Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Just checked the textbook again. on the front, it says it’s for AP Physics 1. Good grief…it’s an honors physics class. LOL. No wonder D24 says it’s hard.

D24 doesn’t take naps, but she’s a total crab the next day if she isn’t in bed by 10:30 pm. Wakes up at 6:00 am during the week for school.


My D24 needs lots of sleep and often takes naps. Due to crazy demands of Fall sport, she’s not getting nearly enough naps in and that has caused some health issues. I can’t wait for her to have time for naps again. She needs them!


No time for naps with football- they practice from 3-7pm M-Th and games are Friday nights and Saturday mornings. So his only day to sleep in is Sunday. Sometimes he doesn’t get out of bed until 1pm on Sundays. The season ends early December depending how playoffs go, so he will def have a lot more time in the winter months.

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The AP Physics material is not implicitly more difficult - it’s just that teaching the material for AP students typically means explicitly preparing for the AP tests, AND for dealing with the timetable with AP tests (e.g., covering all the material in time for the AP tests, which could “shorten” the available time by weeks).

So even if the same book is used for the honors class, it still leaves the instructor a lot of options to de-emphasize certain items, or go into more/less details as needed by the students in this particular class, without needing to constantly keep one eye on the AP tests and schedule.


My S24 also does this around 3 days a week. We try to wake him up after 1.5 to 2 hours but he finds it hard to get up before 3 hours. Even if he gets up he is sleepy. My son also plays a sport in spring and he want to a winter sport also and I am worried what he will do when this starts. I am just planning to keep his weekends light and may be catch up on homework during that time.

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I guess they will have a crash course in time management when sports starts. The other day I let him sleep for as long as he wanted without trying to wake him up and he said he was grateful I stayed away :slight_smile:

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S24 got SAT results from October 1 back today. They were better (EW 750) and worse (Math 690) than we expected. He only studied for the EW sections because those are his weaker areas :woman_facepalming:t2: so I guess studying does make a difference for him.

Since he thinks he might be interested in majoring in “something engineering” he should probably take it again. And this time study for the math. :grimacing:


My S22 took honors physics last year and the book and content was pretty much the same as the AP Physics 1 class (per his friend in the AP class). He was told that the AP class went a little quicker.


When my son took a practice SAT (hasn’t taken the official test yet) he was surprised to have done better on the EW than the math (didn’t prep/study for either). Score was similar to your son’s. When reviewing his incorrect answers for math he realized he’d forgotten/gotten wrong a couple of the more obscure geometry formulas. It was a wake up call that he’ll need to brush up on some material he hasn’t reviewed recently before he actually takes the SAT!


Our score is still pending. I was looking at reddit curve thread and I see that the Math was hard in october test. So hopefully with some practice he can get higher next time.
Our S24 also is “Something engineering” mode so we also would like to see higher in math.


If Algebra 2 was a bit ago, math is easy to mess up just because they forget things. The good thing is that it they’re good in math it’s not too hard to bring scores up.

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my son’s score didn’t improve and he is weak in EW.

Got the score and improved from last time in Math (got lower than expected last time). This time he did better 780. He could have gotten 790 easily as one question he missed was by reading the question wrong and one question calc mistake. But overall our major goal was improve math and he has done that. So now time to focus on his grades and EC’s.


Just got home from the football game. Tonight was senior night and I got all choked up thinking about S24 graduating next year. It is all happening so quickly. On the one hand I want to just make it through junior year since it is such a tough year but I also am trying to remember that he will be gone in a flash.

Do you think he’ll take it again or stick with what he has? My S24 is really busy with schoolwork so I don’t think he’ll be able to take it again until June.

I think the last two tests reading tests were really Hard and my son said that October was harder than August one. He only had a 10 point change in for the reading/writing section. You may need more practice/prep time if he has the time. Another thing I have heard is may be take the test at the end of the 11th grade so he has one more year of english in school to see if that helps.

Good luck!!

The PSAT was yesterday. She thinks it was good. We will see. Such a long wait on those scores! I feel like she has the potential to do well enough for NMSF, but I don’t know that she put enough effort into it to get past mistakes. I think she needed more practice testing for the timing, endurance, etc. Maybe we’ll have a happy surprise.

We’re working through making a list of colleges that have majors that appeal to her and that are affordable or possibly affordable, depending on the scholarship. She doesn’t really want to visit any though. I might make her go, but we didn’t get a ton out of visiting with my son, so maybe I’ll wait until she is making decisions next year.


PSAT yesterday here too, S was surprisingly nervous, I think it all has gotten to him, the intensive class load and performance schedule and thinking about college. He said the English was pretty easy but the math harder than expected. Good news is there is nothing to lose from it and if he did well it is great. Glad to be done with standardized testing her!


Wish we were done! She is signed up for Nov. SAT. I hope that with the practice for PSAT and the next few weeks, she’ll have a score that works for us. I don’t know what that score is though!

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