Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Anyone register for SAT yet? S24 registered last night for the March date and the admission ticket printed out but it does not have a photo on the printout. Is this normal? He took ACT last Saturday and the admission ticket for ACT included the photo he uploaded so we were surprised that SAT ticket did not.

Yes, that is normal, they dont have the picture anymore, just bring a photo id to the sat center.


Agreed. No more photos on the tickets. Just bring ID to test day


Good luck with the ACT and SAT.

Xmas break has started here. D24 has her driving test tomorrow. Had a choir concert yesterday. That was great. She performed in a different choir concert a week ago, too.

We got word from school that they’ve hired a calculus teacher who will start when Xmas break ends. The teacher has several years of experience teaching AP calculus so that’s a relief.

D24 will be working over Xmas break on the essay questions for a summer bio research internship application. And doing some ACT test prep plus watching some Modern States lectures in French, US History, and Calculus. She is grumpy about this of course.

All DH cares about right now is the driving test. :rofl:

She’s taught the cat how to talk with Fluent Pet buttons. The cat now has a 4 word vocabulary. It’s hilarious, fascinating, and annoying all at the same time. DH wanted her to do a science log about it and turn it into a formal research thing. Heads butted over that. I’m satisfied with her doing this for fun. She’s deciding what word to add next…should probably be “no” or “later” because we are saying that a lot to the cat now. Haha.

Hope everybody is doing well.


We are plugging along here. S24 does not get out until 12/23 at noon. We celebrated the first night of Hanukkah last night which was really nice. Just scheduled tours for Clemson, Alabama and Auburn during April break. Excited for him to tour some schools he has been talking about. Looking forward to a restful winter break. The best part is, the school district where the kids attend is off for one week, and the district where I work gets two weeks, so I get a week home where everyone else is at work/school- oh happy day!


That sounds wonderful!

S21 came home this weekend so it is pure chaos here! Amazing what the extra boy does to the household. We also have one more week with school going until noon on 12/23 including a whole bunch of tests. Going away for a few days next week, hoping we can all relax!


D24 has her 6hrs mandatory driving lessons scheduled during winter break. These lessons get filled up months ahead of time :roll_eyes: and they need to be taken within a week or so and D doesn’t want to push it out to spring break.


Finals week here. Last day of the School is 12/22. Has been a crazy month for both me at work and S24 with school. Waiting for the next two weeks for a break.

s24 after a few days of break does need to look into the summer programs and finalize any essays that are needed. He also needs to wrap up a Online class he is doing by Jan 12th.

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I am begging S to finish his summer applications over break but i am sure they will be done the day before they are due, ha!!!

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What kind of summer programs are your juniors applying for? My S24 is homeschooled, so we don’t have the info some people may get through the high school guidance counselor. The only summer programs I have come across have been the type where you pay $6000 to spend 10 days or two weeks on a college campus doing something. But the cost/benefit of those does not work out for us.

I think it would be really positive for him to do some kind of summer program, especially something that would help him figure out what he might want to major in since he is very firmly undecided. He also has not had many outside the house experiences because we were extra cautious during the height of Covid due to some family factors.

We can’t afford any expensive summer program. D24 is applying for a free program that’s in state. App requires 2 letters of rec, transcript, and answering some essay questions. It’s a 7 week program, 40 hr a week, involves microbiology lab assistant work. It’s hard to get into and I doubt she’ll get in but you won’t know unless you try, right?

Other than that, summer plans will involve her getting a job.

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Last summer, my D24 did the Iowa Young Writer’s Studio. She really enjoyed her time as it gave her a glimpse of college life. She lived in a dorm at the Univ of Iowa for 2 weeks and met a couple of kids who she still talks to every week. It was a great experience.

This summer, she’s going to do a internship through the high school, get a job to gain some meaningful experience, start her college essays, and we’ll take a few vacations…

As a senior, she’ll also be expected to organize some “voluntary” running for the field hockey team.


My S24 isn’t going to do any summer programs. He has no interest and wants a break from academics. He will get another job (already works part-time), work on his essays and hang out with his brother (current freshman at UMass Amherst). We will take some family vacation as well. I think summer programs are great if the kids are interested, but don’t think they add a lot admissions wise.


My S is a high level musician and will be applying to several preconservatory music programs such as the national youth orchestra and BU Tanglewood program. I agree that pay to play college programs are not useful although there are some that give financial aid so if you would qualify it may be worth looking into. There was a program at WPI he was considering last summer that was considerably less expensive than the others that is engineering based.


D24 passed her on-the-road driving test this afternoon! Yahoo!!


I am asking him to complete during winter break but not confident he will do it :).

May go to the last day !!


Congrats! Having a license has been life changing for S24 and made MY life so much easier🤗


Previous attempts ended off-road? :wink: