Parents of the HS Class of 2024

@sbinaz , I have been following your posts. I really appreciate your daughter for her hard work and determination. My D is in BS/MD program in East coast. I totally agree with you on BS/MD path, it needs planning from little early on.

Your D doesn’t have to take Medicine major to get into medical school. She can take any major and take few require courses to be qualified to apply t medical college. Medicine is a tough path so you should always have a back up plan. Honestly with Medicine as major, her BS degree may not have much value to get into a job in case Plan A doesn’t work out. I suggest her to take a major that really interests her and has some opportunities either to get into a job or do some advanced degree. Lot of students take Biology, Psychology, Neuroscience and Bio-Medical etc. There are students who took History or Economics, Dance and Data Science major too.

ASU is a very good college and as they have BS/MD program too, they must be having a good medical advisors too. She can do any major and can be on pre-med track. Talk to the admissions counselor at ASU. Follow this thread and post your questions in that

@WayOutWestMom is a highly experienced with 2 successful kids are physicians now. Please let me know if you need any help.

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