Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Since many students are receiving their scores, I’ll share this here as well.

This year, University of Tulsa added a new National Merit Semi Finalist scholarship. Semi-Finalist meaning that a student wouldn’t need to be a National Merit Finalist in order to receive the scholarship.

  • Full tuition (excluding summers) until an undergraduate degree is earned. Students must maintain a minimum of 15 hours of coursework per semester.
  • Basic Room and Board (upgrades to the basic plans are available at your expense)
  • Standard Student Fees
  • Textbooks (all incoming students receive free textbooks for the entirety of their undergraduate years)
  • Secured spot in the Leadership TU class led by President Brad Carson
  • Guaranteed acceptance into TU’s Honors Program
  • A minimum $750 scholarship for National Merit Finalists from the National Merit organization. Renewability is based on the type of National Merit funding received.
  • $6,000 monetary gift per year (funded by the Oklahoma Regents or the TU Board of Trustees)

Edit (12/16/22): The president of TU posted in the 2023 NM thread.