

When we looked at ND we also visited Michigan, Purdue and Northwestern.


@momofboiler1 thanks for the info. How many days did you take for the trip?

We did it over five days and tacked on a weekend vacation in Chicago. :slight_smile:

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My niece graduated last year from St. Olaf in physics/astronomy and finished her first year in physics doctoral program at UMinn. She was in the choir all 4 years and enjoyed her time there.


So D23 sat down with me yesterday and we looked at music tech curricula for a number of the schools remaining on her longlist, and as a result she cut a few, to the point that I almost feel like we can talk about her having a shortlist—she’s down to 16 possibilities. (Mediumlist?)

Her favorite music tech curriculum we looked at was Florida International’s, FWIW—but she’s deathly afraid of hurricanes. So that’s an interesting quandary.


Hurricanes are completely a non-issue for people who don’t own property (so you don’t have to worry about the insurance or the flooded house). You have days and days to prepare - hunker down or flee - they are the “safest” of the weather crises, if you ask me.
Now earthquakes terrify me, the control freak.
Hurricanes, eh, been thru a ton and they are just not worth worrying about as a student/renter.

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You also get some advanced notice that a hurricane is potentially coming. Giving you a chance to get out of town!

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